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Thanks to All That Voted

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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: People in Middletown
Forum Description: Discuss People in Middletown
Printed Date: Jun 17 2024 at 2:35pm

Topic: Thanks to All That Voted
Posted By: Gary Barge
Subject: Thanks to All That Voted
Date Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:39am
Folks, It was an uphill battle from day one. When I ran in 07 I ran against the "machine" as well and you all probably know who they are by now and if you don't maybe I'll list them all somewhere down the line.  In 07 I got beat by 127 votes, this time by 400+ votes. But before I say anything else about who won I first and foremost want to wholeheartedly thank my treasurer for all her hard work and for having to put up with me. If you don't know, it is my lovely wife, Felicia.  If it was not for her I would not have got half my votes. I would also like to thank TVMiddletown, the Journal, the Chamber of Commerce, the Inn at Renaiisance Village, and last but not least the best forum of all -- the 2nd Ward Coummunity Council, NAACP and the Coummunity Center. And for all of Randy & Adam Lewis' hard work at MiddletownUSA.  Thanks to all the citizens that voted for me.
I can sit here today with a clear mind knowing I ran this election purely out of my own pocket (except for a gift of $100 from a very good friend) and on my own format and with the full intent of serving the citizens of Middletown. I on the other hand didn't take any campaign contributions from anyone. I look forward to seeing who contributed to all the other candidates campaign for I can sit here and say I just about beat him with my shallow little pocket of money. The way I look at it is if you have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars for election to a council seat and backed by certain groups you can't go in with a clear conscience and not have to answer to the machine. OOPS, I mean the good ol club!Maybe one day the citizens will finally catch on to the "machine".  It was once said by your only incumbent that will be serving you now that he would like to know who the good ol' boys club is. Take a look at his final post election finance report compared to mine when they are released.
In closing I congratulate Josh, AJ, and Mr Picard. I also want to thank all of you here on MiddletownUSA that supported me and your vote of confidence.
Gary Barge
the Usual SuspectWink

Posted By: tootie
Date Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:55am
Mr Barge,
At least you didn't fall into the special interest groups hands. thanks for that. I guess being honest and telling them like it is doesn't fly in Middletown. One day (hopefully before it is not too late) the citizens will wake up.  It is still going to be a sloooooow rode to recovery because our administration and council still want to operate at the 80's level. They are always a day late and a dollar short. Thanks for your effort. (still can't believe Armbruster wonAngryConfused

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 11:21am
Gary- apparently, the people living in the 1st Ward are content with non-involvement with their representative. This will probably be a classic case of the power brokers helping maintain their city rep puppet to sit behind that council desk, offer no resistence to their wishes and "going along with the program". They want someone that they can drag out of the closet once in awhile, dust him off, and have him vote the way they tell him too without question. They then place him back in the closet, close the door until the next time they need him. Kinda like that mop or sweeper you use and put away when not needed. Must be tough being told how to vote and not being able to make your own decisions all the time. Kinda sad in a way to see someone with no fight in them. Not even enough fight to question some of the things going on in this town.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 12:41pm

The thoughts of Armbruster being my rep on council again makes me sick at my stomach,the problem is that not enough people felt it was worth the effort to get off of their duffs and go vote,they just let a few people decide these issues for them.And the real kicker is the ward system,I wish I could move out of this town if I could get rid of the chain and ball (home ownership,what was I thinking) we did how ever pick up a few new members and I think that we should try to get the ward system on the next ballot.And Gary in my opinion You should try to run again but this time come out blazing.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 12:42pm
Think last nite was the first time I heard good ole Jimmy open his mouth at a meeting other than voting on something. What a same he didnt get the boot as Mr.Marconi did. I myself like to see Mrs.Scott Jones to go too.

Posted By: tootie
Date Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 4:22pm
I totally agree with youShockedUnhappy

Posted By: A_Hero's_Wife
Date Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 7:47pm
Gary, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. You truly worked hard and gave it your all. I wish you the Best of Luck in the future!
I also wanted to say the same to Mr. Nagy. May God Bless you both!
Geri Lynn Smile

"Freedom is not Free" :)

Posted By: Gary Barge
Date Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 6:11pm
Thanks to everyone's replies. Please check out the new topic-Support Candidates Move City Forward. Special thanks to Geri Lynn Maples. Hope your education is going well.

Posted By: A_Hero's_Wife
Date Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 8:44pm
Gary, Your very welcome! School is going well and it keeps me very busy along with family, etc. I really need to give my full attention to school thats for sure especially since I am out of practice lol....LOL

"Freedom is not Free" :)

Posted By: wannaknow
Date Posted: Nov 06 2009 at 7:10am

Gary, so sorry this one turned out the way it did. Next time we will put your name on every available space so the people will know there is a better candidate. This is the first time I've heard you labeled as  the "canal guy". I have been down to the dungeon so many times complaining about that mess. If nothing else stirred the voters I think this should have. When Armbruster's term is up, and if there is anyone left in the First Ward Ghetto maybe the voters will be forced to see that we need change. You da man!!!!!!

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