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C'mon AJ!

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Jun 10 2024 at 7:25am

Topic: C'mon AJ!
Posted By: VietVet
Subject: C'mon AJ!
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 7:12am
Not the thing we want to read for a councilmember that has some potential. Need to avoid these types of things when you're in a glass bowl and are scrutinized by the public as this city council is. People in this town are just looking for things like this to criticize city officials on. We are not happy to begin with. Don't be a target for the criticism. Stay straight, make good decisions, stand up for what is the right thing to do and serve the people. JMO

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 7:33am
exactly, vet
hey aj--hope that gurl didn't rough you up!
take the report over court time always
judge doesn't want to spend time with this petty crap
he is there for more pressing situations than these self-created non-issues
plus y'all get nailed for court costs, possibly diversion programs--lucky to avoid domestic violence
been a hot season, especially in the southwest end of the city
no money-no jobs-no smarts to hold a job if available-no real hope

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 8:37am
Well, of course we don't know the details, but  I kind of admire AJ going out of his way to avoid the appearance of receiving favoritism!!!  (If that is what he did.)
Let's hope that he was trying to do the right thing, trying to diffuse a situation between others and just sort of got caught up in it.  Such things can happen.
I'd say a temporary Thumbs%20Up, and a hope that the facts will allow us to make it permanent.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 9:42am
You guys sound like you're going a little soft on one of your favorite council outsiders.  I wonder what the reaction would be if one of the "old guard" missed the tax deadline, ran a red light, or had a shoelace untied.
I wonder if this will impact his meteoric, Obama-like ascent and the grueling 2 month fire-training educational path he's on?  AJ's youth is no excuse.  If he's old enough to be trusted with council decisions he's old enough to avoid rolling around on the ground with girls. 

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 10:02am
Well, Bill, you know me....if it were Mulligan, Becker, or any of other "old guard" members (and most of the "new guard" in the city building for that matter), as you phrase it, I know I'd be offering my usual criticism and smart a-- remarks.    Won't speak for the Spider or Mike. Kinda get a kick out of verbally kicking the boys (and girls) of the inner realm around a little. Someone has to let them know they aren't appreciated in their current capacity. Fair and honest enough of an answer?

I think that "meteoric ascent" for AJ has been slowed down a bit here lately, don't you?

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 10:30am
no bill--I have wanted to kick aj's butt a few times myself, though I support him as a friend and in his Council position.
Did he get into a very dumb situation trying to help his sister? duh
not that there is anything wrong with a little wrestling with a 23yo female(consenting of course!)
no excuses 4 him here, and it wasn't whitewashed away like it probably would have been for other public figures.
Actually I get far more concerned when mayors try to rip us off over land swaps . Then not abstaining from the vote on the issue.
Or when a speaking Councilmember is interrupted un-necessarily for a meaningless motion, seconded, and then brought to a vote while discussion is still on-going on a controversial issue.
But we all have our priorities and preferences

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 1:02pm
AJ is young - and he has every right to defend his sister.  Based on what he said in the most updated article from the MJ, he stepped in and shielded his sister.  Nothing wrong with that. 
My only question that I would have is why were they at the Aaron Dr address?  If this is where the other party lives, then it would look as the Smiths went there for trouble.  If the Smiths were there and the other parties came after them, then it is a different issue.  Judge will decide all of this - but I think he will learn a lesson, and realize that he is always being watched by the public. 

Posted By: TANGO
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 1:45pm
Well  guys glad you are going lightly on this act of immaturity,  looks real good to others outside of town who in the past read about some council meetings. This sould be good Tues. when aj add. council to defend his sister. At least people will get a laugh.

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 2:52pm
his age is no excuse, none.  Not when you're telling everyone how you're old enough and mature enough to be on council. 
Other councils in other towns have embarrassing issues, so it's not the end of the world.  Actually, it's probably fairly typical as councils are known to be comprised of a fair number of "real people", not saints.

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 4:14pm
I agree that his age is not an excuse - but what I meant was what do you expect from someone that young.  I don't think that AJ is a bad guy, and I think that the young fresh face is something that council needs.  But with that you have to expect certain things. 
Again no excuse.  I do think he took the high road by requesting the summons rather then the warning. 

