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Questions & Answers with Middletown City Council Candidate Tony Marconi
Friday, October 2, 2009 1:11:54 PM - Middletown Ohio

Council Memeber Tony Marconi

Interview By : Randy Lewis

Photo By: Tony Marconi


What qualifies you to represent your ward

I was born and raised and Middletown. Attended Catholic school and Middletown High School. I am 52 years of age. My wife Bobby and I were married in 1983. One grown son married to Angie which is like a daughter to us. Three grandchildren – Talia 7 – Olivia 6 on Oct 7, and Evan Anthony 3 years of age. I have one pet dog named Vinny.

President of Marconi Construction Co. which has been serving the local area for over 30 years. Being a business owner and being involved in other businesses over the years has been a great asset in order to serve on council. I know what it takes to create and retain jobs. Being in the construction industry has allowed me to work within a government setting with all the government regulatory agencies, such as State government, municipal governments, cities, counties, townships, zoning, planning, engineering, building depts., Corp of Army Engineers, Ohio and Fed EPA, etc. My business background and experience has been a great help to prepare me for city council. I can sit face to face with a start- up company or a large corporation and understand their language and help to cut through the bureaucracy to help them succeed in our city.

I understand the issues and have been working within the system to insure that our vision of the city is met. The current council that I am a part of is addressing all the tough issues. If the voters return me for a second term, I am well qualified as a result of my current business and council experience, the accomplishments to date and the knowledge and experience to continue to bring stability to our city.

Where would you like to see the city in the next few years.

The top priority would be to continue with our economic development strategy and partnerships. We will continue to pursue the new technology jobs, medical and bio science jobs, research and development jobs, etc. We also want to strengthen our current base of employment . We are well poised for new growth as our economy is slowly turning around. I also want our city to stay on top of our fiscal conservative policies and keep a health unencumbered reserve fund. We must stay on the path of a strong public safety program.

We must continue to reorganize city hall for the most efficient and cost effective means of services for our citizens. I have been very vocal about bringing change for our Section 8 program and our property maintenance code enforcement programs to clean up the blight and demolish buildings. We are making a difference with these programs and reducing vouchers and implementing tougher standards and regulations.  Streets must remain another top priority and this year is the most street work we have had for several years. We will continue to leverage as much State and Federal money to help our street program and the city to put a small local share. Look at the new I-75 interchange – a 110 million project that the city only had to contribute six million as our share.

Breiel Blvd from Manchester to Riverview is undergoing a major reconstruction to the original base. University from Nelbar to Manchester is slated for 2010 as is Stuphin Street. Cincinnati-Dayton road from the Monroe Corporation to  Coles/Central  Avenue has been expanded and totally rebuilt and a  new bridge by Fires Station #2 just completed. Council began an annual Spring Blitz road repair pavement program in 2007.

What is your plan to replace businesses that Middletown has lost.

New jobs and job retention is our number one priority. We will work our economic development plan to make Middletown attractive for business. We will take advantage of brown fields and land banking in order to expedite development. Aeronica and Midwest Services are two huge examples of brown fields and Ohio Clean Fund money being used for clean up, expansion, and job creation. We all know about Atrium Medical Center being the East End catalyst but we tend to forget about all the other successes with new development and jobs.

I get very upset when all I hear is people saying we have done nothing. That simply is not true. Keep in mind that the whole country has and is still going through a major recession and Middletown is not any different than anywhere else. Here are the facts and a small sampling. Starting with Atrium Medical  Center, I can think of PAC National 350,000 sq ft facility, PayChex (the city in partnership with AL Neyer, Inc. received a 2.16 Million dollar grant through the Ohio Job Ready Sites Program for the construction of a 40,000 sq ft “Smart Office”), Innatech, Ventilex, Bio Life Plasma, Quaker Chemical completion, Dayton Children’s Hospital, the new Atrium YMCA,  several office/industrial buildings along Cincinnati Dayton Road, The Kroger Market Place, Drury Inn,  Medical Office Buildings along with the Oncology Center, Wausau Papers investment of 31 million in the downtown facility, Renaissance CVS,  Inn at Renaissance (assisted living), Avalon by Otterbein, the new Senior Citizens Center on Central, Hospice of Warren County in East Pointe 200, the Towne Mall out lot redevelopment with Cincinnati Bell, National City Bank, Aldis new prototype store, Walmart and Kroger expansion, SunCoke 340 million facility. And the list can go on and on. Please do not tell me that we have not done anything. We have created new jobs, retained jobs and expanded our employment base. Our plan is to continue our aggressive policies and expand our economic development program.

