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"I Am the Law"

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Topic: "I Am the Law"
Posted By: Bill
Subject: "I Am the Law"
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 12:41pm

When I saw the headline I knew who it was.....



Councilman caught in brouhaha over beers

MIDDLETOWN — A misunderstanding regarding a city councilman and an unpaid bar tab led police to be called to the Applebee’s on Towne Boulevard Wednesday night.

According to Middletown police, the dispute happened around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday after Second Ward Councilman A.J. Smith allegedly left the restaurant without paying for a beer he ordered.

When confronted by his server in the parking lot about the bill, the woman told police Smith cursed at her. She then told the first-term councilman she would call the law, to which he answered, “I am the law,” before speeding out of the parking lot in his car, according to the police report.

Smith, 21, said he went to Applebee’s with Economic Development Director Mike Robinette following an Airport Commission meeting. Smith said while at the restaurant, Robinette opened a bar tab and purchased him a beer. He said he also believed the second beer he ordered was going to be covered by Robinette’s tab as well.

After a confrontation with a female acquaintance inside the restaurant, Smith said he was asked to move or leave Applebee’s. It was while Smith was heading to the parking lot that he was accused of stealing the beer.

Smith admitted to cursing at the waitress, but denied claiming he “was the law.” In fact, Smith said he encouraged the waitress to call the police if she wanted.

“I am certainly not going to steal a drink that is $2.50,” Smith said. “I certainly didn’t make any threats to anybody.”

Restaurant employees told police Robinette had instructed the server not to place Smith’s second beer on his tab. However, when he learned Smith had neglected to pay for it, he did settle the bill.

Robinette said he did instruct the server not to place the beer on his tab, but said Smith may have been confused.

“I don’t think he heard what I told her,” Robinette said. “After he left, I was still there finishing my drink and the server asked if I was going to pay for that beer she didn’t put on my tab, so I paid for it.”

No criminal charges were filed in the case.

This is the second time Smith has been involved in a spat that resulted in police being called. On July 14, Smith was involved in an altercation with three other women. In that case, Smith requested all parties be charged with disorderly conduct; however, those charges were dropped in August 2010 prior to a trial.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 12:59pm


Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 1:08pm
I can help you out, which one you need removed. I also made your youtube video viewable here

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 1:09pm
This article is just too funny, I am not sure what to say. I may need to give Aj a call get his side myself.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 1:16pm
Thanks Randy,You can delete the non youtube post if you want.LOL

Posted By: midres
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 2:51pm
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!  What is with this character.  First, it's apparent that his being a councilperson has gone to his head!  He must feel that he is above the law.  To make a statement the he "is the law" illustrates gross imaturity and a disrespect for others.  Also, note that this is another incidence in public where he is involved in a confrontation with a female.  I am a Third Ward resident but would hope that his constituents in his ward are all over him.  He sure wouldn't be my rep to council!!!  This behavior is disgusting!!

Posted By: arwendt
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 4:20pm

Nuff said.

“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.” Benjamin Franklin - More at my - Words of Freedom website.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 4:59pm
mr. smith was framed by city administration, middletown p.d, the middletown journal and Mr. Robinette because he called them out in the last meeting.

What a shame, what a shame........

Posted By: Mr. Dave
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 5:35pm

And so the conspiracies begin, well at least you didn’t say it was because he is black. I wonder if that “tab” there were running at Applebees will turned in as a business expense and paid for by the tax payers??

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 6:15pm
Some observations concerning this dastardly deed in public.

1. Perhaps AJ has a problem handling his alcohol. Article says that he had one beer and walked out on beer #2. One beer and he's hard to get along with? Intolerance to any alcohol at all perhaps?

2. At what time does the Airport meeting usually end? Does it end within the confines of a business day for Robinette or is this an "after working hours" meeting. I wouldn't want to see one of our esteemed city officials boozing it up on city time. I wouldn't want to see Mr. Robinette in a compromising position. He's one of my favorites.

3. Story seems to be one-sided and reported from the information from the restaurant and heresay from the server on what Smith said. Perhaps before reporting this, the Journal writer could have followed up with Smith's side of the story and made the comparison. Did we have any witnesses that Smith said he was the law or did the reporter assume he said it?

4. Mr. Smith, right or wrong, is digging himself a nice little hole to dig out of as to any future in politics around this area. It may already be too late, but if he intends to make politics any part of his future plans, he needs to stay on the path and out of the negative limelight. This is strike two. We all know what happens with strike three. You should too AJ.

