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Master Plan

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Jun 09 2024 at 7:19pm

Topic: Master Plan
Posted By: spiderjohn
Subject: Master Plan
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 6:48am
I was very fortunate to be appointed to the Master Plan Review committee.
We had our first meeting last Thursday.
The forum is being led by Marty Kohler of the city, and comprised of approx.16 citizens, minus any late with drawals.
In the opening session, Mr.K was very good. Open, receptive and extremely infornational.
The make-up of this group seems very diverse. No one seemed to have an agenda, aand everyone seems anxious to work together towards actually helping the city move into the future inthe best way possible.
Since we are only scheduled to meet for 1 hour a month for 7 months, it will be tough to accomplish much unless we meet in smaller specialized groups to prepare in advance(my opinion).
I will do my best to keep everyone here informed of what is happening and possible.
The meetings are open to everyone, and should be held at 6pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
If you voice ideas and concerns here, I will do my best to address them when appropriate.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 7:00am
Spider- I find it very ironic that Kohler, one of those directly responsible for the current state of affairs in this city, would lead a group of citizens in an effort to (in your words) "move the city into the future in the best way possible". I'm wondering how the same person, who has driven off potential businesses and helped create a potential nightmare at the I-75 interchange, and "played games" with the VA clinic site development, could do an "about face" and start changing their way of thinking to make logical, credidible suggestions to CORRECTLY move this city forward. His involvement, based on his past history of decision-making, couldn't leave a warm fuzzy feeling as to having the right things done for this city. Very skeptical with this guy involved.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 7:24am
I understand your thinking, Vet.
Still--we have to try wherever we can.
Getting rid of everyone is only a good option when you have BETTER people to replace those removed.
I don't see better people stepping up to the plate around here.
Section 8 is only 45% of the subsidized housing in Middietown.
You do the math.
We are looking at the PLAN to move the city forward---the voters and Admin decide on the PEOPLE used to impliment that plan.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 7:41am
Only 45% is a pretty huge number Spider, 55% being public Housing is even larger.  Both numbers need to be reduced for this city to recover.  I find it hard to believe that you can review the Master Plan effectively for a city this size, in the financial straits it is in and possibly make suggestions about improving the plan, get any implemented, in 7 hrs.  When was the last time this Master plan was Reviewed?

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 9:18am
I agree, pacman(and so did all other committee members--they want to accomplish somethings meaningful)..
I don't see how we can accomplish much if limited to that time frame, however we must do the best that we can do in the period available.
The group seems very willing and functional, and Mr.Kohler seems very co-operative and open.
I will update this forum as to the topic of our next meeting(as I mentioned--meetings are open to the public as spectators) with plenty of time for feedback.
So--let's focus on what we CAN input and possibly incorporate into the plan.
Let's forget about firing everyone and starting from scratch. We have elections to deal with that aspect. ELECTABLE candidate recruitment would be a great start in changing the faces.
45% of the total subsidized housing is Section 8--55% is from other programs.
So--Section 8 is slightly less than half of local subsidized housing, which should put our total at approx.3500-4000 homes?

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 10:18am
Spider it's great that your on this committee & it's very commendable, but why only one hour per month ?? I know club members that meet more often than that. But don't get me wrong I'm not dissing you for taking the initiative because I'm not doing much to better the city thats for sure, but anything coming from the hall just makes me suspicious of the motive.
I do agree with you that finding suitable candidates should be a priority.

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 10:25am
Gonna half to respectfully disagree with you Spider on the topic of firing everyone. IMO, you have to excise the cancer before you can expect a cure. I see no advantage in having the current crop of people in this city government. I see no positive direction for this city with consideration to their decision-making capabilities. We will never change the thinking, which will change the direction of this city until we remove those who refuse to change their attitudes and serve the people correctly and do right for the growth of this town. I would like to see people on council who will re-direct the focus to other priorities and who will present an ultimatum to the city building heads that if you don't change your ways, you are out of here and we will replace you with people who will travel a completely different path as to the development of our city. JMO

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 10:35am
Spider I am not knocking the effort of you volunteers, but rather the notion that this can be done effectively in the time period allotted.  It is as if the city does not want the Review done thoroughly, period.  It would appear the city leadership has an agenda and they don't want any citizen input in the way. 
This is like mandating that City Council solve the Section 8 issue in 4 months with (1) meeting each month lasting only 30 minutes each.  The city has already stated they can't have an "intelligent conversation" about Section 8, without a 3-4 month study on the issue, yet we can review the Master Plan for the whole City and make any recommendations in (7) 1hr. meetings spaced out over the next 7 months.   It took City Council almost 2 years to get a semi handle on Section 8 and a new contract to just handle the administration of the progran and now that is in the toilet currently.  This is ridicules to say the least.  It is no wonder that this city can not get it's act together.
I would venture a guess the last Review of the Master plan, was what about 5 years or so ago, back when Middletown was struggling but not as badly as it is now and probably prior to the Section 8 fiasco was made Public.
Spider yeah the figure is roughly 3600+/- on the Section 8/Public Housing/other programs, we have discussed that issue on here many times before as has Council.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 2:08pm
As for the time limitation, believe me--ALL committee members are concerned about that, and will be under the gun to accomplish much. Is it intenional? Maybe--though the idea was floated that the time frame could be extended. I don't believe that the time frame is mandated.
Mr.K has been extremely open, informative and easy. We will see just what happens when someone makes a left turn, or veers off of the chosen path.
I share ALL of the concerns mentioned above, and am hardly alone.
We have a good-sized plan booklet to use, and have a designated area to study and discuss at our next session. As soon as I digest what we will be working with, I will post that info here in a timely manner, so that everyone can think about what will be discussed, and give me their input.
Vet---I understand your thinking.
Replacing humans is not really our agenda.
The elective process is pretty much the only way, and once again, we need NEW ELECTABLE faces to offer to the voting public. Believe me--the public is VERY tired of watching what goes on downtown on the live TVM broadcasts. I don't see ANY of the at-large seats being automatic, and wouldn't expect any of the corrent seat-holders to even try to seek re-election. The next election should be wide open, not that the dark siders won't have their ducks(and puppets) in place. We can expect that.
So--please give me time to understand just where we are headed next month.
I have been on this site for quite a whle,and will represent the MUSA thinking in the best, most constructive way possible.

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