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6/15 meeting post mortem

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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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    Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 3:29am
As I watched the replay of last night's meeting, I made notes of some rambling thoughts that went through my head.  I offer them here without much editing...as a sort of play-by-play color commentary as they let the show roll on!!!
Differentiate our's from other interchanges up and down I-75?? Yes! Our’s is the one that is empty!

Right on I-75, but aim at “walk to” and bike to” businesses!?!?!? Parking hidden from sight --AND from travelers?!?!?!  What are they thinking???

They pulled the “Ol’ switcheroo” (as usual) to spring things on everyone at the last minute and keep the information OUT of the hands of anyone in the public that night be able to expose any shenanigans.

It’s amazing how this “expedited” process will end up in court if anyone does not like Kohler’s decisions. Yes sir-ee, Bob!!! Going to court is always a really quick way to do things. Why Judge Wapner and Judge Judy (pun intended) are usually able to solve two or three cases in just a half an hour--including commercials!!!

And of course, just as Robinette says, there are still some “problem areas”, but “don’t worry!” They’re gonna fix those right before you approve this thing  after the SECOND READING by TITLE ONLY!!!

Don’t worry about language!! We know what “the intent” is. Cry

Hmm…Kohler defers to Robinette--because he can explain better--then Robinette defers to Landen--because he can explain better--then Landen defers to …doh, doh, doh …Censored

Perhaps the best testimony to this boondoggle was that spoken by Marvin (I couldn’t catch his last name). Marvin came down to speak IN FAVOR of the changes. However, when you listen to Marvin, he could not say a single word IN FAVOR of any of this! Marvin sounded more like he was pleading his case AGAINST both what happened to his property and what these changes portend for our city. Too bad, Marvin. As Mr. Landen said, if you don’t like the railroad job we’re pulling on you, TAKE US TO COURT! After all, THAT’s the “expedited process” Middletown style!  God bless poor Marvin!!!

By the way, did anyone else notice how often Kohler used the term “your City Planning Commission”??? That’s an old salesmen’s trick, as in “your new perpetual motion machine,” or “your (Democratic/Republican) congress”. They use it to either send a subliminal message that you already own the useless piece of junk that they are trying to sell you, our to try to set up either a scapegoat or a hero for some action.

Lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Kohler for his little lecture on writing zoning regulations and how they must be clear and use IMPERATIVE terms such as “Shall” and "must". However, would anyone care to hazard I guess where I found the following, copied and pasted EXACTLY from a public documents of exactly the sort he was describing?

Pedestrian amenities should be placed in front of a building near the public sidewalk or near building entrances.

If the site is a part of a larger parcel, the plan should indicate the boundaries of total land holding.

Design geometrics should be included.

The maximum front yard depth may be increased if necessitated by natural or man-made development constraints such as utility easements, steep slopes, or stream corridors.

On-street parking is permitted on local streets and may count toward the required number of parking spaces.

For combinations of land uses other than those mentioned in Chapter 1270.02(k), the Zoning Administrator may grant a reduction in the required number of parking spaces when multiple uses with offsetting peak hours of parking demand provide shared parking lots, as follows:

The use of parking spaces may be restricted to the owner’s customers and tenants only.

The Zoning Administrator may waive the requirement for cross access, in whole or in part, administratively, where cross access is deemed impractical due to vehicular safety issues or environmental constraints such as severe topography.

If foundation planting requirements overlap with buffer requirements in Section (3), the buffer requirements may satisfy this standard.

Screening and tree planting requirements along interstates may be waived if the Planning Commission determines that existing or planned landscaping or walls within the interstate right-of-way is sufficient to meet the requirement.

Landscaped areas used for screening may not be included in the interior landscaping calculation.

This requirement may be met through any of the preceding landscaping requirements, as well as tree preservation.

Furthermore, the sign may occupy no more than 25% of the front-facing portion of the awning.

Lighting may be mounted to a building façade only at entrances, loading/service locations, or for the purpose of accent lighting. Building-mounted lighting may not be used to light parking areas or walkways.

Ground-Mounted Lighting. Lighting fixtures may be no more than 25 feet above grade.

No commercial vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight rated in excess of 10,000 pounds, or more than seven feet in height, and not owned by or associated with an existing business on a subject property, may be parked on any lot, except for commercial vehicles making service calls or deliveries, or parked as a customer of a hotel or motel where truck parking is specifically approved as part of the parking lot design.

