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Middletown Moving Forward Election Fraud

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Jun 08 2024 at 3:38am

Topic: Middletown Moving Forward Election Fraud
Posted By: Paul Nagy
Subject: Middletown Moving Forward Election Fraud
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 11:48am


It is my opinion that the following constitutes election fraud and all citizens should express their outrage and demand an investigation. The following is the article in question:

Moving Middletown Forward Committee

Suggestions for activities:

*Recruit and train candidates for ward election in 2009

*Establish committees for various activities: fundraising, issues, campaign strategy

Candidate assistance

*Workshop for selected candidates: public relations, speech coaching, establish issues, raise funds ($3,000-$5,000 needed for competitive campaigns for each and establish budgets)

Recruiting suggestions

*Search for candidates who have been active in their wards and have some name recognition

*set target fundraising for each candidate (1/2 support candidate, 1/2 from committee through fundraisers)

Campaign suggestions

*Announce committee formation and its objectives, not giving away its main goal of recruiting and quietly helping groom selected candidates and making sure they get on the ballot before announcing campaign support for the four candidates. Keep issues to a minimum and goals for candidates. When recruiting, make sure candidates are on board concerning objectives and issues.

Other goals

*Consider ballot issue which would change the makeup of City Council,

For example: Four wards and mayor, eliminating at large seats, would make a more manageable and responsive council.

*Consider future ballot issue which would make Butler County Commission more responsive by adding two members and dividing commission in what would essentially be wards.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 12:33pm
Mr. Nagy I hope you will bring this to the Attention of the Chater Review Committee since you are on it and also since one of Councils Retreat issues for the committee was the reduction of the council to 4 members and a Mayor.  Part of their suggestion would be 4 at large Council Members which could be disastrous for any and all wards in this city.   4 at large Council members with a Mayor would not be representation of the people, but representation of Special interest.Thumbs%20Down

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 2:07pm
       Thank you for your good homework and posting the Chapter1724 Code on Community Improvement Corporations. Is very important material and even though such corporations are legal it doesn't mean they are ethical. They should be repealed as they are a constant source of conflicts of interests in Communities.
       Yes, I am a member of the Charter Commission. We happen to meet this Monday night at the city building at 6:00 p.m.. We will be continuing our review of the Charter for items of discussion and I shall bring this matter up as an item of discussion.
                              Paul Nagy

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 2:18pm
I agree Mr. Nagy, unethical to say the least. 

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Mar 15 2009 at 10:33pm
       The real issue is the illegality of it all. When that is investigated it should help to clean up city hall. It has certainly been long overdue. The names that are on the committee show all of the apparent conflicts of interests and every appearance of impropriety. Why hasn/t the MJ done any investigation? I'm surprised at the way in which this blog forum has avoided it.
        Thanks again for your interests in this very serious matter.
                                              Paul Nagy

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 16 2009 at 2:58am

Mr. Nagy:

I agree!

Public/private alliance formed allegedly to promote economic development is really covertly trying to steal elections and influence government.

Public money "stashed away" and "tucked away" in "some of our other funds" to be conveniently "found" whenever necessary.

Both City employees and elected officials involved.

Every rule and law of government enacted to protect the citizenry from secrecy and tyranny stretched well beyond the breaking point.

Putting contracts “out for bids” and paying taxpayers’ money to consultants to assist in evaluations only to ignore all advice and award the contract to the highest, and according to the very same consultant, least qualified bidder…the very same contractor whose performance led council to insist upon the contract to be put “out for bid” in the first place--even though they were over ONE HALF MILLION DOLLARS higher than the others!

Every day a different number of council representatives are on committees, sub-committees, boards, commissions, etc. until they themselves don’t even know who is on what, when; and other members seem to attend at will, by phone, or however, to try to circumvent Ohio’s Sunshine laws.

Yet, where is the outrage? I cannot understand why every person who has visited this forum has not expressed outrage?

