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Mayor Mulligan Refuses To Debate

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Jun 18 2024 at 7:36am

Topic: Mayor Mulligan Refuses To Debate
Posted By: Paul Nagy
Subject: Mayor Mulligan Refuses To Debate
Date Posted: Oct 19 2011 at 10:14am
 Here is the response I received this morning, October 19,2011 from Mayor Mulligan.
He can't debate because he has nothing to stand on. I shall answer this response during the day and in the days to come on every issue. What is important is that the citizens have a right to know our stances on the issues and the debates did not allow enough time to get into the issues.
Mr. Nagy,
Based on your proposal and underlying tenets as you present them in the email below, I believe there is no need to debate these broad issues.  It is clear from your presentations in the two forums this year and the propositions you make that you oppose everything that council and the administration have done since 2008 and believe such has not been in the best interest of Middletown Citizens .
Middletown citizens are familiar with your stance on our city based on your campaign for Mayor in 2007 and your campaign for the Fourth Ward council position in 2009.  I've taken the liberty to copy Andy Sedlak from the Middletown Journal on this email so that he is aware of my position on the debate and can review your propositions as listed below.
Please forward any response to my - - - email account.  As I told you at Monday’s forum, I do not believe the city email address or system should be used for campaign purposes.

Larry Mulligan
Begin forwarded message:
From: Paul Nagy < - October 15, 2011 7:59:39 PM EDT
To: " Mulligan, Larry Jr. " < - - >
Dear Mayor Mulligan,
October 15, 2011
      Here are propositions for debate as I proposed and you said you had interest in during the Kiwanis Forum on October 13,2011. My name typed in and this email are my binding commitment to go forward and I will accept it as your commitment to go forward if you will include your name to whichever proposition you choose  to accept (or both) and email it back to me as soon as possible. At that point we can discuss where and when such a debate will take place and any other details involved. Since time is of the essence if I do not receive a reply from you within seventy two (72) hours I will accept it that you refuse to debate and make it public.
       AFFIRM:     ___Paul Nagy_____________________________
                               PAUL NAGY
        DENY:        ________________________________
                                MAYOR LARRY MULLIGAN
         AFFIRM:      _______________________________
                                    MAYOR LARRY MULLIGAN
          DENY:         ___ Paul Nagy___________________________
                                     PAUL NAGY   
           Paul Nagy
            1325 Orchard St .
            Middletown , Ohio 45044
   - -
Larry Mulligan
Mayor, City of Middletown
Paid for by: Mulligan for Middletown, M. Brady Fening, Treasurer, 4108 Fisher Ave, Middletown, OH

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 19 2011 at 10:25am
Mulligan refusing to debate is unfortunate Mr. Nagy, but was predictable. My observation is that either he doesn't want to debate the issues directly because it is an indictment on his abilities to run the city and those flaws will be exposed or his connection with MMF has made him so arrogant that he may feel he is "above the fray" when it comes to mingling with those not in the inner circle. Whatever the reason, the man owes the public an open forum so that we may elect the best person for the job. He has been here as long as I have. He should be ashamed of himself, given his contributions to the ruination of this city.

Poor choice Mulligan.   

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 19 2011 at 10:57am
Mr. Nagy, I indicated before the use of a debate serves no purpose, this is not a Senate race nor Governor's race.

Posted By: Stanky
Date Posted: Oct 19 2011 at 11:30am
So Picard's pro-union posturing is criticized but Nagy's debate stunt which is surely meant not to get at the substance of the issues but instead to make a splash is not a political ploy? While I can understand Mr. Nagy's tried and true trick of "embarrass the incumbent" I also do not criticize Mulligan for his stance -- why should he do it? There are plenty of opportunities for Mr. Nagy to get his position out into the public.