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 6:59pm

Hey Robinette, isn't keeping your cushy city job worth two beers, not just one??  LOL

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 10:26pm
Originally posted by Bill Bill wrote:

Hey Robinette, isn't keeping your cushy city job worth two beers, not just one??  LOL

Hes a tightwad for sure LOL

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 10:50pm
This guy is a joke. Just so immature. Even if he didn't mutter those words, his behavior just shows he has lots of growing up to do.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 11:42pm
The only thing funnier would be to here AJ tell a couple of Middletown's finest that "I am the jail" in response to them telling him that he is going to jail.

Posted By: Chief Whatdahey
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 12:42am
Mr Smith is proving to be a real douchebag... and a bully. Seems to have a lot of trouble with ladies either fighting with or over him and getting him to trouble with the real "law." Save yourself some trouble Mr Smith and resign and save yourself some embarassment. Maybe you can go get a job with your hero, Comrade Obama.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 4:13am
Maybe AJ was just in a rush to leave Appleby's to get over to Take-a-Break so he could protect his sister during "Girls Gone Wild?"

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 7:18am
Nice comment Guest!!! Clap

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 7:29am

I have had many one-on-one dinners with AJ Smith over the last 3 years. Usually in a bar or local restaurant.

1. He never follows any of my thinking or advice.
2. I have never seen him drink alcohol at any time. I didn't think that he drank at all, and remember him   saying that he didn't drink. None of our dinners or meetings have ever included alcohol, other than "No-thank you" to the server. I have never seen him drinking or intoxicated.  
3. I have never seen or heard him disrespect any waitress or server at any time.
4. IMO 2 beers would be enough to have him buzzed, and who can tell what might happen when a non-drinker gets slightly loaded.
5. No issue whatsoever with buying anyone a drink with the proper intentions. Council and Admin should probably run separate tabs, with no chance of taxpayers picking up their bar tabs. Has this been going on?
With AJ's direction towards admin, why would he and Mr.R be drinking together late at night? Why didn't AJ simply pay the small tab(he is very tight!)?
6. I thought that Les was "the law"?

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 7:46am

I am curious on why was he asked to leave or move - what was the other issue. 

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 9:38am
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

I have had many one-on-one dinners with AJ Smith over the last 3 years. Usually in a bar or local restaurant.

For much of that time, AJ was under 21 and would have been drinking illegally if he had anything to drink.

Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

1. He never follows any of my thinking or advice.
Maybe AJ is smarter than we thought.

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 9:57am
Trust me I have a long history with AJ. He is a man child that listens to no one. He thinks he has akk the answers. This City has been going through tough times and at times show signs of maybe getting better. With that being said AJ needs to go away, just resign. But in true AJ style he won't. His sole purpose in life is to see his name  in print and be the center of attention. God help us all if he keeps hanging around. Unhappy

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 10:14am
Originally posted by Bobbie Bobbie wrote:

I am curious on why was he asked to leave or move - what was the other issue. 

That is a great question Bobbie, according to the journal report,

"After a confrontation with a female acquaintance inside the restaurant, Smith said he was asked to move or leave Applebee’s. It was while Smith was heading to the parking lot that he was accused of stealing the beer."

What was this "other" confrontation? Why is it not being talked about, why did the Journal not report it? Looks like selective journalism to me.  


Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: midres
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 10:47am
I agree with most here except Viet Vet who really needs to get a life.  He is being quite petty.
That being said, AJ really has a lot of gall criticizing City Admin.  When he, apparently, doesn't know how to conduct his own life, does he really expect anyone to listen to him when he criticizes the way City Admin. condusts City business???  He is an absolute joke and should resign to stop his continually being an embarassment to our city.  Our City admin may not always get it right, but AJ is the last one who should ever open his big mouth about them.  Stay away from the ladies, too, AJ!!!

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 11:37am
Originally posted by midres midres wrote:

I agree with most here except Viet Vet who really needs to get a life.  He is being quite petty.
That being said, AJ really has a lot of gall criticizing City Admin.  When he, apparently, doesn't know how to conduct his own life, does he really expect anyone to listen to him when he criticizes the way City Admin. condusts City business???  He is an absolute joke and should resign to stop his continually being an embarassment to our city.  Our City admin may not always get it right, but AJ is the last one who should ever open his big mouth about them.  Stay away from the ladies, too, AJ!!!
But he is the law! LOL

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 11:48am
[QUOTE=midres] I agree with most here except Viet Vet who really needs to get a life.  He is being quite petty.

