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The Census

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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: Middletown News, Info and Happenings
Forum Description: Discuss any Middletown Ohio area news story.
Printed Date: Jun 11 2024 at 2:26pm

Topic: The Census
Posted By: VietVet
Subject: The Census
Date Posted: Jan 03 2010 at 10:02am
Got a real problem with the story in the Journal concerning the census taking criteria. The story stated that the info. would be used by marketing companies as to number in household, age and ethnicity. I would imagine that the dam credit card companies will feast on this and start mailing all of us those 30% interest rate credit card offers. Many, will cut them up and ignore the offers, but how many will take them up on that 30% card and get themselves into more debt? There are alot of people who can't make the minimum payments on these credit cards since the dam banks jacked the rates up so high. And we're bailing these low-life crooks out using OUR tax money?????? I'm reluctant to give these people any information at all based on the marketing company involvement.

The story also mentions Ohio losing represention in Washington if we don't get an accurate reporting of population. I'm not so sure I'm that pleased with the representation we have in there now. What have these 's done for us since they've been in Washington?? Can't see them contributing to our state's prosperity anyway. Just some more overpaid/under producing deadwood anyway.

Posted By: lrisner
Date Posted: Jan 03 2010 at 11:56am
You want to be really pissed? I heard that all the Bank Profits posted lately come from the Banks borrowing from the Fed at 0% then turning around and buying T-Bills that pay 3% back to them. Just think, the Fed loans money at no interest to the Banks, then the Banks buy Ts from the Fed where the Fed pays them 3%.

We are just transferring 3% of the loans ( Taxes Money) to the Banks. And People wonder why the Banks aren't lending, they don't have to, they have this scam!

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jan 03 2010 at 9:21pm
Isn't Corporate America great ?!! We live in the best corporate country in the world ! (Well besides Japan & American China) Only in America could something like the census be used for and by some friggin corporation for the purpose of exploiting a bunch of poor people.
Vet I'm with you. When I get that census in the mail I'm sending it back blank !! I can't see 10 questions being to damn important to anyone but corporations . Angry

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

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