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Sunset Pool Demo

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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: Fun Pictures and Video
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Topic: Sunset Pool Demo
Posted By: 409
Subject: Sunset Pool Demo
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 12:03pm
Demo has begun on Sunset Pool  Ouch

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 12:08pm
Like to put all but one of are spineless ones in that big hole and bury them.I guess that means we get to walk in Doggy Doo Doo now? Cry

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 2:16pm
Sad day we can't afford a swimming pool in this sh*t hole of a city but we can afford to pay 500,000 for old buildings that no one wants?

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 2:43pm
Yes it is a sad day.They found a way to put the screws to us on there damn street lights.Dont care what anyone says,we the taxpayers will be paying for them.Our Spineless ones arent nothing but LIARS!!!!!! Love to be there when each one of you come through the gates of heaven.Oh wait,God dont like Liars and theifs.Smile

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 3:14pm
This is just sad....and some BS!!!

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 4:36pm
When did council approve this?

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 4:41pm
It's a sad commentary on the fiscal state of Middletown. We can't afford to keep our pools open.

In this town we are tearing things down rather than building things up. Sad, very sad.

Originally posted by 409 409 wrote:

Demo has begun on Sunset Pool  Ouch

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 6:49pm
had lot of fun there back in the day, im 56, and still remember being a tot and afraid to jump in the kiddy pool. LOL then getting into my teens and chasing all the hot chicks LOL my mother is 81 and she was going there when she was a child.. everything in middletown has tuned to sh*t , so i guess the plan is to turn this park into sh*t, dog sh*t that is...Disapprove

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Aug 09 2011 at 10:42pm
Vote for Mike PrestaAngryAngryAngry

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 6:48am
They should leave that nice concessions building standing IMO. Doesn't look like it is in bad shape by the picture. Haven't been over there in a year or so. Could be converted into a place similar to The Holiday House at MUM or the party house off of University (can't remember the name of it now) across from old Fenwick HS. Got a kitchen and parking, right?

I agree with all. Sad to see Middletown disappearing one building at a time. Almost drowned in 1952 when I was a little kid in the kiddie pool bumper mentioned. It was separate from the big pool and you had to go down a few steps to get to it. Use to be 2 or 3 large slides on the nearest end of the pool as you look at 409's picture. (in the early edition of Sunset Pool) and a rickety old wooden bathhouse as you entered the pool from the parking lot. At the top of 409's picture, would have been the diving boards.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 8:10am
Vet.....They are leaving the bath house/concession building in place.
Went swimming in the old pool regularly. Circa 1960, before the 1979 rebuild.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 8:36am
It's also entirely telling of the hypocrisy of those controlling the city that we have to demolish a pool yet can give the golf course a MILLION dollars over the last five years with not one cent ever being repaid.

I guess all of us poor folks should just take up golf, no?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 10:36am
Originally posted by 409 409 wrote:

Vet.....They are leaving the bath house/concession building in place.

Went swimming in the old pool regularly. Circa 1960, before the 1979 rebuild.


Hey! Nice picture. Just as I remember it as a kid. There was a small pool to the left of the pool at the bottom of your picture 409. That's the one where I almost drowned.

This picture shows only one large slide to the right of the yellow unbrella/lifeguard stand. I thought there were multiple slides in a row at one time. They all had water running down them for easier sliding.

Good decision on leaving the concession stand IMO.

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 11:08am
Has anyone discussed what the annual cost is to just leave it mothballed for a few more years?  What's the harm?  There's probably no money to do anything with this land anyway.  Well, other than fill it in and have it be a doggie crap field.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 11:19am
Vet....I can't take credit for the 1960 photo. I borrowed it from the Library Lens site and should have noted it.
If you look closely at the left side of the photo, the other slide is partially visable.
This is how I remember it, with 2 slides. Also remember the two 10' and two 3' diving boards on the east edge.
As Edith sang to Archie "Those were the Days".