But one wonders who is out of touch with the public and our economy realities. Mr. Mulligan, who certainly understands our city's challenges and limitations, is very visible and attentive to our city needs, and as a reminder is but one vote out of seven? Or is it Mr. Nagy who opposes virtually everything and would therefore often be in conflict with blog heroes ASJ and Laubach? So by siding with Nagy are you also saying that ASJ, Lambauch, AJ are also frequently wrong in that they agree with much of the Mayor's positions and agree with him on the issues surrounding our budgetary challenges?

While improvement is no doubt needed in this city, when considering that the Great Recession and stagnant business development is not confined to Middletown, challenging Mr. Mulligan on his successes is a bit unfair. Go anywhere, to any council meeting, and listen to the moaning about business development. The problem with holding a bar incredibly high for the Mayor during these last 4 hellish years means that you are under a delusion that this city's problems are easily reversed. When the pitchforks and torches feel good they will produce no satisfaction in the next 4 years, even if Mr. Nagy is elected.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 19 2011 at 1:05pm
Middletown is going backward. Yes, the reality is on 98% of topics and discussions requiring a vote on council, the 7 members are in unison.

Posted By: TudorBrown
Date Posted: Oct 19 2011 at 7:27pm
Originally posted by Paul Nagy Paul Nagy wrote:

He can't debate because he has nothing to stand on. 

That's your opinion, and it's completely bogus. Mayor Mulligan has pointed out completely legitimate reasons for not wasting anyone's time debating you (I've pointed them out for you below). In my opinion you should be thanking him for passing on the debate, it wouldn't do you any good.

Originally posted by <font id=yui_3_2_0_1_13190321665672075 face=arial color=black size=2><font id=yui_3_2_0_1_13190321665672075 face=arial color=black size=2><font size=3>Larry Mulligan</font></font></font> Larry Mulligan wrote:

Mr. Nagy,
Based on your proposal and underlying tenets as you present them in the email below, I believe there is no need to debate these broad issues.  It is clear from your presentations in the two forums this year and the propositions you make that you oppose everything that council and the administration have done since 2008 and believe such has not been in the best interest of Middletown Citizens .
Middletown citizens are familiar with your stance on our city based on your campaign for Mayor in 2007 and your campaign for the Fourth Ward council position in 2009.  I've taken the liberty to copy Andy Sedlak from the Middletown Journal on this email so that he is aware of my position on the debate and can review your propositions as listed below.
Please forward any response to my - email account.  As I told you at Monday’s forum, I do not believe the city email address or system should be used for campaign purposes.

Larry Mulligan

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 19 2011 at 10:43pm
These elections aren't made by residents holding an opinion one candidate is better than another, or has good or bad ideas, they are based entirely upon name recognition.

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 5:42am
Whats wrong with a debate by the candidates for Mayor? What is Mulligan afraid of?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 6:24am
I certainly see the viewpoints of those that say a debate would do no good......yet......I'd still like to see Mulligan face some questions that may be "uncomfortable to answer". Like to see a little "red" color in that face. Like to see him defend his decision-making and answer as to why so many things have failed and why the town continues to be so screwed up while a member of council with added pressure from a pressing Mr. Nagy. I've not seen him "sweat" as much as I would like. Seems things have always come easy for him since joining the political scene (and gaining MMF sponsorship) Seems to be a bit of a "silver spooner". (Apologies go out to all you MMF leaning/city building supporting people on this forum. I know you don't like your golden boy attacked. but dam, it's fun to do)

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 7:36am
yes then no, answered with a press release
seems that the 'committee" has spoken for our Mayor
Soo--he won't debate against someone who disagrees with his actions while in office?
Won't stand up without the answers being supplied?
I assume that if we don't care for this approach, that we should simply pack up and get out of town(kinda like most of the larger employers have already done).
A shame--because I would think that our Mayor is very capable of defending his actions(if there is a defense), and and can speak for himself. When the difference between two candidates is so broad, discussion can be quite enlightening.
Though most have already made their decision.
I strongly support Paul Nagy and Mike Presta
to break the stranglehold on our community
Opposite choices would mean that I condone the existing situation
Sorry Ann and Larry--I appreciate and personally like both of you
I simply don't want you to represent me as my local Councilmembers

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 8:58am
I also blame TVM and Ty Thomas (but one assumes he was given his orders as well) regarding th time available for any meaningfuil discussion.