Thank you Dr. Phil. So nice to hear from you on your opinion of my lack of a life. Amazing since I don't know you and you know little about me to make that evaluation. Mental telepathy on your part I presume. I'd like to meet with you and you can explain to me how to get the life you think I lack. I notice in your post that you seem to lean toward making excuses for the city leaders we currently have by stating Smith 's criticism about the "way the city admin. conducts city business", as you state. Would take a very gullible person to make that statement, given the cluster this group has made of our city. I'm anxious to hear more from you, oh guru of life's requirements. Mercy!   

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 12:08pm
This may very well have been a misunderstanding; however, the attitude revealed by Mr. Smith's statement is very disconcerting:  "I am the law."  Unfortunately, there are too many in government at every level that have adopted this attitude.  So many government officials have lost site of the fact that they are our representatives, not oligarchs who rule from position and title.  The law cannot be one person or a small group of people Mr. Smith.  The law must be of the people, by the people and for the people. 

Posted By: Arthur Loversky
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 2:16pm
Art Lover here
Not like Mr.Smith is the first in the city to think this way.
Seems like the city manager, community revitalization head,  economic development people, planning, works and legal adopted this policy long ago and act it out daily. Shame on AJ for thinking that he had worked his way into the "chosen ones"!
Seems that we have watched this attitude at Council and committee meetings for a long while.
Nice art show opening at Middletown Fine Arts last night. Best local exibit that I have seen in a long while. How long will it take for this Panhandletown project to open up and function at the same level?

got art?
you do now!

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 5:58pm
I am hearing that major things are not being mentioned here. I will have more on that late tonight or tomorrow. But if what I heard is even close too true than we have a serious problem with what has been reported.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 6:16pm
Originally posted by Arthur Loversky Arthur Loversky wrote:

Nice art show opening at Middletown Fine Arts last night. Best local exibit that I have seen in a long while.
Oh yeah?  Well, like Kelly Cowan said when Mayer Mulligan reopened Citizens Comments especially for her at that one City Council meeting: "Now we have PAC!"  Mr. Verdin promised that PAC will be open in time for the Christmas shopping season and it looks like they will make it in plenty of time.  Then you will see what an art exhibit really should look like.  It will put last nights Middletown Fine Arts art show to shame.

Posted By: Steve Lewis
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 6:16pm

Has anyone spoke to any of the people involved? This is when voters should feel able to call council members who at this time represent them and ask questions. I have know answers to calls not being returned. I do feel an effort should be made to go thru a chain of command,so the question is clear and consistent. First week of the new year, was hoping for a little change towards positive headlines.

Steve Lewis

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 6:19pm
A.J.,A.J. what have you gotting yourself in now?Sir,you have a issue with women putting you in your place.Why is that?Did your sister's pick on yea when you was growing up or are you just one of those people that speaks before he thinks?IMO I think you sir are a disgrace to the city.Smile

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 7:14pm
Typical Middletown!   Middletown sucks and most the people that live there is trying to get out.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 7:57pm
Originally posted by Dave Smith Dave Smith wrote:

Middletown sucks and most the people that live there is trying to get out.
Oh yeah?
Well, we have PAC.
And we have South Main Street.
And we have Highlands Historic District.
And we have a great Section 8 program.
And we have

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 8:25pm
I was at Applebee's when this incident occured and was actually a witness for the police later in the evening.  I also read the article in the paper and have some comments concerning it.

1) This occured at right around 10pm not 11:30 pm as stated in the paper.

2) As soon as my brother and I walked into the restaurant and sat down I noticed AJ Smith sitting at the bar with 4 other people.  This is because of the fact that he and Mr. Robinette (who I did not recognize at the time) were being very loud and, I felt, obnoxious at times especially towards the waiter/waitress(s).  -- Now, while the newspaper states AJ had only two beers, I am fairly certain/thought that I saw him consume 2 and order a third, the latter being the one surrounding the issue; however I could most certainly be wrong.  Understand, I don't normally count how many drinks any one person has, however as this was a city councilman, I felt the need to allow my mind the chance to "sink the situation in" so that I could remember what not to do if I should ever feel the need to run for public office.  But I digress....

3) In order to answer the question concerning the "incident regarding the female acquaintance" from an earlier post, our table was next to where AJ Smith et al were sitting.  I overheard the young lady complaining about how he (I'm not sure if she was referring to Councilman Smith or Mr. Robinette) was telling/asking her to take her clothes off at the bar.  This is when the waitress told Mr.Smith to move or leave Applebee's.  This ended up being confirmed later while I was sitting at the bar waiting for the police to arrive.