May not conceal architectural features and must complement colors/materials of building [WOW!!! Since someone got one out of two instances correct in the same (almost) sentence here, I think I’ll stop, but I‘ll wager that I can find 10 to 15 more in this single document!!! Hint: It is NOT the codified ordinances nor the administrative code.]

My only additional comment here: May I make a suggestion for "Marty’s Motto"???

You MIGHT not do as I say…

If you’re connected I MAY look the other way…

but you SHALL NOT do as I do…

Or I’ll lecture in council to you!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 4:23am
Where MAY we dine???
"(e) Outdoor Dining.

(1) Outdoor dining shall only be permitted as an accessory to an indoor restaurant.

(2) Outdoor seating shall be permitted in a public right-of-way or sidewalk only along local and collector streets, provided that the conditions described in Section 1254.05(g) are met.

Hmmmm...Here is Section 1254.05 in its entirety straight from the Codified City Ordinances, and I can't see any sub-section (g).  In fact, I can't find anything to do with dining--indoor or outdor--at all!!  Perhaps this is one of those "little things" that "we know the intent" and we will "fix later"????


It is the intent of the CBD-2 Subdistrict to provide those professional, institutional, civic and cultural uses of the highest intensity serving the entire City and urban area.

(a) Principal permitted uses. Principal permitted uses are the same as the principally and conditionally permitted uses in a P-2 Professional District; and motels and hotels with modifications in height, area and yard requirements as specified in this chapter.

(b) Conditional uses permitted. The following uses shall be permitted only if specifically authorized by the Planning Commission in accordance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 1278:

1) Parking. Public and private parking lots, both surface and multi-level; and

(2) Expansion of nonconforming; uses. Expansion of nonconforming uses with approval of the Planning Commission.

c) Accessory uses permitted. Structures and uses customarily incidental to any of the permitted uses provided in this section shall be permitted, including signs which shall be subject to the standards and requirements of Chapter 1272.

(Ord. 4886, passed 12-27-1968)


So, Marty, is this one of those things that someone, somewhere "knows the intent" and that will make everything okay???
Or is this a sneaky way of saying that YOU don't want any tacky outside dining in YOUR precious Camelot area?
Garçon!!!  Table for two for Mr. Kohler, immediately!!!  Right UNDER the "water feature", if you please!!
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 6:00am


(e) Outdoor Dining.

(1) Outdoor dining shall only be permitted as an accessory to an indoor restaurant.

(2) Outdoor seating shall be permitted in a public right-of-way or sidewalk only along local and collector streets, provided that the conditions described in Section 1254.05(g) [Dead-end] are met.

(3) The number of seats permitted outdoors shall be no greater than the number of seats inside the restaurant.

(4) The outdoor dining area shall be limited to seating only and shall not include facilities for bussing or food or beverage preparation.

(5) No separate advertising may be permitted for the outdoor dining area, including any advertisement for the business or any supplier of the business on any umbrellas, awning or other separate structure pertaining to the outdoor dining facilities other than that permitted in Chapter 1272.04 and 1253.04(f). [Hmmm...see my immediately previous post!!! There IS NO 1253.04(f)!!! I guess this means that FOKs (Friends Of Kohler) can have any kind of advertising they want. Perhaps this is how BBQ Junction got by with it???]

(6) The property owner shall be responsible to keep the outdoor dining area free and clear from all garbage, trash, and other debris and shall provide appropriate trash receptacles within the outdoor dining area. Such trash receptacles shall be emptied on a regular basis.

Now, my next question for Mr. Kohler is:

IF a property owner has "outdoor dining area" which "shall be limited to seating only" and "shall not include facilities for bussing" [all incompliance with sub-section (e) (4)], THEN HOW can the property owner possibly "provide appropriate trash receptacles [a facility for bussing] within the outdoor dining area" and ensure that "Such trash receptacles shall be emptied [part of bussing operations] on a regular basis" [all mandated by sub-section (e) (6)]??? For the property owner to fulfill the mandates of (e)(6), he must violate the provisions of (e)(4)!

Of course, we all know "the intent", don't we!!! Well, don't we???

If we don't, I guess we just have to refer to that phantom 154.05(g).  Angry Confused 

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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MUSA Immigrant
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote High Speed Rail?? Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 6:42am
Thanks so much for your considerable research on the proposed amendments to the Middletown Zoning Ordinance.  Former employees of the City who have worked under Marty K. know that you speak the truth. ClapClapClap
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 7:11am

Now some of you may think that I'm being too picky, or too hard on our poor, little, overworked, underpaid public servants--but I am not! Here's the thing:

I actually DO know “the intent”--or at least I know what "the intent" SHOULD BE, and I’ll explain it to you in laymen’s terms. But first, I’ll explain WHY I know!!!