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 11:31am
Originally posted by 409 409 wrote:

Vet....I can't take credit for the 1960 photo. I borrowed it from the Library Lens site and should have noted it.
If you look closely at the left side of the photo, the other slide is partially visable.

This is how I remember it, with 2 slides. Also remember the two 10' and two 3' diving boards on the east edge.

As Edith sang to Archie "Those were the Days".


I do see the other slide now 409. Thanks for pointing that out. Looks like a newer bath house to the left of the photo also. I remember a wooden one where you rinsed off entering and exiting the pool. Anyone remember that or is the mind going at 62? Yep, some of us older people keep going back in time to ease the pain of what is currently happening in the city. Guess it's too painful to watch as your good memories keep going to the dump in trucks. The younger ones here will feel the same way when their time comes and their memories start to die with "progress". It'll come for them down the road.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 11:31am
Originally posted by Bill Bill wrote:

Has anyone discussed what the annual cost is to just leave it mothballed for a few more years?  What's the harm?  There's probably no money to do anything with this land anyway.  Well, other than fill it in and have it be a doggie crap field.
I would say the mothball cost would be minimal. The largest mechanical problem involves leakage at the floor seams and a few spots in the floor where the concrete is thin and has disintegrated. This is all repairable.
They were going to find $70,000 to demo this thing. This $70,000 would easily have repaired the problem and kept the pool open another year. But then again, golf is more important than a child learning to swim!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 12:01pm
Originally posted by 409 409 wrote:

Originally posted by Bill Bill wrote:

Has anyone discussed what the annual cost is to just leave it mothballed for a few more years?  What's the harm?  There's probably no money to do anything with this land anyway.  Well, other than fill it in and have it be a doggie crap field.


I would say the mothball cost would be minimal. The largest mechanical problem involves leakage at the floor seams and a few spots in the floor where the concrete is thin and has disintegrated. This is all repairable.
They were going to find $70,000 to demo this thing. This $70,000 would easily have repaired the problem and kept the pool open another year. But then again, golf is more important than a child learning to swim!

Ya know, I still don't understand. If the price to keep the pool open was projected to be $50,000 per season, and there are ~ 50,000 left in the city, why couldn't they have charged one lousy, measely dollar per person in each household, on their water bill, to fund the pool. You are charged for garbage pickup. Will be charged for street lights perhaps. Is two, three or four bucks per person, ONE TIME SHOT per swim season, too much to ask? Is this community really that poor as to not being able to afford this on a one time shot per year? OR, offer the people of Middletown a yearly membership. The folks who can't afford high-roller Brown's Run, Forest Hills, or Wildwood Country Club memberships could benefit from this, right? What will the poorer families do now for swimming? ..........OR......has the advent of home above and in-ground pools actually killed off the public pool interest and nothing suggested could save this thing?

In years to come, perhaps this community and it's leaders would have wished they had mothballed it after they filled it in. Sometime, down the road, perhaps in better times, given ideas are not necessarily new, just regenerated, someone is going to suggest a public pool for the community. And the cycle begins again.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 12:03pm
99% of the mothball costs is in the upkeep of the concession stand building, which is NOT being demo'ed. So why waste our money on demolishing a pool that wasn't being maintained in the first place? These kind of questionable choices are what make me seriously consider voting for things like levies and tax increases.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 3:02pm
ooooh wow cool beans on the pool pic Thumbs%20Up purdy sure i was there that dayLOL mom took us there like every day because dad worked at the mill and needed his sleep when working 2nd and 3rds, could go there and make all the noise we wanted LOL 

Posted By: TudorBrown
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 3:47pm
Look at the bright side guys, we still have the splash pads!

