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School Levy Issue......

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Category: Middletown City Schools
Forum Name: School Tax Issues
Forum Description: Discuss past, current and upcoming tax issues.
Printed Date: Jul 27 2024 at 2:03am

Topic: School Levy Issue......
Posted By: Hermes
Subject: School Levy Issue......
Date Posted: Jun 16 2010 at 1:18pm
According to the Middie Link newsletter eight Middeltown schools have saved $450,000 in utilities cost.
Also a "new weight room" was added at the highschool,(cost wasn't mentioned)
Since the schools seem to be doing so good,any chance of getting back some of that levy money ?
Also...I've noticed Ms. Andrews has not been posting since the levy her money and now avoids us maybe ? HHhhmmmm......Ermm

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

Posted By: Marcia Andrew
Date Posted: Jun 17 2010 at 12:42pm
The savings in utilities is part of the ongoing effort by the school district to reduce costs where possible, to offset other costs that continually rise, and new unfunded mandates.  Just maintaining a flat budget requires constantly looking for new ways to save money.
The weight room is for female athletes as part of our Title IX compliance.  I don't have the exact cost in front of me, but my recollection is somewhere around $25,000, including the new equipment and the remodeling of the gym area to create a new room.
I have not posted recently because there has not been discussion of school related issues on this forum. I am not avoiding anyone. 
Marcia Andrew

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jun 17 2010 at 1:27pm
Ms. Andrew- how are the new initiatives going for the overall improvement of the performance of your school system? Any updates you can give us as to improvements or new programs in place to show more progress? You mentioned the constant problems in dealing with the finances and "keeping your head above water" so- to -speak with all the mandates, etc. Has there been any discussion about all of the schools in the area getting together, making an appointment in Columbus and collectively making the trip for the purpose of discussing school funding issues? If this has been tried in the past, what was the reaction from Columbus?

Ms. Andrew- I noticed in today's Journal that there is a story about the Lebanon teachers agreeing to a one year pay freeze as well as paying more into their premiums for their insurance. Was this ever discussed with the Middletown Teacher's Union in the last bargaining session? In your opinion, do you think the Midd. union would go for something like this? If so, why don't you discuss it with them for the benefit of us taxpayers?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jun 17 2010 at 1:48pm
Ms Andrew - My apology for being so sarcastic. I realize your not avoiding anyone so please accept this as my apology.
Compliance is this a state or federal mandate ?? Should I be redirecting my sarcasm to Columbus or Washington ?
When I was in school 40+ years ago girls used our weight room but a schedule was worked out so that boys were not in there at the same time as girls. Admittingly today is not 40+ years ago and things are a lot different.

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

Posted By: Marcia Andrew
Date Posted: Jun 18 2010 at 10:21am
Viet Vet,
As was reported before the levy vote, the Middletown teachers' union has tentatively agreed to a one year wage freeze.  It has not yet been put to the teachers for a vote to ratify (the timing of that vote is up to the union). Part of the agreement was that we would not negotiate any other monetary issues this year.  At the last negotiations, 3 years ago, we did get the union to agree to double their share of health insurance premiums (to 10%). 
Yes, things are different than 40 years ago. Overall, there is a greater use of the weight room by both male and female athletes, which led to capacity issues. In addition, there is greater understanding among experts that girls bodies are different (duh!?!) and that some different equipment is therefore required.
Marcia Andrew

Posted By: Middletown News
Date Posted: Jun 18 2010 at 10:51am

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Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jun 18 2010 at 5:12pm
Clap Good speech !! Bravo !!
I've said it a million times and I'll say it again....teachers,policemen & firemen should not be,ever be unionized. I agree with the governor 100%...these public servant unions are killing us !!
But the big question do we,as the public,rid ourselves of these unions ?

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

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