You see, in the private sector, we have to do things quickly and efficiently…and we also have to do things accurately, and we have to keep things moving. After all, in the private sector it’s all about the bottom line, and for the employees, it’s also about performance, and profits for both your employers AND your employer’s clients.

So, here is “the intent” when “contract documents“ are involved: You make things CLEAR. You make them as concise and simple as possible while making them as complete and detailed as necessary. You mandate everything that you need to mandate, but no more. You detail all that you must detail, and no less. The “goal” is to allow a quick, easy submittal (whether that submittal is to be a bid to buy; or an offer to sell. Whether it is a contract to construct, or a request for subcontractors on a certain portion of a project. Whether you are preparing something--virtually ANYTHING--to submit for approval; or you are preparing spec’s. or requests for proposal, or--yes--even zoning documents, the goal is the same.

The goal is either to submit, or to have submitted to you, something that so obviously meets all stated requirements that virtually NO questions are raised. The goal is to either submit, or to receive, something that is so obviously in conformance that it becomes a veritable “checklist” that even a single person can review quickly and say: “Yes, this meets ALL requirements! No ifs, buts, maybes, excepts, even a “dunno”. Especially no “mays”, “mights” “shoulds” etc.

That is “the intent” or at least it should be. Both a zoning Code AND a Zoning review process that is so clear-cut, that virtually anyone who knows “the lingo” on the developer’s team can look at their proposal and KNOW whether or not it meets all of the requirements, and that anyone in the Zoning department can “check off” and quickly verify whether or not it meets all requirements. If it does--NO PROBLEM!! Tell the Board that it does, and they should approve it post haste…no muss, no fuss! (And NO City Council!) If it doesn’t, BACK it GOES…withOUT bothering ANY board or commission, and the developer either changes it (in the case of an error), and BINGO!! It gets approved!!! If not, the developer goes to the Board ON THAT ONE (or MORE) ISSUE ONLY, to get THAT “variance” approved, and BINGO!! The whole project flies, because everyone knows that everything else already meets the code.

Now, if a developer wants a variance on half the darn code, or wants to put an experimental nuclear rocket launcher between a church and a nursery school, guess what? He should EXPECT a long, drawn out, delay-filled “variance process."

Anyway, that’s what’s wrong here. Since a few individuals want to control every little aspect of everything, and possibly even steer things certain ways for profit, “the intent” as described above just will not work!!! They have to have a lot of discretion to be able to road-block the “wrong people” for NO good reason, and allow the “right people” for any old reason, regardless of whether a variance is requested or not.

And that is why our “most desirable” location on the Cin-Day corridor has NOT yet developed, and that is why those with vision (Like Mr. “Marvin”) who tried to play the game by the rules and stood to win big, is now standing there empty-handed!

That is also why we MUST CLEAN HOUSE at City Hall !!  It's not their business who wins or loses.  Things are not supposed to suit their "tastes" or preferences.  IF they are so smart, then GET OUT OF City Hall, raise YOUR OWN capital, and risk YOUR money on YOUR vision (and I actually hope that you make a fortune!), but do it on YOUR OWN TIME, with YOUR OWN MONEY!  We've seen you and your friends' wonderful business acumen at work in the former downtown.  Let those with with actual records of success try it at our new downtown!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 7:30am
But.....but ...Mike- all of what you say is a good overview of what is transpiring with good 'ole Marty and friends (although I think you're being a little harsh on them---kinda), but don't you know yet....... the real news is that the mayor's garage was broken into recently and he lost some valuables and his cars were ransacked. He said that the family "took pause" (whatever the heck that means) at the situation. Took pause? I think I'd set them up again for a break-in, and "take pause" with a shotgun barrel between their teeth while I waited for the cops. Just protectin' the old property. 10/4 Hermes?
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 7:42am
Now Vet, these were probably just some rambunctious young lads, playfully blowing off a little steam celebrating the fact that school is out.
At worse, they sound like ideal candidates for that program from last year where they "promise" to be good, and so they stay out of jail.  Whatever happened to those little  imps and that program?  I haven't heard about it in a long while.
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Hermes View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hermes Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 9:34am
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