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Aug 10 2011 at 9:54pm
thats looking like a  "ZONK" !!!! PRIZE on lets make a deal....Wacko

Posted By: tessc57
Date Posted: Aug 11 2011 at 8:44am
I have to agree. Great times at Sunset Pool, I was on the swimming team with Coach Dillon when I was a child. We would walk to the pool and spend the entire day there. How sad to see this happening. Cry


Posted By: tessc57
Date Posted: Aug 11 2011 at 8:46am


Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Aug 11 2011 at 11:49am
A very sad day for our community.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Aug 11 2011 at 12:01pm
Whats funny is the community center got a new face lift and Douglas Park got a Splash Pad.Sunset gets a Doggy poopy Park.Thank "SPINELESS ONES."Smile

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Aug 11 2011 at 9:43pm
Ms. Moon I would agree, but as I have followed many a council meeting I cannot remember more than 5 people coming to the podium to voice their concerns on this matter. And I know that number is high.  Minutes from a PB meeting last year showed several citizens speaking out not to remove the pool but they are talking to a board that has know real power.  The chairman Mr. Conners (Don't know if thats the correct spelling) spoke at council and advised the city to wait on demo. give Mr. Wood  time to drum up money, didn't happen. Also it was suggested that a new pool, smaller, updated could be built in the future, this to me makes quite alot of sense. I am the first to question what comes out of the second floor but it's over and until more people like Ms. Moon come forward to work on these issues your dreaming that the city is going to spend our money on these "extras". The community center got a new "face lift" due to volunteers busting their -ss asking for donations from local business people willing to listen to a well lad out plan.  Mr. Armbruster at one of the council meetings brought up an " Idea" to look into a park that would benefit dog owners . Never once do I remember Sunset  being the target of this "Idea". It was studied and put on the shelf.  I grew up going to Sunset and lucky enough to belong to Wildwood I also followed the reopening of Sunset and each year of the three attendance dropped and it wasn't all due to weather.  Times have changed and maybe Mr. Wood will get fired up again and we can all support the building of a new pool, it could happen. 

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Aug 12 2011 at 5:04am
Ground Swat
What will now happen to the $18,000 that was left in the pool fund from Armco?
The Community Center and the entire area were different because it was part of the City's 5 year Plan and therefore got funding and support from the City

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Aug 12 2011 at 7:57am
Your guess Ms. Moon is as good as mine. Will it be used to pay for the demo. ? Can it be transfered over for other purposes?  I along with many others was taken aback when the city disclosed they had that kind of money left over.  As stated before I am totally lost when it comes to the decisions out of the city building.  If in fact someone wants to start a focus group to look into a new pool maybe this money can be set aside.  But if anyone thinks the city is going to look into the future for recreation needs you'll be waiting a long time.  On the other topic I'm not quite clear about a 5 year plan. Council woman Jones worked on getting the Center painted, paint may have been bought by the city but several citizens did the work.  The Center and park were then renovated(On the outside) by local contractors. 

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Aug 12 2011 at 9:44am
Ground Swat
The Douglass area was one of the areas that Mr Adkins was focusing on using the CDBG funds to improve over the next few years which was part of the 5 year HUD Community Plan.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Aug 12 2011 at 11:58am
They'll probably end up giving the $18k to the golf course

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Aug 12 2011 at 1:49pm
Or Divide  and pocket it.LOL

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 16 2011 at 7:03pm

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Aug 16 2011 at 11:48pm
I can smell the dog crap but its coming from the city building.These people that chose this must all loose their jobs.Pinch

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 6:46am
I still don't understand why this has to be torn down and the pool filled in. What would the cost be to mothball it for the city? I would imagine little to nothing. Never 5-10 years or so, there may be a need for this again. Times change, people's interests change, may be a resurgence in the interest of having a community pool again as people come and go in this town. (Realizing more are going than coming at this time- ) OK, the thing is torn down and hauled away to the dump and the hole is filled what? It sits as another empty lot with no future potential other than more frikkin' "green space". Hell, don't we have enough "green space" around there with Roosevelt now fenced off? Aren't we creating enough "desolation" in this town with the "crash and burn/tear everything down in site/ blitzkrieg" mentality? Perhaps the people dumping mattresses and other junk will move the dumping to the pool location now and we'll have to fence that in too. Mercy, we need a change in leadership to stop this "destruction for no apparent reason" mentality.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 9:14am
If those pictures are of what I think they are, then you have got to be freaking kidding me! They're just filling in the pool without breaking up the floor??? Great, now I'm going to have a SWAMP half a block from my house. Super awesome work.