How would you begin to repair and strengthen our relationships with the surrounding communities.

Overall we have a great relationship with our neighbors. I do not know why there is a perception of us not getting along with our neighbors. It simply is not true. All of the surrounding jurisdictions are looking out for their citizens that they represent and rightfully so. We have very good solid relationships with our surrounding counties and cities. Our city manager Judy Gilleland, the Mayor and Councilman Becker are very involved with Warren County officials and the Warren County Municipal League.

I am very involved with our Butler County officials and State and Fed Representatives and Senators. I worked with our city manager to contact John Boehner’s and Senator Sherrod Brown’s office to get our railroad crossings  fixed. It is about building relationships. Of which our current council is doing. All of council and our city dept heads (including our manager) have different  degrees of relationships with all of our neighbors including Monroe. It simply is not true about having bad relationships with any local, county, state or federal agencies or officials.

What would you like to see happen to the downtown area?

Downtown Middletown has several focal points that we can build upon. I think the first thing we need (and we are addressing this issue) is to aggressively tear down buildings that need to go. The Swallen’s building and the parking garage needs to be demolished. The old Orman Building on Verity needs to be taken down also. We have the funds available in the downtown fund and I made it very clear a year ago that it must go. I am afraid that the money will get spent for other issues and we will still have the eyesore twenty years from now.

I like the concept of downtown being a destination point with different venues, food establishments and housing. One of the key things that council has done in the past two years is to update and change the downtown zoning to accomplish our vision and goals. As you know we established different zoning districts starting with Urban Core Central and all the guidelines on what can be located in each district. Miami University is heavily involved with the Downtown Middletown  Revitalization  project. It is going to take private enterprise along with some Public/Private Partnerships and the City Of Middletown to help in any incentives, etc. The economic development dept is active with downtown and we have several irons in the fire.

The most recent is a possible partnership with Cincinnati Tech for a culinary and hotel management school concept. We do have a good core downtown with the city building, the Manchester Inn, Fifth Third and First Financial, Miami University, The Journal, Beau Verre Stained Glass, Governors Square, The Art Central District and foundation, Main Street Historical  District, the library, the airport, Smith Park, Churches, and several independent businesses. This past summer we instituted police bike patrols and it was a great success to help clean up some problem areas.

What are your thoughts on Middletown’s section 8 situation and what would you like to see happen.

Council has already made big strides in our Section 8 program, especially this past year. We have totally reorganized and revamped our Section 8 program from the administrator, to city staff, to implementing strict criminal background checks, strict housing code enforcement standards and inspections, and are currently redoing our Administration Plan to be submitted to HUD, hopefully by year end. We will aggressively not tolerate the rules be broken and will kick people off the program that do not comply.

We have instituted monthly reports from Doug Adkins our Director of Community Revitalization. Doug has been a godsend to the department and his aggressive implementation of procedures, processes and reporting to Council has been remarkable. Council has taken an active role as The Middletown Public Housing Board and will have a public meeting monthly. We have gone from a high of 1,662 vouchers to 1,542 as of August 31, 2009. Given time, the number of vouchers will decrease. Keep in mind that we have at anytime approx 650-700 citizens on vouchers that are disabled. The Sub-Committee of Housing (of which I am a member) has taken an active role in changing Section 8. It will be a model program when we are completed with all the changes and the vouchers will be reduced as we go forward.

