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Obamacare Loses Big Vote Yesterday

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Printed Date: Jul 27 2024 at 1:24am

Topic: Obamacare Loses Big Vote Yesterday
Posted By: Middletown News
Subject: Obamacare Loses Big Vote Yesterday
Date Posted: Oct 22 2009 at 10:14am
You have to read all the way to page A-25 in today’s New York Times to learn about it, but the Senate took its first floor vote on Obamacare yesterday and the White House lost. Big.

The NYT reports: “Democrats lost a big test vote on health care legislation on Wednesday as the Senate blocked action on a bill to increase Medicare payments to doctors at a cost of $247 billion over 10 years. The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, needed 60 votes to proceed. He won only 47. And he could not blame Republicans. A dozen Democrats and one independent crossed party lines and voted with Republicans on the 53 to 47 roll call.”

Congress realizes that more Americans now believe that Obamacare will lower the quality of care they receive, reduce their health care coverage, and complicate the insurance company requirements they have to meet to get certain treatments covered.

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