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 9:52am
Is the city the best choice for this work?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 11:09am
409- randy just a thought here....... Most of you folks are certainly more well versed on the computer than I am. I happened to check out the Middletown Public Library site and found the Library Lens digital photo colletion from George Crout. Found it to be extremely interesting as to Middletown's past, especially the 50's and 60's pictures.

I was wondering, since you have these great photos of Roosevelt school, Sunset Pool, the downtown buildings pre and post demolition, etc., would it be a good idea to contact the library and ask them to include these photos in this collection or would this be too much trouble to do? What are your thoughts on this? Thanks in advance.

Posted By: middleman
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 5:47pm
I heard the city doing the demo is going to save thousands of dollars.  The same crew took up the blacktop on university blvd after the huge water pipe broke.  Heard that job alone saved the city like 60K.

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 7:22pm
middleman, that may be but it begs the question why there are city employees who have the time to jump on these unforeseen projects.  I thought the city was running super lean and that there was no unnecessary staffing?

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 11:23pm
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

409- randy just a thought here....... Most of you folks are certainly more well versed on the computer than I am. I happened to check out the Middletown Public Library site and found the Library Lens digital photo colletion from George Crout. Found it to be extremely interesting as to Middletown's past, especially the 50's and 60's pictures.

I was wondering, since you have these great photos of Roosevelt school, Sunset Pool, the downtown buildings pre and post demolition, etc., would it be a good idea to contact the library and ask them to include these photos in this collection or would this be too much trouble to do? What are your thoughts on this? Thanks in advance.
Vet....I'd like to do something along those lines. I have loads of images and have only posted a few. I always plan on trying to sort through them each winter when I figure I'll have some extra time. Well......Maybe this winter.....

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 17 2011 at 11:33pm are correct....the deep end is filled with large concrete chunks, dirt, and ?
The baby pool is now gone.

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Aug 18 2011 at 7:08am
Thanks for the pics. 409.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Aug 18 2011 at 10:43am
Ridiculous. The old pool bottom will hold in water and make that ground super saturated. Unsuitable for building any type of structure on it in the future, and if you get a severe amount of precipitation it can lead to swampy conditions and all the fun that comes with it (mosquitos).

This was even brought up already months (years) ago. Good to know we plan ahead and do the job right instead of cutting corners!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 18 2011 at 11:46am
Originally posted by middletownscouter middletownscouter wrote:

Ridiculous. The old pool bottom will hold in water and make that ground super saturated. Unsuitable for building any type of structure on it in the future, and if you get a severe amount of precipitation it can lead to swampy conditions and all the fun that comes with it (mosquitos).

This was even brought up already months (years) ago. Good to know we plan ahead and do the job right instead of cutting corners!

That water that will roll down that hill in the foreground will do a nice job in adding to the saturation too scouter.

Have you noticed what is missing in all of 409's pictures on the pool demolition? This isn't being handled correctly at all is it?......

Like any "State of Ohio highway project", the backhoes and dump trucks are shown, but there is no DIErectors, Managers, Assist. Managers, Supervisors, Assist Supervisors, Team Leaders, Assist. Team Leaders and DIErectors, Managers, Soupyvisors or Team Leaders in-training standing around a pointin', yuckin' it up and backslappin' with coffee cup in hand, while they watch the operators work. C'mon Gilleland. Let's get some city muckitymucks out there to monitor this while we destroy something......anything and make sure the hole is filled in properly according to the city policy on hole fillin'. Remember, if you have difficulty determining how that hole is to be filled, you have a valuable resource in that all-knowing Law DIErector of yours to set you straight. Just kidding. I'm sure the city building doggies know what they're doing......maybe.