Tell us how you would handle the city’s budget concerns?

Council is on top of the finances and budget. A direct proof of this has been our ability to currently have close to a 25% reserve unencumbered fund. Since I have served on council, it has always been a top priority to maintain a balanced budget with at least a 15% reserve. The national recession has hurt our whole country and our income. It is very difficult to balance the needs of the community with the necessary essential services with declining revenues. Our current budget talks are going to be the most difficult since I have been on council.

We must cut an additional one million out of our 2010 general fund as our revenues continue to shrink.  We started being proactive several years back. We started cutting in order to maintain our minimum 15% reserve unencumbered fund. We are currently working through an economic reorganization at city hall (what departments need to stay, what needs cut or modified, what can be contracted out, furloughs, reduced hours, layoff, concessions, & regionalization). Currently everything is on the table to be looked at for possible savings.

In your opinion, what is the biggest problem that needs addressed in Middletown and how do we repair it?

Frankly, friends, there is nothing wrong about Middletown, that can’t be overcome by what is right about Middletown. All of our issues facing our city are in some way, shape or form interconnected.  I have worked hard to tackle the tough issues and move Middletown forward despite difficult economic times. I have helped to create jobs for our city with companies locating to Middletown as stated in question number three. Council is addressing the tough issues.

I am proud to serve on council and have the current experience and knowledge to maintain stability to our city finances and continue to grow our tax base through jobs and economic development. Having served one term on council during one of the most struggling times in history, is a huge asset as we come out of the recession and are poised for our next round of growth. As I like to refute the Forbes negative article about my hometown:  I have said this numerous times around town “Middletown is not a dying city but a CHANGING city for the better”

Interview  emailed to Randy Lewis on September 29, 2009

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Tony Marconi confirmed with MiddletownUSA.com on August 11, 2009 that he will take the candidates interview, but he indicated it would be several weeks before we received his answers.

September 1, 2009 UPDATE

Back on August 11, 2009 I spoke with Mr. Marconi, he agreed to take part in MiddletownUSA.com's interview of candidates. He did indicate that it would be several weeks before he was able to complete the interview. Yesterday Morning, September 1, 2009 I emailed Mr. Marconi to ask about the status of the interview.

This is the email in it's entirety..

From: Randy Lewis [mailto:rlewis@xponex.com]
Sent: Fri 8/28/2009 9:45 AM
To: Marconi, Anthony
Subject: MiddletownUSA.com

Mr. Marconi,
I just wanted to check the status of our interview.

Randy Lewis
Xponex media
email: rlewis@xponex.com
phone: (513) 422-1907 ext.357

This morning I received this in my mail box..

: "Marconi, Anthony" <amarconi@cityofmiddletown.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 7:25 AM
To: rlewis@xponex.com
Subject: RE: MiddletownUSA.com

It is on my list.
Thanks, Tony


Archived Comments

8/11/2009 10:45:04 AM MJ
Must going to hire a ghost writer several weeks give me a break. So in otherwords no since and calling and asking these questions as he suggests as it is going to take several weeks to get an answer.
8/12/2009 3:01:11 PM Sally
He must need to confer with his new couselors, Mr. Slagle and Mr. Scorti...
8/13/2009 4:42:15 PM IKE
He can confer all he likes just remember Section 8 Folks, according to Marconi they are in charge and hence to blame for not reducing this mess to a manageable level. They are in charge then they need to held accountable and need to go. He will not get my vote and I let everyone I meet in the third ward aware of Section 8 mess and who is in charge.
9/14/2009 4:09:24 PM tootie
I was reviewing all the candidates answers and noticed no reply from Mr Marconi. My only thought about that is if he has time to reply to all the blogs then he can make time to answers a few questions. You can tell he is a council person-ask a question and the answer is "we'll get back to you on that". The questions aren't that hard. Not good public relations Mr Marconi. Nothing personal against Marconi, he seems like a nice guy but I believe he will have a run for his money with Mr Laubach, as will Mr Armbruster with Mr Barge. I am rooting for Mr Soppanish-3rd Ward and Mr Nagy-4th Ward.
9/29/2009 3:08:17 PM Tony Marconi
Middletown USA Bloggers,

1) I write my own material.