Are the citizens so demoralized that they have given up? Has the Middletown Journal abandon all vestiges of journalistic civic responsibilities? Have our younger Middletonians no interest in their city? Are there no City employees of integrity left who are actually willing to serve the people, or are they all just interested in serving their own pecuniary goals?

Perhaps so, Mr. Nagy. But if so, so be it. If it is destined to be left to just a few feeble, old men to try to do what is right to save our city, so be it.

I shall stand with you!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Impala SS
Date Posted: Mar 16 2009 at 3:48am
ClapMike I shall stand with you also,maby we honest old men can turn this city around. I made Middletown my home and I want to see it run right.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 16 2009 at 9:59am
After thinking long and hard about this situation, I doubt that anything illegal is happening.  If this group wants to pound home an agenda, and is willing to do it in the open now, then so be it. Has it tainted past decisions by municipal organizations? Probably--but try to prove it after the fact.
Unethical? Probably. Especially the involvement of active Councilmembers plotting against their cohorts, and city manager involvement. Still--ethics have never been a concern within the city building, and I doubt that situation will change suddenly.
Hopefully the MJ will pick up on this and increase public awareness to force some sort of public and organizational comment on the status,goals and membership of Middletown Moving Forward. Mr.Nagy and hopefully others should raise this issue 2nite at the Charter Review meeting(especially since charter changes are on the MMF agenda). Utilizing citizens' comments at 2morrow's Council meeting and pounding the issue repeatedly to keep this situation on the front burner, where the citizens get caught up in the story. Maybe examing the meeting conditions of MMF, attending open meetings and publishing past minutes. If city employees and Chamber reps are working this on city or Chamber time/designation, then some sort of openness/documentation could be mandated. As a Chamber member, I have already asked ?s about Chamber involvement and will continue to press the issue on that front. Someone else should press the admin and MJ. Can't do or say much about involvement of Cohen Bro.,AK or Atrium.
We know now how the up-coming ward elections will play out, and the MMF selected candidates shouldn't be hard to identify(especially when the funding kicks in!). 
Are we SURE that this alleged document is current and authentic?
Who submitted it, it will be payed for by whom, and distributed by whom could be very interesting. Is there any way we could determine authenticity of the agenda posted, who submitted it and for whom, and have this clear by 2morrow night's Council meeting?

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 16 2009 at 12:34pm
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

Are we SURE that this alleged document is current and authentic? YES!!
Is there any way we could determine authenticity of the agenda posted, who submitted it and for whom, and have this clear by 2morrow night's Council meeting? YES!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 16 2009 at 12:56pm

Following are what I believe to be relevant sections of the Ohio Revised Code regarding malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance of duty:


733.56 Application for injunction.

The village solicitor or city director of law shall apply, in the name of the municipal corporation, to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order of injunction to restrain the misapplication of funds of the municipal corporation, the abuse of its corporate powers, or the execution or performance of any contract made in behalf of the municipal corporation in contravention of the laws or ordinance[s] governing it, or which was procured by fraud or corruption.

Effective Date: 11-01-1977

733.58 Writ of mandamus.

In case an officer or board of a municipal corporation fails to perform any duty expressly enjoined by law or ordinance, the village solicitor or city director of law shall apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for a writ of mandamus to compel the performance of the duty.

Effective Date: 11-01-1977

733.581 Taxpayer named as party defendant.

If the village solicitor or city director of law, upon the written request of any taxpayer of the municipal corporation, makes any application provided for by section 733.56, 733.57, or 733.58 of the Revised Code, the taxpayer may be named as a party defendant and if so named shall have the right to assist in presenting all issues of law and fact to the court in order that a full and complete adjudication of the controversy may be had.

In any civil action or proceeding involving the public interest the court shall grant the application of any person to intervene if the court believes that the public interest will be better protected or justice will be furthered.