4) As my brother and I left Applebee's, AJ Smith walked out right behind us.  A few seconds later the waitress came running out after him.  I thought she did this because he was 1) leaving the restaurant and walking in public with an open container (the third beer I mentioned above), and 2) going to get into his vehicle with that beer in his hand and drive off.  I had no idea that she thought he had stolen it.   Unfortunately I am unable to confirm or deny whether he said "I am the law," because at this point they were on the driver's side of his vehicle and I was unable to see or hear anything that happened.   He then got into his vehicle as she walked away, gunned his vehicle into reverse (literally miss hitting her by about a foot), and drove off.  My brother and I got the license plate number and walked back inside as she was calling the police.

Posted By: Talking Heads
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 8:27pm
Getting back to the issue regarding why Mr. AJ Smith was asked to move or leave...a friend of mine witnessed a portion of this episode. Apparently, the girl he was "acquainted with" said loud enough for him to hear,  "I will not get naked for you!" Also said it looked like Mr. Smith was drunk - drinking those tall beers. And saw him speed out of the parking lot, almost hitting a car. - If this is all true, heavens. Randy, please get to the bottom of this.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 8:32pm
He was drinking Heineken bottles not the tall beers that they offer at Applebee's.  I know, I was also there.

Posted By: Talking Heads
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 8:43pm
Thank you. Glad to have an actual witness come forward. It's good to have first hand knowledge, and clarification of what my friend told me. 

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 11:56pm

I have had many conversations today with many people around the city, I have spoken to Aj Smith and heard his version of the night in question I have also spoken to an employee from Applebees that was there and served Aj and witnessed the incident first hand.  I am not going to go into what was said by either of them….YET!!

I will say that both version are completely different in just about all aspects. I need to do a little more thinking on what to share and talk to a few more people before I get into the versions I have been told.  
But people this (in my opinion) is a serious issue that needs to have the full story told. That’s all I have for now….FOR NOW!!
I do have a question for you Rob, and I know you were in fact there, as the employee I spoke to mentioned you and your brother, not by name, but mentioned you none the less.

There was another person there with Aj and Mike; I am told it was an older black guy. Can you confirm that? And can you tell me who that person left with??

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 12:34am
Randy,,IMO I bet it was Steve Hightower! AJ is his mouthpiece. Regardless AJ needs to go.  He is a disgrace to the city and we do not need a city leader acting like this. Better yet, when is the next council meeting? I will go and personally ask for his resignation!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 12:49am
When my brother and I walked in there were five people sitting there, City Councilman Smith, Mr. Robinette, the "female acquaintance," her acquaintance, and yes, an older black gentleman.  I honestly have no idea who he was nor who he left with.  Mr. Robinette and this gentleman both seemed to disappear a short while after the waitress told Mr. Smith that he would have to move or leave.  I'm not saying that he left the building as it would appear Mr. Robinette did not because according to the article he paid the tab that AJ Smith left; however, I am saying that I did not see what happened to those two gentlemen because at that time I was paying my bill, watching the tv, getting ready to leave, etc.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 6:04am
Originally posted by Guests Guests wrote:

Originally posted by Dave Smith Dave Smith wrote:

Middletown sucks and most the people that live there is trying to get out.
Oh yeah?
Well, we have PAC.
And we have South Main Street.
And we have Highlands Historic District.
And we have a great Section 8 program.
And we have
You forgot:
We will have an enhanced gateway (expensive, gussied up I-75 interchange).
We will have several downtown gateways (actually just expensive, monument-type "Welcome to downtown" signs).
We will have an expensive to operate and maintain "water feature" (if Marty gets his way) at I-75.
We have a bike path (and more to come).
We have a model canal lock water feature downtown.
We have murals.
We will have junk auto hood "art", but only one dealership displaying actual new auto hoods on NEW autos for sale.
We have lots of symbolism, very little substance. (But that's OK, City Hall likes it that way!!!)

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 3:19pm
i no a.j. and i think we should wait and get his side of the story before you all crucifiy him. even tho he dont owe anybody anything. this is personal. you all act like sharks with blood in the water when he has PERSONAL problems. nobody is perfect.  wait for the facts!!! 

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 3:46pm
Sorry vannestmom, you are wrong. As an elected official of this community you are held to a higher standard. His actions are TOTALLY UNEXCEPTABLE!!! Again he needs to resign, and if he has personal problems as you say, then he needs help! His only personal problem is himself. He listens to no one and does whatever he wants like most manchilds do. Your opinion is what is wrong with this communiity and our world!!

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 3:47pm
Just for your information there MOM, I posted the above post!