Posted By: Stanky
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 10:00am
Many on here call for "common sense" and demand sound judgment from our city leaders, especially from those making $9000/year while spending an inordinate amount of their time engaged in trying to help guide the city.

You talk about the secret society of MMF'ers (I doubt there's a secret handshake) who fund the mayor. Isn't it sound judgment to accept political contributions from friends and acquaintances? Should he send the money back? I don't know of too many people that can be bought and paid for by a bunch of $50 and $100 donations. (Speaking of MMF: who pray tell, is benefiting or getting rich off of anything in this town, except maybe those that own the gold shops?)

You criticize a mayor who is known in the community both for family name and a long history of involvement in the community. Mr. Nagy has neither (and whose fault is the latter?)

The Mayor will show up at these forums and debates. Mr. Nagy has ample opportunity to get his message out both on TV and in print. Participating in a mayoral debate, a debate that is only desired by about 10-20 people on MUSA and in which the Mayor would surely "lose" according to the scorekeepers of MUSA, woudl not be using sound judgment.

Criticize city leadership all you want, and there is sufficient ammo for that, but in the end the MUSA haters seem to expect our mayor to behave irrationally. He is Obama -- he cannot win. A $900 flight to Boston, facial expressions during council meetings, and the fact he cannot put out all the raging fires of decline with the city's water pistol.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 10:37am
The Mayor has spent more time building the firewall around his house on Main and his parents, at taxpayer expense, not solving the mass dilemna, the contagion, which has infected Middletown for 30 years.
All the spin on Cincinnati State is to cover for losses at AK Steel, the lack of 10,000 jobs Doug McNeil said would come to Atrium with its move, the loss of CS, & H, Ohio Jobs and Family Services, the airport mess (Ms. G did not want to deal with a person behind bars as it was alleged), the destruction of roads, the destruction of Sunset pool, and thge lack of any meaningful activity at PAC. 

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 10:56am
Stanky: "Many on here call for "common sense" and demand sound judgment from our city leaders, especially from those making $9000/year while spending an inordinate amount of their time engaged in trying to help guide the city."

And that's where the problem lies Stanky. They are "trying" to guide the city.....but the end result of their "trying" has been a catastrophy. Look at what they have done to the city in many facets. You can throw common sense out the window with YOUR city leaders whom you seem so eager to defend. None of this would have happened if common sense was on the table.

Stanky: "You talk about the secret society of MMF'ers...."

No secret society. They have a web site with members names listed. The secret part comes from their agenda not mentioned on the website. This secret agenda can be viewed by asking anyone on this site who picked up a copy inadvertently left outside the city manager's office and was discovered by accident. Ask those in the know here about the contents of the pamphlet. Perhaps someone here can list some key items in the pamphlet for Stanky.

Stanky: "(Speaking of MMF: who pray tell, is benefiting or getting rich off of anything in this town, except maybe those that own the gold shops?)"

How about the friends of the city who are in the Section 8 landlord business? Think the city ramped up it's Section 8 clients to gather more fed money to feed their pals in that business? How about all the demolition going on in town. Think there may be a connection in contracting the same demolition company time and time again. (Rausche) (sp?) Don't know, but perhaps. There is an acknowledged "inner-circle brotherhood" of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" mentality in this town. Has been for years. Probably in every town I would imagine.

Stanky: "You criticize a mayor who is known in the community both for family name and a long history of involvement in the community"

His mother was an educator in math. She taught calculus at MUM the first year in operation. I was a student of hers at the time. Dad...don't know. Known family name? Not necessarily to most Middletonians. Certainly not since the 50's since I've been around.

Stanky: "a long history of involvement in the community"

Other than being on council and a bank VP, what "long history" are you referring? Don't recall the family being "long involvers" in this community. Tell us about their involvement.

Stanky: "Mr. Nagy has neither (and whose fault is the latter?)"

