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Non-Retained Principal Still Being Paid

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Category: Middletown City Schools
Forum Name: Other School Issues
Forum Description: Discuss other issues such as school security, student activities, etc.
Printed Date: Jun 11 2024 at 9:39pm

Topic: Non-Retained Principal Still Being Paid
Posted By: VietVet
Subject: Non-Retained Principal Still Being Paid
Date Posted: Jan 24 2019 at 11:34am
Looks as if we have a former school principal at Rosa Parks Elementary that was let go, but by contract, is still being paid half his salary he was earning while working. Sweet deal if you can get it. Didn't see that setup in the private sector in over 48 years of working. The school board won't tell the Journal nor the public, even though it is the people's money, why this situation is occurring. The story mentions some sort of discrimination but what happened specifically and who did the discriminating and why haven't they been fired? Too much secrecy with this school board. Urso and company claim it is a private matter dealing with personnel issues and they are not required to tell the public anything. Seems wrong to me not to be made to publish what happened to allow this man to resign. If he is collecting his paycheck on the public's dime, and we are paying him for NOT being here, IMO, we should know the background of this story. The Journal asked if any other school board member wanted to speak. Not one of the members wanted to be open and honest as well.(remember their names when election time is here and let's get 'em off the board) Exactly what do these other school board members do to earn the positions they have? We never hear from them as to public comments. We never hear any justification for their existence. The school board members never interact with the public. Urso does on an infrequent basis. What are their plans to turn this district around and start performing and why hasn't it been communicated to the public? Hmmmm. Kinda sounds like the pathetic city council doesn't it with regard to a lack of communication with the community. Do we have anyone running for office in this town that truly wants to be honest and open with the people they are suppose to be representing? Doesn't appear to be the case with the current crop of council and school board people. Secrecy is the current game and has been for a long time now.

So.....when the school board asks the public for money to operate their schools, wants a renewal, or wants to build more Taj Mahals on the next levy, and because they won't be open and honest about all taxpayer supported school money spent/decisions made between asking for more money, I would suggest we taxpayers remind them of this little incident next time at the voting booth. Hell, we aren't getting anything for the millions we gave them in the past. They are still leading a district that is teaching at the bottom dweller failure level anyway. What do we have to lose if we keep turning over incumbents on council and the school board? Already know what we have now, right? None are impressive, right? Couldn't do any worse and might do better with the right combination of candidates.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

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