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Aug 18 2011 at 7:06pm
The floor of the pool should have had multiple holes hammered into it to allow drainage,can't tell if this was done.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 19 2011 at 8:18am
I'm beginning to think that the deep end was filled in to use as a work surface for the removal of the surrounding walkways. They have been hauling the remnants of the walkway. Maybe will remove the bottom when the edge and walls come out?
From last evening:

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 19 2011 at 1:23pm
Forget my last post. They are filling in over the concrete bottom. 

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Aug 19 2011 at 4:39pm
Great but sad pics 409. Thanks for sharing.

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Aug 19 2011 at 10:02pm
No holes NO drainage!

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Aug 19 2011 at 10:37pm
this is lookin like a smarty marty half a$$ job,did alot of  this in lebanon just to come back later to redo..$$$$ ain't that right judy...  Stern%20Smile

Posted By: middleman
Date Posted: Aug 19 2011 at 11:20pm
Workers at the job today said there are  drain holes in the bottom, and will be many more before it is over.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 20 2011 at 8:57am

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 20 2011 at 11:07am
Demolished the pool in record time, didn't they? Hope everyone is happy with the city's decision. Put me down for a "no" on that. Another bit of the city's history just bit the dust. Gettin' a little desolate over by the park about now with Roosevelt and now the pool gone. Guess the city leaders are enjoying their town theme as a desolate landscape. Now, they get their projected doggie park I guess. Until then, perhaps another dump site for more mattresses and garbage and perhaps another fence to remedy the created problem no doubt.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 20 2011 at 3:09pm
Crews worked Saturday morning to cut a drain slot (approx 4' x 50') and to open up a seam that was deteriorating.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Aug 23 2011 at 8:53am
Thanks for the pics 409. When I walked home from church on Sunday I walked through the old Roosevelt property (side note: the fence has done an effective job of keeping that place junk free) and up by my neighbor's so I could look down on the site and saw those trenches. My only thought was that I hope they are planning on grading that land so it slopes down to those trenches they cut to allow for drainage, otherwise I don't think they're oging to have enough impact and the ground where the pool floor remains intact will still be prone to supersaturation with poor drainage.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Aug 23 2011 at 11:10am
Its allmost seems like the drain slots were an after thought maybe some one from the city reads this forum? And would the most logical place to cut the drains be in the deep end of the pool any way? Last time I noticed water still runs down hill LOL

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Aug 23 2011 at 11:35am
Rolls downhill from that parking area into the flat spot that used to be the whole pool, and it will cause the saturation issues if the entire piece of land that used to be the pool is kept flat. If they put slight grading in to channel the water near those trenches that can alleviate maybe. But at that point you're not talking about the water going up or downhill but in-hill as it moves through the ground itself.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 23 2011 at 8:16pm
Bushes are gone as well as most of the front fencing. Stairway to ?.
Pool Rules

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Aug 23 2011 at 9:50pm
Greenfield or brownfield. Too bad Cincinnati State doesn't have a swim team. Read Ms. G's statement about the history of certain aspects of Middletown, the fondness and attachment people had of historic ties and significance. City too worried about aging population and senior citizens than youth. Certainly says alot about Middletown...and its historic society as a whole. Let them eat cake....and swim in a canal or gravel pit. ad nauseum.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 24 2011 at 3:02pm
Pump Room

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Aug 24 2011 at 3:26pm
Wow memorbilia some one should have grabbed that sign.Shame on the people that are responsible for this.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 24 2011 at 3:35pm
Would have made a good restroom facility for the park perhaps???? Water pipes close by to have accomodated this? Too late now.