Mr. Nagy hasn't been around nearly as long as the Mulligan family in town. Gotta start somewhere, just like the Mulligans did at one time. Can't use that against Nagy, can you?

Stanky: "Participating in a mayoral debate, a debate that is only desired by about 10-20 people on MUSA and in which the Mayor would surely "lose" according to the scorekeepers of MUSA"

What? No one on here said Mulligan would lose. Some, including me said they would like to see a debate, some said it would be futile and meaningless. No one has picked a winner I don't believe. Hell, as much apathy that is in this community, no one wants to see any debates. Look at the pathetic attendance at the forums and the percent of residents who actually get their fat carcasses off the couch and go vote. Pathetic.

Stanky: "Criticize city leadership all you want, and there is sufficient ammo for that, but in the end the MUSA haters seem to expect our mayor to behave irrationally"

No, we want the mayor (and all others in leadership roles) to make competent decisions for the benefit of ALL.....ALL citizens, rich, poor and middle class. There is strong evidence this is not being done at all. It would appear the decisions are being made by the MMF, a small group of influential people of power calling the shots and Mulligan and others are simply implementing those orders and following the directions given to them by that anonymous inner circle of influence.

Stanky: "and the fact he cannot put out all the raging fires of decline with the city's water pistol"

The irony here is that he was a part of the creation of all the "raging fires" with his involvement with MMF as a member. THEY created the fires using their agenda for this town, leaving the average citizen out of the equation. He has no intention of "putting out the fires", he and others have created. The "fires" are part of his agenda.

You wouldn't be a member of the elitist MMF club, would you? You certainly like to defend the ones who are indefensible as to the damage inflicted on this town. You see the town going down the toilet. Why would you want to defend people that have taken it there?

Posted By: Stanky
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 11:25am

As usual Vet, you attribute 40 years of decline to one person who has been Mayor for 4 years. And, no, you cannot ignore the near Depression this economy has had in that time. (No, acclaro, comparisons to Mason since 2008 are simply not fair or reasonable) For this city to see the kind of growth you would be happy with in the last four years, Middletown and the Mayor would end up on the cover of TIME magazine. Unrealistic.

MMF. You guys don't get it. There is a Middletown Moving Forward and Moving Middletown Forward. Get them straight.

Vet's paranoia: why don't you look and see who donates money and see if there are any slumlords among them? My guess is probably not.

Community service: This doesn't mean one has skills for the position but it can tell us something about their commitment to Midd. Mulligan has served on various boards, been a partof various fundraisers, and promoted and attended many local events. Not to diminish Mr. Nagy's ministry and time commitments, but where is his civic involvement?

You are free to criticize and oppose certain policies but the conspiracy theories are rather silly.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 12:05pm
Reality check----they are not, and the ship goes down. Reliance upon AK Steel, hoping its not bought by X, and all the non profits. A bedroom community as well? Not when gas is > $3.00, it won't drop again, and the downtown "Renaissance" is only a dream. One area that Bill Becker absolutely nailed as correct.    

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 12:06pm
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:


As usual Vet, you attribute 40 years of decline to one person who has been Mayor for 4 years. And, no, you cannot ignore the near Depression this economy has had in that time. (No, acclaro, comparisons to Mason since 2008 are simply not fair or reasonable) For this city to see the kind of growth you would be happy with in the last four years, Middletown and the Mayor would end up on the cover of TIME magazine. Unrealistic.

MMF. You guys don't get it. There is a Middletown Moving Forward and Moving Middletown Forward. Get them straight.

Vet's paranoia: why don't you look and see who donates money and see if there are any slumlords among them? My guess is probably not.

Community service: This doesn't mean one has skills for the position but it can tell us something about their commitment to Midd. Mulligan has served on various boards, been a partof various fundraisers, and promoted and attended many local events. Not to diminish Mr. Nagy's ministry and time commitments, but where is his civic involvement?

You are free to criticize and oppose certain policies but the conspiracy theories are rather silly.