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 4:53pm
Took the High Road give me a break.  This is not Junior High and we are not talking about 15 year olds.  The Journal has put out 3 different versions of this story since 5AM this morning each time getting easier and easier on AJ. 
In the second version AJ was interfering with the officers by interrupting them while they were doing their investigation.  That has disappeared from the third version.  AJ tends to talk over people and wants to control the meetings.  He should take a hint here and listen once in awhile and learn when to shut up.
His sister in instigating this matter by texting back and forth wanting to fight.  OH yeah lets all go on over and duke it out.  Come on.
Taking the high road what a load of crap.  If he was taking the High Road he would have just apologized  for being involved in this mess kept his mouth shut when the Officers were just going to write a report on the matter and Said "Thank you Officer."
It is like the circus is back in town.  When they get to court it is going to be, he said she said.  I hope the Judge throws the book at all of them for immaturity and wasting our time and money.
How come this stuff never happens in my Neighborhood, I have all kinds of Council Persons over this way.

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Jul 16 2010 at 8:14pm

I've been in AJ's vicinity one time, and boy he could do some talking when it concerned himself.  The "kid" seems full of himself if you ask me.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Jul 17 2010 at 5:17am

Bill (and others):

I agree with some parts of what you say, other parts, not so much:

Bill, you wrote:

“You guys sound like you're going a little soft on one of your favorite council outsiders. I wonder what the reaction would be if one of the "old guard" missed the tax deadline, ran a red light, or had a shoelace untied.”

Well, if they “missed” a tax deadline by a day or two, or perhaps because there was confusion due to differing deadlines (such as some tax deadlines occurring on the 15th versus the 30th, depending upon whether the tax was federal, state or local, I might have one response. If they “ignored” a tax deadline because they thought that they were “special”, I might have a different response. As I stated, “getting caught up in a situation” “while trying to do the right thing” would bring a different response from me than trying to flaunt one’s position, and would merit a different response.

Bill, You continued:

“I wonder if this will impact his meteoric, Obama-like ascent and the grueling 2 month fire-training educational path he's on? AJ's youth is no excuse. If he's old enough to be trusted with council decisions he's old enough to avoid rolling around on the ground with girls.”

I agree, that is why I gave him only a temporary “thumbs up” until we hear the proverbial “rest of the story!”

Wasteful, you wrote:

"Took the High Road give me a break. This is not Junior High and we are not talking about 15 year olds. The Journal has put out 3 different versions of this story since 5AM this morning each time getting easier and easier on AJ."

In the second version AJ was interfering with the officers by interrupting them while they were doing their investigation. That has disappeared from the third version.”

This is certainly not unusual for The Journal, and I can testify to that. I missed the second version, and if AJ was interfering with police, they should have come down by the book on him!!! There is no excuse for that, especially from a councilman!!!, who does he think he is … the Mayor or a Director-level public official???

Wasteful, you continued:

AJ tends to talk over people and wants to control the meetings. He should take a hint here and listen once in awhile and learn when to shut up.

Agreed, but he does seem to be learning about this.

Bill, you then wrote:

I've been in AJ's vicinity one time, and boy he could do some talking when it concerned himself. The "kid" seems full of himself if you ask me.

I agree, but as I just mentioned, he does seem to be learning about this. I actually believe that he may ask others for advise before his term is over!!!

All in all, AJ is actually doing better than I expected of him as a Council member.

Yes, he has some growing to do, but don’t we all? I think he has found that it is not as easy as he expected it to be.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jul 18 2010 at 3:48pm
Been out   of town for 10 days and heard about this while I was gone. Can I say Told You So!! This will not be the first for AJ. He wants to be in the sptlight and and will do anything to stay in it. The 2nd Ward and our city will never move forward with jokers like thon on council He is clueless. I know he is your friend Spider, but this kid has no business trying to run our town. He cant even balance a checkbook  let a city budget. He needs to go. City council needs credibility and he blew it.
This will not be the last outburst from. Mark my words!

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