But.....but ...Mike- all of what you say is a good overview of what is transpiring with good 'ole Marty and friends (although I think you're being a little harsh on them---kinda), but don't you know yet....... the real news is that the mayor's garage was broken into recently and he lost some valuables and his cars were ransacked. He said that the family "took pause" (whatever the heck that means) at the situation. Took pause? I think I'd set them up again for a break-in, and "take pause" with a shotgun barrel between their teeth while I waited for the cops. Just protectin' the old property. 10/4 Hermes?
Vet- I am a good citizen,I support my leaders and any descisions they make for the benefit & welfare of my town however it may affect me or my neighbor.
2. I will not oppose nor speak out against my leaders for they are the supreme descision makers.
3. Any law,ordinance or descision my leaders make are final,absolute & unadulterated.
4. My leaders are and were chosen by me and the people of my town through a collective vote,therefore I will obey and I will not obviate any law,ordinance or descision my leaders make on behalf and for the betterment of myself and my neighbor.
5. I will be observant and inform my leaders of any and all intent by any citizen to deviate,obstruct,malign,misinform,to be malignant or a malingerer,anyone who shows malevolence towards our great leaders and the descisions they make shall be reported to proper authorities at city hall.
6. I have read and understood the above statement and I state and swear that I have not been influenced,directed nor ordered to make this statement by anyone at city hall or by it's affiliate members and or establishments.
signed  Mr. Hermes     16 June 2010
No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 12:34pm
Hermes- I'd like to add a #7 to your list......a little "disclaimer" if I may.

7. I am also like Vet when I mention agreement with the city leaders and will admit, of good conscience and clear mind, that I am as full of crap as the abovementioned Vet and have learned to be every bit as sarcastic as the Vet when it comes to writing bull hockey such as the manure mentioned above. In reality, I believe that the city leaders should be committed to the nearest mental hospital for the purpose of psychological evaluations as they seem "off their rocker" most of the time, demonstrated by their decision-making.

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Hermes View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hermes Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 12:41pm
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

Hermes- I'd like to add a #7 to your list......a little "disclaimer" if I may.

7. I am also like Vet when I mention agreement with the city leaders and will admit, of good conscience and clear mind, that I am as full of crap as the abovementioned Vet and have learned to be every bit as sarcastic as the Vet when it comes to writing bull hockey such as the manure mentioned above. In reality, I believe that the city leaders should be committed to the nearest mental hospital for the purpose of psychological evaluations as they seem "off their rocker" most of the time, demonstrated by their decision-making.

Vet - I assume I have your permission to use and include your above statement ? LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL
No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 12:43pm
Mike- that much ballyhooed program taking those "model citizens" (drug dealers?) that were previously destined for jail and publishing that they were being "molded" to be on the right track kinda fizzled, didn't it? I know we had a few "backslide" and ended up in jail despite the efforts of this fine program. They were "just a foolin' the authorities, don't cha know! Darn!   Must not have had any successes or they would have bombarded us with "what a great idea it was" and "see what we did for the underpriveledged" crap, just to massage their egos. Like so many other "highly publicized" ideas from our leaders, this one went "belly-up" too. It is a public circus when we read about the city/county or fed programs sometimes.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 12:44pm
Hermes- yessir (that's my arafat) Sorry, the song just popped into my head.
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Hermes View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hermes Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 12:44pm
Now if we can only get Mike,Randy,Adam,John & Wasteful to sign the above declaration. LOL
No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 12:57pm
All respectable gentleman except for that RANDY. Seems to be a loose cannon on this staff. Trouble maker, don't cha know. Always asking questions that put some of our gracious leaders "on the spot". Goes around with a camera gettin' in the face of our beloved city leaders and making them feel "uncomfortable". Our leaders have a tough enough job trying to hide their agendas, moving money around to different budgets without tracking them and conducting city business out of sight/out of mind while attempting to conform to the Sunshine Laws. Not to mention that Leslie Landen, our Law Director, is always reviewing our city decisions so that he can interpret the laws to conform to the situation. and let's not forget the Adkinsmeister, who is looking frantically for someone to cut all his grass at the 2000 homes that are vacant. What a headache for these people. And then the added burden of RANDY, showing up to add more pressure? Whew! It's got to be mind draining each and every day for these poor souls! My heart goes out to all of them......kinda.
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 1:23pm
GREAT!!! I see that youse guys have already volunteered for my "TRANSPARENCY POSSE"!!!
Sign them thar afferdavids, load yer ...uh...cameras????...slip the arouring onto the SUVs and meet at my other thread at midnight to find some more of them scalawags that ain't a'goin along with thet thar winder dealie-bob that everyone's gotta be held to the same standard to.  YEEE-HAAAW!!! We'll git us some o' them no good high smellin', low down, no good rascals fer shur!!!
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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