From a previous post:

VietVet: "And that's where the problem lies Stanky. They are "trying" to guide the city.....but the end result of their "trying" has been a catastrophy. Look at what they have done to the city in many facets. You can throw common sense out the window with YOUR city leaders whom you seem so eager to defend. None of this would have happened if common sense was on the table"

Stanky, do you see Mulligan's name in this segment? Does it look like I am blaming only him for the decline? It says THEY.....THEY as in plural meaning more than one. You are reading it wrong. The "near depression at this time" certainly hasn't affected every community. There are many south of Middletown that are thriving. Hell, even Franklin, the city everyone made fun of years ago, is doing better than Middletown in council decisions AND in their school performance.

Stanky: "For this city to see the kind of growth you would be happy with in the last four years, Middletown and the Mayor would end up on the cover of TIME magazine. Unrealistic."

What? Have you noticed that some cities are progressing, even with the depressed economy? Some towns are gaining jobs, have new construction (look up around the Austin Blvd. exit and down toward West Chester) while Middletown has been regressing for years...even in better times...way before this recent recession, Middletown was falling behind.

Stanky: "Vet's paranoia: why don't you look and see who donates money and see if there are any slumlords among them? My guess is probably not"

Actually. within these pages on this very forum, there is a list of Section 8 slumlords who are involved in the program. I'm sure, using that list, we can connect them as "friends of the MMF". My guess is, probably so.

Stanky: "MMF. You guys don't get it. There is a Middletown Moving Forward and Moving Middletown Forward. Get them straight."

Actually, this has also been discussed on this forum....IE- the difference between the two. I believe (someone correct me here if I am wrong) that we had a hard time trying to determine which was which on this. Had a hard time determining if the one existed or not. I think Mike Presta addressed this in past posts. Have to hunt for the topic and discussion. Don't think we could find any info. on one of them and were asking if they were the same group.

Stanky: "Community service: This doesn't mean one has skills for the position but it can tell us something about their commitment to Midd. Mulligan has served on various boards, been a partof various fundraisers, and promoted and attended many local events. Not to diminish Mr. Nagy's ministry and time commitments, but where is his civic involvement"

Again, for the second time, Mulligan has been here all his life. Nagy is a newcomer and has gotten involved quickly in his commitment to this town. I would think that if Nagy had been in town as long as Mulligan, he would have been involved as much as Mulligan. Kind of a mute point in making comparisons since one has much more time in town than the other, isn't it?

Stanky: "You are free to criticize and oppose certain policies but the conspiracy theories are rather silly"

To be sarcastic, thank you for your permission to criticize and oppose. How can you deduct that the conspiracy theories are rather silly when members of this forum found MMF agenda information outside the city manager's office? Since you don't have the clear answer, you are also speculating as we are that the theories are silly. Not necessarily. Certain members of this forum have the pamphlet from the MMF explaining an agenda that is different than the agenda they advertise on their website. It is an agenda of control through the election of candidates who will implement their direction, once in office, and spells out the training they will receive, how to answer questions, funding of candidates, etc. This actually exists. No conspiracy theory here.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 7:23pm
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

MMF. You guys don't get it. There is a Middletown Moving Forward and Moving Middletown Forward. Get them straight.
Let’s get one thing straight!!!

There are not two “MMFs”.  There is only one, and that one is “Middletown Moving Forward”, and they know it. 

Mr. Mulligan, Mr. Landen, the City Manager and all of their other important members all know it.

There is no “Moving Middletown Forward” and there never was.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 8:17pm
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

Though most have already made their decision.
I strongly support Paul Nagy and Mike Presta
to break the stranglehold on our community
Opposite choices would mean that I condone the existing situation
Thank you for your support!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 20 2011 at 8:53pm -

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Oct 22 2011 at 6:56pm
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

The Mayor ... He is Obama -- he cannot win. A $900 flight to Boston, facial expressions during council meetings, and the fact he cannot put out all the raging fires of decline with the city's water pistol.


It is unfair to compare Mayor Mulligan to Obama.