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 4:08pm
smartman dont throw stones when u live in glass houses! i didnt say he has personal problems i said this stuff you all are talkin about is PERSONAL!!!! nobody on this page has made any mistakes? and yoiu all are just assuming and u no the old saying about assuming?!?!?!Embarrassed

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 4:41pm
vannestmom, you and your kind represent how far our society has fallen in the last three decades.  Not accountable, not responsible, living off my tax money to support your many kids, always making excuses for poor behavior.

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 5:20pm
Sorry MOM if you think that AJ's actions are acceptable, then maybe you should get out of town too. When in public office, you have to represent your community in a positive manner. AJ does not know how!!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 6:02pm
Actually VannestMom you did say he had personal problems..

  "this is personal. you all act like sharks with blood in the water when he has PERSONAL problems."

You also state that everybody who has made comments on this blog are assuming when it comes to the incident at Applebee's and that we should get AJ's side of the story.
   1) I'm not assuming because I actually was at Applebee's and was a witness to the incident itself.
   2) The writer of the story which appeared in the Middletown Journal consulted with City Councilman Smith concerning the incident and got his side of the story prior to writing the article.
   3)I know what happens when one assumes, however, because the councilman was in fact drinking while at Applebee's (which he has stated), and because alcohol affects every person differently, I have to assume that his recollection of the incident may be somewhat construed.
   4)While these are personal problems, and he obviously does have personal problems considering his past history that was also splashed across the front of the newspaper.... he is still a city councilman, and is therefore going to be, and should be, held to a higher standard.  As a representative of not only his ward, but also the city and community in which he lives, he should realize that during his time in office he will always be held in the public eye.  This, and past incidents, tell me that he is still too immature to be "running the city."

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 6:16pm

Sad day for the city. One more black eye.

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 6:44pm
Here's a thought, this forum has had responses to issues from council folks and school board people. I greatly appreciate their responses to issues that we have discussed. Since they all read what goes on here, lets see if AJ has the stones to tell his side of the story here. He will probably have to wait until his handlers get back in town to write his response for him. LOL

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 7:08pm
when i said personal rob i meant this was personal!! he wasnt on the clock!!! you all act like you dont get your goose on when your not working.  so he had a drink. that man opened up a bar tab and put his drink on it aj probaly just thought that he was buyin all night.  i dont know what the problem was just a misunderstanding that blew up in the paper.

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 8:05pm
And We have the nice lake

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 8:14pm
Ok Mom,,,I see you thought process. If someone opens a tab you drink free all night! That fits with your its owed to me thinking. Really when one buys you a drink you but the next round, its called being polite. Oh wait a minute,,,AJ has no job so the drinks should be free!! He's an embarressment to the City and so are you!!!Censored

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 8:23pm
You're right, it was personal.  But so was Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky.  Perhaps it's not fair to compare that situation to Councilman Smith's, but the idea/principle remains the same.  I don't have a problem with him or any elected official sitting at a bar drinking.  Nor do I have a problem concerning the misunderstanding over who payed for the beer in question.  What I do have a problem with is:
1) The girl at the bar complaining about how Councilman Smith/Mr.Robinette was telling her to take her clothes off  at the bar.
2) The fact that the councilman walked out of the bar with a beer in his hand (open container) and then drove off.
3) His loud and obnoxious behavior while sitting at the bar.

I'll admit that when I do go out after work, I would like to have a good time and be with friends.  However, if I were an elected official I would also be sure to maintain awareness of my surroundings and be sure to not act like a fool in front of the people whom I have been sworn to represent; be it either the people of my ward or the city itself.  He's an elected official, he should know better.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 11:36pm

Mom, I will tell you this, I have spoken to Aj about his and I have spoken to the waitress from that night. I would be careful if I were you defending the actions of that night. You may regret it when the entire story comes out....and it will come out no matter who tries to keep things hush hush.


I can also tell you that the stores I have been told by Aj and the person working that night are very different. The account the Rob has giving matches the employees version (almost) but as Rob as said he didn't see everything that went on.


This is a major...I repeat MAJOR black eye to the city and for to defend it as nothing more than someone out having some fun and then  dealing with a personal issue is ridicules.


Since you say you know Aj, why don’t you call him and ask for his version of events that night? Then walk into Applebees and ask them what happened. Then come back here and tell all of us how this was no big deal and we are blowing things out of proportion.