2) The questions for the candidates had no deadline for submission. Please give me a break. I shared with Randy that it would be several weeks and I kept my word. Please do not whine about an open ended submission that had no deadline date.

3) Everyone is very busy in life and I am no different than anyone else on time constraints.

4) I just sent my answers to Randy and it should be posted soon. I did enjoy the interview.
9/29/2009 3:16:29 PM Citizen

I have no doubt you're busy, and yes it may have been open ended, but the fact that there was no deadline doesn't mean you should take a month to do it. It is rude, disrespectful, and quite frankly it shows how much you devalue the readers of this site.

If you truly wanted change and wanted Middletown to shape up and wanted to get your message across you would have MADE TIME. Your post is a pathetic attempt to get us to feel sorry, when in fact you are our elected official and we deserve more from you.
9/29/2009 4:30:36 PM Tony Marconi

It amazes me that you accues me of being rude and disrespectful. I was responding to comments that could be construed as being rude and disrespectful. I am neither. Why cannot you just except that there was no deadline and I did comply.

You make the comment that I do not respect the readers to this site. I most certainly do respect the readers and this site. How do you know what I am thinking?

I have come to accept the fact that you can never please everyone in public service. You work as hard as you can for your constituents and to make Middletown a better place. I work for the citizens. I will continue to work for you, even if you do not like me.

Tony Marconi
9/29/2009 6:37:02 PM The WEAVER
Mr. Marconi; i do not know who wrote your material. I do not believe it was Mr. Scorti or Mr. Slagle or Mr. Nenni. All I can say is GOODNIGHT!
9/29/2009 6:54:11 PM Nelson Self
Tony -

It was only 15 months ago that David Schiavone, Jim Armbruster and you told me that I would not lose my job for informing you of a number wasteful and mismanaged HUD programs. All three of you openly spoke of getting rid of one prominent City department head. You also voiced displeasure about a very high-ranking senior City staff member.

When you talk about improved Section 8 background checks and better inspection of rental units, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!

I live in Ward 3 and plan to vote for Joshua Laubach. And, by the way, your response sounds like Knight Goodman and not Good Night as The Weaver mentioned.

Nice try Tony!

Nelson Self
9/29/2009 10:49:03 PM Bob
I am still waiting on your answers to Mr. Self's reply and then I can decide which side of the fence to be on.
9/30/2009 12:56:55 PM GMAB
Mr. Marconi,

I find it quite humorous that you want us to believe you created the answers to the questions asked of you weeks and weeks ago. First off, every other Tuesday evening you sit in your chair and spew sentences that are filled with terrible uses of proper tenses and double negatives. As I read your answers, none of these common mistakes were present.

BTW, I believe that you could have made time to answer these questions on a more timely basis. You chose to represent the people of this city. If you cannot get yourself organized during an election year; please do not run for council again. The lack of time on your behalf is due strictly to the disorganization of your day-to-day tasks. Give ME a break....
10/1/2009 8:50:07 PM Larry

Is it any wonder that People like Toni are hesitant to post on here?

I have criticism for some of Toni's answers myself, but nothing He said is deserving of such disrespect!
10/21/2009 5:18:37 PM Amy Kelley
Why would you ridicule and criticize a man that has spent his entire life in this city and made it his mission to put our community back on the map?
I'm mortified by the lack of respect for a human that works for the betterment of all who reside here. I'm relieved to read that all of you are perfect human specimen that never make grammatical errors and display outstanding character with every breath you take.
Keep in mind Mr. Marconi that you have many more supporters than you do malcontents. Maybe you should suggest that these same voices take initiative in building our community instead of tearing our leaders down.
Take care :~)

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