One is a so-called leader who feels he was elected with a mandate, outraised all of his opponents by getting large campaign contributions from special interests, constantly proposes raising taxes, supports policies that disenfranchise the poor under the guise of helping them, has raised the public debt each year of his term, and enacts policies that stifle free trade. The other is the President of the United States.

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 1:07am
Mr. Mulligan,
      At the Kiwanis forum you said you would be interested in a debate. What was your interest? What or who changed your interest?
      You wrote, "Based on your proposal and underlying tenets as you present them in the email below, I believe there is no need to debate these broad issues".  Please explain What about "the proposal and underlying tenets" causes you to believe there is no need to debate these broad issues? Be specific. I don't find any underlying tenets. Thats lawyer talk.
      As far as "broad issues" if that is a problem for you why don't you narrow them down to issues you like and would debate? I will be glad to publicly discuss them with you. You write the propositions and I will sign them. I thought I was rather generous in making the issues "broad" allowing you to go in whatever direction you wanted to stand, run or hide. The truth is you have nothing to stand on and you fear a debate will hurt your chances of election.
       You state, "It is clear from your presentations in the two forums this year and the propositions you make that you oppose everything that council and the administration have done since 2008 and believe such has not been in the best interest of Middletown citizens".  Shame on you trying to put words in my mouth. It is not clear either in the presentations or in the propositions that I oppose everything that council and the administration have done since 2008. I neither believe it nor have I ever said it. You should apologize for saying it. It is not true.
       What has Middletown citizens familiarity with your stance or mine got to do with you and I signing these current  propositions to debate? Are you afraid to present your stance on issues to the citizens of Middletown or not? If not, then quit quibbling, sign a proposition and lets let the citizens decide whose stance is the one they want to support in the election.
     Your informing Andy sedlak from the Middletown Journal so that he is aware of your position on the debate doesn't mean doodly squat. I'm more interested (as you should be) in what the citizens think of our positions on the debate and ALL other issues. Don't you believe the citizens have the right to know why you do so much for main street and down town revitalization to the neglect of much of the rest of the city? There are many other issues the citizens need to know about your stance to make a good decision to vote in the next election.
        You are right when you say, "I do not believe the city email address or system should be used for campaign purposes". That was an oversight on my part. I didn't think about that and I didn't have any other email address for you. So, you see I don't oppose everything. Its only in your rhetoric.
        Folks, if you want more of the same evasion you have had for the last four years, then vote for Larry Mulligan.
       If you want local government that is open, transparent, accountable and will bring businesses  and jobs to our city, and where your voice is heard, VOTE FOR PAUL NAGY.
      Paul Nagy

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 6:29am
Can't wait for election day so Mr. Nagy will go away.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 7:06am
Midd 29, are you a Mulligan fan? After all that you know about him? After seeing what has transpired during his time in office? After knowing he is on the MMF board, and has chosen to associate himself with a secretive, manipulating group of people with no scruples, morals or decency about them? Poor choice if you want a shread of honesty/decency in your city government.

You state....

"Can't wait for election day so Mr. Nagy will go away"

I counter with "Can't wait for election day so that, for the survival of the town, Mr. Mulligan (and all like him) will, hopefully, go away and we can start turning this town around.

You wouldn't be the Mulliganmeister himself, would you? Maybe a nephew or relation perhaps? There's some sick affiction you have in always defending those who have ruined this town.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 10:16am
Andy Sedlak wrote this:


Council rejects ‘internet sweepstake cafes’

Many questions whether the cafes are legal or not due to gambling law.


Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 11:58am
I would think that "due" would be correct, however I find the whole sentence phrasing and context to be confusing and probably incorrect.
Why are they fooling with this nonsense after letting this city fall into such disarray. Swap shops, pawn shops, thrift shops, gold shops, NYC 1 thru 6 or more, etc.
Quality long-term businesses(large and small--retail, manufaturing, services and management) are leaving every day with liitle of substance coming in to replace them. City admin/Council has created an economic desert of a community, where their life support of funding is admin fees from fed subsidies. The working citizen and business owner has been tossed to the wolves AND CRIMINALS. Now "they" plan to cut public safety?  Remember when we approved the un-expired public safety levy? We were promised NO SERVICE CUTS through the life of the levy.
I don't see how anyone can support mayor Mulligan, or trumpet his accolmplishments.
M29---what do you like about his record?
We need change asap.
Mulligan--Mort-- etc + the same as we are getting now. NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER
I strongly support Mr.Nagy, Mr.Presta, Mr.Moore and one other at-large candidate.
I support the health levy IF ALL FUNDS go to that dept. I trust  and support Ms.Phillips and Health Dept.employees completely. The are a tremendous asset to our community, both businesses and citizens. We will not save any $$ by losing that dept.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 12:22pm
Well said sj. Mulligan(s), Mort, Picard, are the "happy ear" folks, They hear what they want, they see what they want, its all pleasant, the turn is just around the corner. Change is coming, they have a plan. Ambassadors and non profit higher education is the key to the turn-around. "May I take your coat and gloves good sir, and how about a cup of hot tea, welcome to Middletown."
They are a council awaiting fate's good fortune and turn, a council of Serendipity. 
What is council's greatest fear, and city hall? The crux of panic leading to MMF? Why, that would be the levy fall back to 1.5%, and not bump up to 2.%. So, Cincinnati State created protection for Main Street (in theory anyway), and more importantly, so the city could say they did something, all "happy ears" about C State II in Middletown, and of course, the absolute mandate to at least have 1.75%, preferrably 2.0% to "protect" students. Yes, we know its to protect the fat Beast (the overhead at One Donham Plaza), but that's what C State affords, the serendipity of it all. 

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 5:26pm
imo Mayor Mulligan has handled his campaign and this issue(parrticularly) very poorly.
He comes off arrogant, elitist, indifferent, smug and superior.
Kinda funny since his time on Council and as mayor has been a total disaster for everyone except his small circle of enablers(who are really his dependents). He has wasted more money and made more bad decisions than any prior mayor in my memory. He has been extremely divisive and judgemental also.
I know a lot of people whose names have shown up on his supporter list, often much to their surprise.
I ask them all why they support the man for re-election---most of the time, their eyes glaze over, and they mumble "I don't know". They are in no way impressed with his accomplishments, and pretty much rate Council/admin equal to how they view Obama and Congress(not very highly).
Much credit to Mr.Nagy for bringing on the challenge.
The failure to debate such broad differences on very important local situations is a travesty to local citizenry. You don't have to like or agree with either choice, however we should be well aware of their stances and solutions.
At least the MJ should ask key issue ?s individually, then place the answers side by side.
This IS an important election.
By all means--vote for Mr.Nagy, Mr. Moore, Ms.Scott Jones and Mr.Presta if possible
Those that disagree should vote their conscience.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 5:57pm
In Middletown, there is a ruling class in Donham- its been that way for decades. What you have seen in the past four years is the alignment with the Donham dynasty with the city council monarchy, its reign, its manifestation. It is not complete as there are still timetables serving as minor annoyances, the ward "non blue bloods" better suited for grooming the horses, scrubbing the floors, even a Governess perhaps, but they will be replaced soon enough.
For those whom are part of the rule, the dukes, duches, earl's, and squirer's, the monarchy will not be overthrown by peasants. The moat is too deep, the crowns and jewels, too rich. It is the crowning achievement. The monarchy of city hall has been united with the monarchy of city council. Magnificient, except for the effect upon the mere mortal, the every day citizen who popped into Middletown by mistake, and cannot escape its lurches..