Effective Date: 11-01-1977

733.59 Taxpayer's suit.

If the village solicitor or city director of law fails, upon the written request of any taxpayer of the municipal corporation, to make any application provided for in sections 733.56 to 733.58 of the Revised Code, the taxpayer may institute suit in his own name, on behalf of the municipal corporation. Any taxpayer of any municipal corporation in which there is no village solicitor or city director of law may bring such suit on behalf of the municipal corporation. No such suit or proceeding shall be entertained by any court until the taxpayer gives security for the cost of the proceeding.

Effective Date: 11-01-1977

733.61 Duty of court.

If the court hearing a case under section 733.59 of the Revised Code is satisfied that the taxpayer had good cause to believe that his allegations were well founded, or if they are sufficient in law, it shall make such order as the equity of the case demands. In such case the taxpayer shall be allowed his costs, and, if judgment is finally ordered in his favor, he may be allowed, as part of the costs, a reasonable compensation for his attorney.

733.72 Charges against municipal officers filed with probate judge - proceedings.

When a complaint under oath is filed with the probate judge of the county in which a municipal corporation or the larger part thereof is situated, by any elector of the municipal corporation, signed and approved by four other electors thereof, the judge shall forthwith issue a citation to any person charged in the complaint for his appearance before the judge within ten days from the filing thereof, and shall also furnish the accused and the village solicitor or city director of law with a copy thereof. The complaint shall charge any of the following:

(A) That a member of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation has received, directly or indirectly, compensation for his services as a member thereof, as a committeeman, or otherwise, contrary to law;

(B) That a member of the legislative authority or an officer of the municipal corporation is or has been interested, directly or indirectly, in the profits of a contract, job, work, or service, or is or has been acting as a commissioner, architect, superintendent, or engineer in work undertaken or prosecuted by the municipal corporation, contrary to law;

(C) That a member of the legislative authority or an officer of the municipal corporation has been guilty of misfeasance or malfeasance in office.

Before acting upon such complaint, the judge shall require the party complaining to furnish sufficient security for costs.

Effective Date: 11-01-1977

733.73 Appearance of counsel - jury.

On the day fixed by the probate judge for the return of the citation issued pursuant to section 733.72 of the Revised Code, the village solicitor or city director of law shall appear on behalf of the complainant to conduct the prosecution, and the accused may also appear by counsel. A time shall be set for hearing the case, which shall be not more than ten days after such return. If a jury is demanded by either party, the probate judge shall direct the summoning of twelve men [jurors] in the manner provided by sections 2313.19 to 2313.26 of the Revised Code. In a municipal corporation having no village solicitor or city director of law, or in case the village solicitor or city director of law is accused of any misfeasance or malfeasance in his office, the prosecuting attorney shall appear on behalf of the complainant to conduct the prosecution.

Effective Date: 11-01-1977

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Mar 17 2009 at 11:56am
Has it occured to any of you to pressure Ty Thomas of TV Middletown to cover the Charter meeting?

Posted By: Middletown News
Date Posted: Mar 17 2009 at 12:02pm
Good idea, TV Middletown should be there.

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Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 17 2009 at 12:31pm
Let's see...since TVMiddletown gets the vast majority of its funding from the public through appropriations by CITY COUNCIL, and since I'd say city council would like to see this "go away", I'd say that the chances of that happening are somewhere between ZERO and ZERO!!!  (Remeber, it was all we could do to get council to allow the council meetings to be televised!!!) 
In my opinion, if council had its way, NOTHING would be televised or open to the public in ANY WAY!!!  "SECRECY" and "TRICKERY" are Council's by-words.
Just my opinion, of course.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Mar 17 2009 at 8:24pm
Not everything is a conspiracy. There are many a board or committee that are covered by TVM. I'm more interested in your comment; "It's all we could do to get the council to allow the council meeting to be televised." Who was we? Why don't you write a letter to the editor of the Journal.... or are they in on the cover-up too...?

