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Who Will Replace Mr. Armbruster
Friday, March 26, 2010 12:49:24 PM - Middletown Ohio

Gary Lee Barge

With the sudden passing of city council member Jim Armbruster rumors are swirling as to whom might fill the now vacant first  ward city council seat. In the November 2009 election the incumbent Armbruster beat out first ward resident Gary Lee Barge, many think Mr. Barge may once again try to obtain the first ward seat.

For those not familiar with Mr. Barge and his stance on some issues that are concerns in Middletown, here is an interview that Mr. Barge gave to MiddletownUSA.com during the campaign of 2009

Interview By: Randy Lewis

Tell us a little about yourself and what qualifies you to represent your ward?

 I was born and raised in Middletown. Married with 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren. I had a very successful business for 15 years. It was owner/operated Barge's Auto Repair, Inc. Was a member of the Park Board/co-chair, and was also on the Tree Commission, I run at large in 2007 and recieved 2,119 votes. I graduated from Middletown High in the OWE program and also have certification of small business administration from Des Moines, IA. I have been spearheading the clean-up for the Hydraulic Canal that is located in the First Ward since the end of 2005. I have been successful in getting a public hearing for the Hydraulic Canal with the State of Ohio Division of Surface Water. The public hearing is scheduled for Sept. 23 2009 at the Middletown Community Center on Lafayette across from Douglas Park.This is more than I can say for the current council members to whom this has been brought to their attention on numerous occaissons.

I have volunteered on numerous boards and commissions and was one of the members of the original Sunset Park clean-up project with the Park Board before it was taken over by another organization. I resigned from my position from the Park Board & Tree Commission for just that reason. If elected to the First Ward council seat I would bring back  honesty and integrity and repair the damage that has been done by previous administrations.

Where would you like to see the city in the next few years?

As we all well know the city has had its troubles in the past. What I see for the future of Middletown is jobs, jobs, jobs. The city cannot continue down the same path. We all know where that has gotten us. This will be my main goal as well a lot more that I have in mind for the future of Middletown.

What is your plan to replace the business that Middletown has lost?

First of all, use common sense. Instead of doing a beautification project we need to have a demolition project for all the old dilapidated industrial sites in town. Such as Sorg Paper Co. Apply for all grants such as clean-up, brownfield, contamination etc.and create shovel ready sites for new industry to take their place. Streamline the permit process and create a new user friendly website for potential companies that are looking to expand or relocate. This time (for real) Middletown is open for business and not for the selected few. This is all up to the election. If you want business as usual then elect business as usual. I elect to have new businesses what about you?

How would you begin to repair and strengthen our relationships with the surrounding communities?

Before the city makes any dramatic decisions that will effect surrounding cities have a meeting of the minds with their leaders and get their input before we just "do it" without any communication or considerations of the ramifications that may be brought upon other cities. I would establish an open line of communications and apologize for the conduct of the past and would look forward to working with other city administrations in the future.

What would you like to see happen with the downtown area?

The City of Middletown has done enough damage to the downtown area. We have spent millions upon millions for a mall just to tear it down as well as Lake Middletown. I would like, as a councilmember, to establish a foundation for small businesses such as small business loans at very low interest rates, create an enterprise fund for small businesses to tap into, as well to communicate with our Chamber of Commerce to get very low cost business grants and workers compensation and unemployment benefits as it is the chambers ultimate duty. This way the burden would not be directly on the taxpayers as it has been in the past. Instead of the city investing in a redevelopment I would like to see them assist small business such as restaurants, retail stores, theaters, handcrafting, sporting goods and specialty foods and clothing, etc. It is the power of the small business that creates 70% of jobs in the US.

What are your thoughts on Middletown's Section 8 situation and what would you like to see happen?

 As we all know we are in a recession Section 8 is very essential to the survival of many people at this time. However when the economy starts to turn around Section 8 needs to be reduced and that will be determined upon the economy. I also feel that the Section 8 vouchers ought to be distributed equally for all cities not just one. With the creation of jobs the number of Section 8 assistance would dwindle. As a council member I would suggest that we not spend 2 years plus to stay with the same system and would also recommend that we set a limit on the vouchers and not exceed them every again.

Tell us how you would handle the city's budget concerns?

As a council member I would be open and honest and would ask the rest of the council to be on board. The concerns of the budget by applying all of the above (1-6 questions) would put a big dent in our budget problems. I would also as I have recommended in the past reduce our 60+ funds down to a managable number such as 30. Most other cities do not go over 30. There is too many funds that creates havoc on our budget system. I would also have an open and honest door policy for all the public to view the budget and have their concerns and questions answered by the financial department. Honesty has always been good policy and I have yet to see any good policies in the last few years. I would as I said in the 07 election have a state audit of our budget and funds to get a clearer picture of where we actually stand. The picture as of today is still very fuzzy. "Use common sense" and the budget will follow.

In you opinion, what is the biggest problem that needs addressed in Middletown and how do we repair it?

Restructuring of the city administration and making budget cuts according to the city' financial resources. I wrote a letter to the editor in late 08 addressing this very same issue. At the time I was told that the city was on financial stable footing and that the budget was good thru 2009. At the time I wrote the letter to the editor I expressed my concern about downsizing departments to reduce budgetary spending. In November the city announced a 1.1 in increase in revenues for 09. And lo and behold there was massive layoffs and no budget cuts. Now we're facing a 2.2 million dollar defecit. I may be a little off on these numbers since the budget is very confusing in its current form. But if my recommendations were followed in late 08 when I wrote the letter to the editor and had been followed thru the city would not be in as bad of financial problem as they are now.
Get out and vote, vote, vote for it is the will of the citizens that paves the way of the future.

Thanks for the questions.
Gary Barge

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Who Will Replace Mr. Armbruster


Archived Comments

3/26/2010 1:55:58 PM Paul Nagy
Middletownusa and the Middletown Journal could not be showing any poorer taste than they are now by having this discussion at this time. What a lack of respect and common courtesy. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
Paul Nagy
3/26/2010 2:03:54 PM JustWatching
I could not disagree with you more Paul. Armbruster held a seat on a government council and there is no disrespect or rudeness about discussing who is going to be filling that seat.

It is sad that Mr. Armbruster has passed away, but the public can't "pretend" that seat is still occupied.

I believe it is rude of you to try and stir up trouble and cause issues where there need-not be any. No one is showing Mr. Armbruster or his family disrespect by trying to determine who should fill a vacant council seat.
3/26/2010 2:21:46 PM socrates
I agree completely Mr. Nagy. This is really classless. City council do little to effect daily affairs in the city, but to have this even as a debate topic is extraordinarily poor taste. The city won't be in collapse while he is buried.
3/26/2010 4:26:00 PM Steve Lewis
I am not a member of this site so i thank Mr. Lewis for allowing us nonmembers to be able to comment on stories this site produces. It's really a mute point to comment on this since it's already up. But would waiting just two more days to begin this process hinder finding the next 1st ward rep.? Is Middletown in that poor of shape that MidedletownUSA feels we need to begin this search today? Hey,public life is tough and having people who can't use their god given name when defending this course of action makes it even more pitiful. Two days thats all. Very poor judgement!

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