Posted By: sunwyn
Date Posted: Aug 24 2011 at 7:40pm
This is just depressing. I am so glad I am moving out this town soon. It is nothing like when I was growing up here.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 24 2011 at 9:04pm
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

Would have made a good restroom facility for the park perhaps???? Water pipes close by to have accomodated this? Too late now.
If the City Manager gets her way, the whole place will be a restroom...a DOGGIE restroom!!! LOL LOL LOL

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 24 2011 at 9:08pm
I thought City staff was running lean and mean, "cut to the bone"???  Who is doing their regular duties while these guys are running around demolishing swimming pools and reparing bike paths???Disapprove

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Voleye
Date Posted: Aug 24 2011 at 10:05pm

Thats the best the park has looked in a long long time.   Its about time we can put to bed fund raising and wasting money on the pools.   A chapter is closed.  (about 15 years too late)

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 26 2011 at 6:15pm

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 29 2011 at 6:21am
And so, it is done. Like the old hospital area, the former parking garage/Swallens/ the old YMCA/Sorg sites and the former Roosevelt school, we now have another area where activity once thrived and now, there is empty space, complete with a desolate, barren, "empty lot" wasteland to view. Nothing really planned to take their place. Just "greenspace". The city is getting good at bulldozing. Not so good at replacing that which was bulldozed. What will we do with all the emptiness being created in this city? How disgusting IMO. The longer this city keeps people like Gilleland in control, the more desolate this town is going to be. "Re-inventing" this city is one thing. Tearing down structures and leaving open "nothingness" in it's place is another story. How many sites have been torn down and how many of those sites have seen a replacement usage? Little to none. Is there any indication that the city leaders have any plans at all of using any of these empty sites? JMO

Posted By: Voleye
Date Posted: Aug 29 2011 at 10:50pm
Just playing devils advocate.  The pool is gone, nothing that can be done with it now.   What would you like to see there?   Would you like the city to try to sell the property to someone?  Make it a smaller version of Smith Park?  Let it grow into "woods"?  What would you like to see happen with the property and if the city is going to keep it where do they get the funding to do what you want them to do with it?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 30 2011 at 6:19am
Is the Baker Bowl over at Smith Park still used? If so, how about a downsized version of a Baker Bowl in that spot? Wonder if Baker Concrete would do the work at that site as they did at Smith Park? (Or is the vandalism and graffitti still an issue at Smith?) Or is skateboarding dying out?


The city provided some free music concerts (other than the Broad St. Bash) during the summer season with different venues, didn't they? Don't they have a portable bandstand? Still doing that? Haven't heard. Wonder if the community would be interested in the city setting up a portable screen on this bandstand with a sound system and showing outdoor movies during the evening hours in the summer? The former pool area might be a good place for viewing, don't know. Might give the families of Middletown some cheap entertainment on a weekend evening. Might do the vendor thing at the movies like the Bash does too. Always the comment that there is nothing to do in this town. You could also do this at Douglas and at Smith if enough interest. Just a suggestion.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Aug 30 2011 at 7:16pm
Almost done. 

Posted By: viper771
Date Posted: Sep 02 2011 at 5:24am
It doesn't look too bad actually.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Sep 02 2011 at 6:33am
Hey! 409's "almost done" pictures present an idea..... looks like a great place to have a concert with the remaining structure centered for the bands and a large open area for lawn chairs. Oh.....wait.....that's already been tried......Bicentennial Commons which was last used many years ago? (On a positive note, we do have the successful Bash stage downtown though.)

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Sep 02 2011 at 7:25am
Thnx again 409 for your fine reporting skills.  The ace reporter from this site must be washing alot of cars over at the office.

Posted By: middleman
Date Posted: Sep 02 2011 at 9:07pm
I am sad to see the icon known as sunset pool gone, but it does look like they did a good job restoring the land.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Oct 15 2011 at 9:00am

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 15 2011 at 6:25pm
Originally posted by 409 409 wrote:


greener.....yes. Also barren and desolate, as is the result of all of their demos. Sad to see Middletown becoming "open spaces" with a constant reduction of points of interest. We're going backwards from being progressive IMO. The Gilleland administration will be know in the future for a lot of things. One tag you can pin on her city epitaph will be in creating a "green space of disinterest" while she has systematically destroyed any personality this city once had. JMO ......and it was allowed to happen by the people....sad. The sooner she and her backers leave, the healthier the town stays.

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