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 6:14pm
Originally posted by acclaro acclaro wrote:

In Middletown, there is a ruling class, and what you have seen for four years, is its reign, its manifestation. Power will not be relinguished without  MANY snake bites.
For those part of the rule, the dukes, duches, earl's, and squirer's, the monarchy will not be overthrown by  peasants. 
It is possible...If all of us peasants stand together (and vote as a block)!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 6:30pm
Sir Mike, I am a mere Knight. Impossible to make up for those who would rather dig the earth for potatoes daily to serve their Masters, and have neither the means nor desire to cast out the monarchy with their vote. They are afraid they will be flogged 100 times over, if they do not keep the wood stacked high, and the carriage brass trim polished with mirror like perfection.  

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 6:49pm
the part of it all that is most maddening:
Larry Mulliganis REALLY a nice fun person whemn away from city govt. and in private

Posted By: Rhodes
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 6:52pm
As much as I do not care for Mulligan as mayor, I just don't see the goods with Nagy. It took Nagy about 5 days to finally respond to an email from Mulligan. You can't compete with someone when you take that long to respond to anything.

When Nagy's campaign was first announced, I read about it on here. I believe Mike Presta got his own signatures, but Nagy relied upon people taking time out of their own day to drive to the CSN building and signing there. When I read the posts on here around that time I was just thinking how lazy can someone be that they actually expect people to do the work for them. If you want to run for an office, then you get off your butt and go door to door, or you go to your church, or you stand outside a supermarket. Who in the world waits for others to show up and sign?

If you don't have the money to compete with Mulligan, this is small town America and money isn't the issue. As far as debates, they aren't the issue either. Who in the world would have seen them? How many eligible voters are there in Middletown? And of those, how many would have watched the debates?

All Nagy and any other candidate has to do is put on your most comfortable walking shoes and get out where people are and shake hands like a crazy person. It doesn't cost any money to do that. Flyers would be helpful, so do them on your home computer. Less than $50 for paper and ink.

There are a couple Middletown groups on Facebook. Have any of you candidates engaged those people? One group has over 2,400 members with many discussing Middletown on a regular basis. Any online presence at all?

Does anyone know what kind of leadership experience Nagy has? All I have ever read about him in the past is that he tried to get Laura Williams removed from council. What kind of occupation does he have? What kind of groups is he a member? When has he been a leader in the past? Are any members of groups he has led in the past supporting his run for mayor now? Running to be a member of council is one thing, trying to take a leadership position is another and should be scrutinized more.

If you think you're going to win just because people are fed up, think again. People tend to vote more for who they want, rather than who they are against. Right now it appears Mulligan is running unopposed.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 7:03pm
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

the part of it all that is most maddening:
Larry Mulliganis REALLY a nice fun person whemn away from city govt. and in private
I fully agree with you on that...and I hope that after the election he will have a lot more time away from city government and in private!!!  LOL LOL LOL

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 7:18pm
good points, rhodes--no argument
however--Mr.Nagy is our only option to break the downward spiral at this time.
He is not in the best of health, however he can hold down the fort and stop the bleeding until the next generation of leaders step up to the plate. Mr.Nagy is honest, well-intentioned and willing--more than can be said for the rest of us.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 24 2011 at 7:32pm


First, you can bet the ranch on the fact that I absolutely did get nearly all (except for three or four, which were kindly obtained by a neighbor as the petitions certify) of my own signatures, and it certainly took its toll on me.

Just in case you are unaware, some of us have physical limitations which restrict our ability to do some of the traditional campaigning that you describe.  I certainly do not dispute the effectiveness.  In fact, I wish that I could do it.  But just as with turning around Middletown—“wishing” won’t make it happen.

I do have some alternate strategies that I will be implementing in the next two weeks, that I believe will at least partially replace the neighborhood canvassing. 

And I have been trying to get to the Facebook pages that "Kelly" and "Dot402001" were so kind to call to our attention.  However, even though I have been a Facebook member for quite some time, I use it mainly to follow family and friends who are out of state and 'though I’ve tried, my meager Facebook skills have not allowed me to find those two groups.  (If you are a member of one or both “groups”, PLEASE “invite” me!!)

I will be seeing some people who may be able to teach me how to do find "groups" later this evening.  (In fact, I should be in the shower right now!!!)

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

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