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 18 2009 at 7:22am

doubtful 2000+

for the MJ to be "in on the cover-up too"
they would have to know about something in the first place
TVM is a shill for the MMF group, and needs a new leader and board, willing to represent all segments of the community

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 18 2009 at 7:36am
Conflicts of Interest was touched on by the Charter Committee. Les Landen said that the Council, city employees and volunteer city committees can not have any conflicts with business interests. They can buy from the city but they can't sell to the city. But what about Council participating with business owners to develop candidates to alter the primary decision making of this town for the purpose of controlling the direction of the town to the detriment of the citizens????? Is there anything to stop people in a political office from "co-mingling" with business power brokers to set up an election system that controls the make-up of Council that will work against the people? Council people are suppose to be "neutral" in the use of their political office as it relates to the people. Not "stack the deck" for election purposes.

Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Mar 18 2009 at 10:18am
The Journal does not have any interest or staff for any investigative reporting.
 The editorial page is there to put their general opinion on issues they or others have brought forward and they choose to support.  Those who direct and run TVM .... their matra is "Positive.. Positive ... Positive." The general public will never be allowed in unless they meet the smell test that supports the elite. As to Ty Thomas, nice guy but who ever came up with the "Executive Director" title when he's running a little community channel with 2 of which really does all the outside work.... about 90%...?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 18 2009 at 10:59am
2000+ " Thomas is a nice guy but whoever came up with the "Executive Director" title when he's running a little community channel with 2 employees..... one of which really does all the outside work.."- PERFECT description of the way city hall is run in this town!!! This paints a picture of what you see when you review each city department. Four chiefs managing four indians. Example: Public Works Dept.- 1 Director; 1 Assist. Director; 1 Supervisor; 1 Team Leader; 3 machine operators; 1 admin. I can accept the Journal not having the manpower to do investigative reporting, but your statement about not having any interest is troubling. For us folks who have been here for a long time, it is rather apparent that the Journal, TV Middletown, the Council/City Manager and the School Board is controlled as to message, content, timing, and direction that is conveyed to the general population. IMO, a little change here from your statement-- The editorial page is there to put the CONTROLLING GROUP'S opinion on issues that the CONTROLLING GROUP wants the people to hear.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 18 2009 at 11:29am
We agree 2000+
The MJ is functioning to support the far left national agenda of Cox News, in order slowly change the public thinking in this right-thinking pocket of the nation that is so crucial in deciding bigger elections.
They obviously have no interest in becoming involved in local politics, no matter how ?able people and procedures have become.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 18 2009 at 7:38pm
Originally posted by 2000+ 2000+ wrote:

Not everything is a conspiracy.
No, not everything is a conspiracy.  Then again, it might be naive to say that there are no conspiracies.
Originally posted by 2000+ 2000+ wrote:

There are many a board or committee that are covered by TVM.
I have seen some Planning and Zoning commission meetings covered, but not any of the others.  Please elaborate, as I would be interested in watching.
Originally posted by 2000+ 2000+ wrote:

I'm more interested in your comment; "It's all we could do to get the council to allow the council meeting to be televised." Who was we? Why don't you write a letter to the editor of the Journal.... or are they in on the cover-up too...?
"We" was (and remains) many of the people who post here, some of the people who post on The Middletown Journal's blogs but not here, and a some other people who just are like-minded as far as believing in open government!  There was just too much discussion of public business, including the making of motions and the voting on same, going on "under the radar" and out of sight of the general public.  This council and recent councils seem to be anxious to do all that they can to keep public business OUT of the public's eye.  They constantly scheme to do so, and get caught.  The City Law Director seems to go out of his way to interpret the law in bizarre ways to open loopholes to allow them to do so.
I have written letters to the editor of The Journal.  One was published, albeit heavily edited.  I have written several others, with the stipulation that I be allowed "right of refusal" over any editing.  I have never gotten a reply regarding any of these.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Mar 19 2009 at 9:00am
Of course it's naive to say there are no conspirancies....No one beleaves that... the key word her is "everything."
What is there to elaborate about? Those particular meetings are held in council's chamber where camera's are installed with a direct feed to TVM. It has more to do with logistics than any plot to deny the public of coverage. Why don't you contact TVM and ask them to cover X. and report back what they say.
As to "We. " Very few people read the blogs "maybe hundreds" compaired to the numbers who read the newspapers or watch TVM.
As to your letter to the editor.....I don't know any newspaper editor interested in giving anyone the "right of refusal" when it comes to it's publication of an opinion. Your expected to make your points in a most direct fashion and utilize your best word economy. Don't expect a reply to this type of situation. The editorial editor has much more to do than banter back and forth about opinion. You get that opportunity in a blog not in a newspaper who's paying for the newsprint...etc.  etc.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 19 2009 at 1:00pm
Originally posted by 2000+ 2000+ wrote:

Of course it's naive to say there are no conspirancies....No one beleaves that... the key word her is "everything."
Yes, the key word is "everything", and YOU used it! What in the world gave you the impression that I needed to be told that "Everything is not a conspiracy." Since YOU thought it necessary to remind me of that, I thought perhaps you needed to be reminded of the opposite.

Originally posted by 2000+ 2000+ wrote:

What is there to elaborate about? Those particular meetings are held in council's chamber where camera's are installed with a direct feed to TVM. It has more to do with logistics than any plot to deny the public of coverage. Why don't you contact TVM and ask them to cover X. and report back what they say.
“What is there to elaborate about?” When YOU said: “There are many a board or committee that are covered by TVM.”, I thought that you actually MEANT “many” as opposed to “one or two”! I simply mentioned the ones that I was aware of, and asked you to elaborate. I guess I should have been more specific and asked you to LIST the others included in your “many”, and perhaps asked if there was a particular time or day when they were aired. And yes, I am aware of the direct feed from council chambers. Did you know that TVM has the capability of recording meetings that occur in other locations for delayed broadcast?

Originally posted by 2000+ 2000+ wrote:

As to "We. " Very few people read the blogs "maybe hundreds" compaired to the numbers who read the newspapers or watch TVM.
Oh, THAT “we”! I see. I apologize for being confused. Somehow, when YOU Stated: “I'm more interested in your comment; ‘It's all we could do to get the council to allow the council meeting to be televised.’ ”, immediately followed by the question: “Who was we?”, I got the impression that is actually what you were asking! I should have known that you wanted my opinion regarding the readership of blogs compared to the readership of newspapers and the viewers of TV. (Actually, I am part of a conspiracy to duck such questions, but YOU caught us!)

Originally posted by 2000+ 2000+ wrote:

As to your letter to the editor.....I don't know any newspaper editor interested in giving anyone the "right of refusal" when it comes to it's publication of an opinion. Your expected to make your points in a most direct fashion and utilize your best word economy. Don't expect a reply to this type of situation. The editorial editor has much more to do than banter back and forth about opinion. You get that opportunity in a blog not in a newspaper who's paying for the newsprint...etc. etc.
Thank you for your informative tips on the internal workings of newspapers. I am sure that none of the many letters to the editor that YOU have written have ever been edited, but for some of us who are less talented, letters to the editor have been edited beyond recognition. I, myself, would rather my letters NOT be published, than have them published in a form that does not convey the intended meaning. (That’s just a little quirk of mine…silly me!) Regardless, YOU asked “Why don't you write a letter to the editor of the Journal.…”. I answered that I had, and that I had done so several times, that only one had been published, and offered my opinion on why more had not been published.

In summary, you originally made a few points and asked a few questions. I addressed every point that you made and answered every question that you asked. Now, YOU reply and seem to imply that I should have answered the questions that you did NOT ask!

This begs the question: “Do you really want answers?”

Or, are you merely trying to embarrass or discredit someone with whom YOU disagree?

Either way, bring it on!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Mar 19 2009 at 3:46pm

WOW .......... I'm speechless!     Gotta go now.......I've got a life to get back to.....

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