Oh, and were are all the great defenders of the city and city stuff, you now the ones that come on here and talk so highly of them and try to diminish what is been said here on MUSA…..Huh where are you Mtown/AKA.. Sgt. Joe and Sappy. Kind of hard to defend when city staff is driving home drunk, so drunk that they stumble out of Applebees ( and I am not talking about Aj)

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Eleven
Date Posted: Jan 09 2011 at 11:51pm
Anyone driving on my roads drunk...grrrr  Let alone ANY member of city staff. Stumbling outta Applebees?  Pitiful.   It is against the law to carry an open container outta any liquor establishment and I'm thinking an open container in an car is also illegal. Wondering if we are ever going to hear the females version?
And Randy, Smartman & Bill...  Your posts to Vannest Mom    Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 7:14am
I hear that Robinette was obnoxis, loud, and crude.  The police report is public record. Asking girls to take off their clothes etc. Look to his previous jobs and see why he no longer works at them.  Unethical behavior comes to mind in Franklin and Dayton. Time to step down.

Posted By: Molly
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 7:29am
If Mr. Robinette was indeed as terrible as some witnessess put it, will that information be made public? Also, if he was drunk, did he drive home? His continued rude behavior to many in this town may be a sign of an ego not in check. Also, the city manager's never-ending support for him shows that perhaps, her judgement is not the best either.Stern%20Smile

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 7:41am
I worry much more about what these public servants do while they are on the clock representing our welfare.
 Did this incident lead to any "sick days", missed meetings?
Are we getting stuck with bar/meal tabs from these "neetings" on expense accounts?
Still--if a person is out late at night acting in this manner, then they are probably not going to be as focused and productive during working hours. Let alone being compromised by their late-night activities.
I learned LONG ago(the hard way) that laying out late drinking, and hanging around with the late-night drinking crowd can be very counter-productive to family, business, friends and pretty much anything that matters to everyone associated. It;s there every night if that is what you really want. Just look around you at your new surroundings and your new friends...
Anyone can have a bad night out on the town. It happens unfortunately.
All is usually forgiven if those involved correct their behavior, face up and make proper amends, then put it behind them to become wiser and better. Don't repeat these lapses in judgement. The legal/financial consequences can be devastating.
Been there enough to know better now.
No casting stones here--hopefully a wake-up message to everyone to act respectfully, properly and not to over-react when a bad situation unfolds.
So much simpler when you do the right thing from the beginning.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 11:32am
Do the city and the people a big favor A.J.  and Mr.R resign your postions.You have made this city look even worse then it is.
If I was the girl that was insulted I would be asking for heads to roll.Both of you are a disgrace.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 11:34am
"Robbie" has alot of pressure on him. With him being overloaded with bringing in all those high payin' jobs to Middletown, the man is bound to be looking to relieve all the stress. Loud and obnoxious personifies some of the people in our city government. Perhaps, "Robbie" is one of the poster children for this. Sad.

IMO, time for alot of them to step down. Behind the council desk and in the city building. Every time we have an incident like this, Girls Gone Wild coming to the city, or another post on You Tube of council acting like little children, we put another nail in the city's coffin as to respectability in the area and cement our image of being labeled as a city with no class. Time to start acting like professionals, not like the "owner" of "Diamond Dave's Ninja School". (See You Tube)

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 11:49am

Have to Agree Vet.Alot more ought to step down.Anymore they do as they please,and say Hell with the people.They forget that we are the ones that put them in those chairs.Not to long ago there was a post on  getting rid of them.Havent seen anything lately on it,but myself would spear head the start of it.IMO their going to continue till the people stand up and yell louder then them.Its a New Year time to do some cleaning.Smile

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 1:25pm
thank you for helping make my point spider. ANYONE can have a bad night. my whole thing is y is everyone talkin about aj and not the other dude that was with him. i no u all r but why is no one in the paper talking about his bad behavior. is the paper covering this up or setting aj up? im just saying. he told me a story that didnt sound nothing like what was in the paper. 

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 1:42pm
Anyone can have a bad night - but I am older then AJ - and have never been asked to leave or move when at any establishment because of my behavior.  That is not a bad night - that is just purely bad manners and behavior.  There is no excuse for that.  When you are public figure - you are expected to act with dignity on and off the job.  What you do off the clock (that is if he punches a clock) reflects on your character.  If he can not manage his behavior, then how can anyone expect that he is going to do what is best for the city. 

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 3:18pm
Considering AJ is not a small man, I doubt a couple beers would be the cause of any misbehavior.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 3:30pm
I said it once but will say again"He doesnt like women that makes him look bad."Smile
Guess I will have to go to the next meeting to ask publicly for him to resign his postion.
As of Mr.R,I think The city manger needs to give him his walking papers.I dont care if they was off the clock or not both of them are a disgrace to the city.

