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Looks Like Trouble In Downtown's Paradise

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VietVet View Drop Down
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    Posted: Apr 05 2019 at 8:39am
Journal story today concerning ex-Thatcher properties once owned by the city but given away to non-profits. Now, it appears, the city wants them back for "future development". This give away/take back occurred with the Manchester Hotel as well.

The old First National Bank at 2 N. Main St. is the property in question. Once owned by the city and given to Cincy State for expansion purposes. Now, Cincy State wants to deal with the Arts Foundation to help them out with the property. The city suddenly wants the property back. Why? The city already disposed of this property and it is in the hands of another owner. What is with this "give away/take back" policy with former city owned properties?

Don't understand how the city can donate/sell a property they once owned to title the property to another owner, and then request it be given back to them. Just how does this work? Does the city actually know what the hell they are doing in the downtown or is this just another confused downtown cluster?

It appears, both now and in the past, that whatever property the city tries to sell, tries to own or tries to negotiate, the transaction seems to end up in a debacle. Is there anyone competent in the city building that has their act together as it pertains to property transactions within the city? Do they actually know what they want to keep and sell in their dam downtown area?

This is yet another "property crisis" that has arisen over the years in the downtown development. Every time this occurs, it adds a vote of no confidence between the people and their elected/appointed officials as they partner with the downtown developers. I would imagine most living here believe the leaders are as inept as it gets.

If only we had some people running this dam city who knew what the hell they were doing. There is something to be said about competence and common sense. Apparently, it is a lost art when city leadership is involved. Mercy.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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John Beagle View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote John Beagle Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Apr 08 2019 at 8:40am
"Journal story today concerning ex-Thatcher properties once owned by the city but given away to non-profits. Now, it appears, the city wants them back for "future development". This give away/take back occurred with the Manchester Hotel as well."

Interesting to see anyone has any interest in those properties.
John Beagle

Middletown USA

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