Posted By: Concerned Citizen
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 5:00pm
Here is the police report I went down and got it for all to see.
One Donham Plaza
Middletown, Ohio 45042







01-05-201 1












2nd Phone: 513-267-8549


D.O.B: 08-15-1980

Phone#: 2nd Phone:
Phone#: 513-727-5320 2nd Phone;
Phone#: 2nd Phone:
Phone#: 571 -7609 2'1d Phone:
Phone#: 424-3728 2nd Phone:
Phone#: 424-3728 2nd Phone:
Phone#;727-0058 zndPhone:


D O.B:

S13-30s-61s3 D O.B:
D.O.B: 07-16-1989
D.O.B: 06-21-1987
D.O-B: 03-'14-1992
D.O.B: 07-14- 1983

sgt. Ream and I responded to Applebee's "ffi5eft of atcohot. The complainant advised
that a man left without paying for his alcohol and had lt in his hand when he left. She had gotten his
license number and a patron recognized him as A.J. SMITH.

Upon arrival, I spoke with MS. KING who is a waitress at Applebee's. She advised that MR. SMITH
got up from the barwiih a beer in each hand and started to leave. She told him he had to pay and
that he couldn't leave with the beers. He refused to pay or give her the beers and said, "f**k you."
She told him that she would call the law and he stated, "l am the law." He put one beer down before
leaving, however kept the other one with him as he Ieft, got in his car, and drove off quickly.

Two witnesses, MATT MARCONI and ROB MARCONI, saw what happened and stated that MR.
SMITH got in his car and accelerated very fast and nearly hit the waitress with his car. I spoke with
MS. KING about this and she advised that she was standing pretty far away and never felt like she
was in danger of getting hit.

MS. KING advised that MR, SMITH left quickly because he and his friend, identified as MIKE
ROBINETTE, had been involved in a disturbance with two other customers, DAYLA SLOAN and
JON WAHL. She also provided additional information at this time that MR. ROBINETTE paid for the
beer that MR. SMITH left with. She advised that when MR, SMITH and I\rlR. ROBINETTE first
arrived MR. ROBTNETTE ordered and told her to put it on his tab. When MR, SMITH ordered
another beer she asked MR. ROBINETTE if he wanted her to put that one on his tab also, he said,

"ah no!," so she started a separate iab for MR, SMITH, When MR. SMITH left without paying, MR.
ROBINETTE went ahead and paid for it. We found out who MR. ROBINETTE was because he left
his business card.

I spoke with DAYLA SLOAN, who advised that she was sitting at the bar wlth her friend JON WAHL
when A.J. SMITH and his friend MIKE staried talking to her. She advised that MR. SMITH was not
being a problern, MIKE was. She advised that MIKE kept making inappropriate comments towards
her and he wouldn't stop even after she made several requests that he leave her alone. She
advised that she knew A.J, SMITH and asked him to make his friend leave her alone, but MIKE was
getting louder and she felt he was trying to chase off her friend, JON. At one point MIKE stated, "l'm
about to make JON dlsappear."

Due to the fact that the tab started out as one, and the way VlR. ROBINETTE responded when
asked about the second beer, it was possible that A.J. SMITH didnt hear the response and realize
he was responsible for the cost of the second beer.

I spoke with the store manager, TIM BREEN, and advised that since the beer was paid for, there
was not a theft violation. I told him that there was an Open Flask Violation, bui we didn't witness the
violation so there probably would not be charges for that. MR, BREEN was happy with the
response and advised that they call on open flask violations to protect themselves.

Lt. Reeve - 310; Sgt. Ream - 412 KL-4, KS-6

Page 2 of 2

lncident: 11000272


Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 5:08pm
A.J. we all know that you lurk around so if your reading this please resign.Save the city from being embarssed anymore then it is.You sir are a disgrace to Middletucky.Smile

Posted By: errn
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 5:40pm
This is typical AJ Smith behavior. AJ has taken to riding with the local paramedics in town. While doing so he is always dressed in his usual Barack Obama garb, complete with hat and shirt. He came into the emergency room with the paramedics as they were transporting a patient one night. After the paramedics conducted a safe hand off AJ went straight back to the room where the paramedics can go to write up their reports, get something to eat or grab a refreshemnt.  The next thing you know here comes AJ bounding around the corner with two peanut butter and jellies stuffed into his mouth and pockets filled with refreshments. A staff member noticed his Obama campaign garb made a remark to him about maybe wanting to stay and get a psychological evaluation. All in good fun. AJ went off and called this staff member a racist and wanted to speak to the charge nurse so he could file a complaint against her because she was a racist. Oh, and you guessed it, he dropped that he was a city councilman and this wasn't the last  time this hospital would hear from him.

Posted By: Rob
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 6:09pm
Thank you Concerned Citizen for doing that.  Seeing this report makes me somewhat less critical of Councilman Smith.  Hopefully everyone can understand how I could have made such a mistake -- the girl starts screaming about how he's telling her to "take her clothes off at the bar"; the waitress tells Councilman Smith specifically that he needs to either move or leave; the girl continues talking about the councilman and how he was acting after he left (overheard while waiting for the police).  His loud/obnoxious behavior and possible drunk driving, when viewed alongside an incident in which he allegedly acted inappropriately towards a female acquaintance, forced me to conclude that he was perhaps too immature to be on City Council and that he should resign.  But viewing them separately, minus the incident -- which I must say was the primary reason I considered this "event" so appalling concerning Councilman Smith's past history -- suggests that while he may be too immature, this may just be a one-time thing.  However he's still a city councilman, an elected official, a representative of the city and its people, and should know better.

This report also forces me to critique the writer of the newspaper article as well.  The police report, which is a matter of public record, says specifically that the female acquaintance was "harassed" by Mr.Robinette and not Councilman Smith.  Why was this not made mention in the article?  Why did the article say that the incident was between Councilman Smith and his female acquaintance especially when the writer of the article spoke to Councilman Smith specifically about this incident prior to writing it?  And where is Councilman Smith in response to this story, or more specifically, to the questions and conversation proposed by this forum?

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 7:28pm
thank u rob! Clapthis is exactly what i said!!! everybody was focusing on AJ!! thaank u also for postin the police report!! I calle d aj and this was almost the exact same story he said to me. looks like i said before people at the paper have something in for AJ!! and are trying to cover for robinette.  egg on everyones faces now that the report came out. LEAVE THIS MAN ALONE!!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 7:30pm
Still does not excuse his actions!! He must go!!! And for that matter, Mikey Too!!!

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 8:33pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

thank u rob! Clapthis is exactly what i said!!! everybody was focusing on AJ!! thaank u also for postin the police report!! I calle d aj and this was almost the exact same story he said to me. looks like i said before people at the paper have something in for AJ!! and are trying to cover for robinette.  egg on everyones faces now that the report came out. LEAVE THIS MAN ALONE!!!!
Will leave him alone as soon as he gives up that chair he sits in.As I said,he is a disgrace to this town along with Mr.R. Should be a very intersting council meeting.Big%20smile

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 9:17pm
Can you imagine what Citizens' Comments would be like if Tom Rapp was still around?

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 9:28pm
Hey Mom,,you say leave this man alone!!! Remember he is an irresponsible, arrogant, self sentered man-child that thrives on seeing his name in print. He is not doing our city any favors. He and Mikey need to go!! Hmm, maybe you could go with them!! Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 10:39pm
You say leave the "MAN" alone?Who are you talking about.? He is no man,he seem's to be degrading women every chance he gets.One of these days he is going to say the wrong thing to a woman and get the holly shi* smacked out of him.Wait I forgot,one already has.Again,do us a favor,resign and take your drinking buddy with you.Smile

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 2:39am

I miss Tom Rapp and his wonderful conversations with council.

I keep hearing all these stories about city officials acting out in local pubs so I think maybe we need to tell them all to STAY OUT OF THE BARS

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 5:00am
Rob M.:
Welcome to MiddletownUSA and to the local political discourse!!!  I'm glad to see that you tried to do the right thing by sticking around to tell Middletown's finest what you witnessed, and for having the character to discern between what you "saw" and what you just "thought you saw", and then returning to make it perfectly clear right here on line where you first posted!!!  
BRAVO on both counts, my man!!! Thumbs%20Up Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 6:52am
I'm sure , by now, "ole Tom would have mellowed and settled down a bit.....yeah right!!!! Could just see him now, standing at that podium, looking at all of them eye to eye and letting them have it....sparing no feelings.....right in their faces. Then, watching council (especially Mayor Mulligan who dislikes conflict and harsh talk)with that washed out, incredulous look on their faces, feeling very uncomfortable and not having a clue how to respond. Great entertainment! His approach was a "Mike Presta on steroids" when he addressed council.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 6:59am
Lawman. Lawman.

The Lawman came with the sun.
There was a job to be done.
And so they sent for the badge and the gun
Of the Lawman.

And as he silently roved,
Where evil violently ploved
They knew he'd live or he'd die by the code
Of the Lawman.

The man who rides all alone
And all that he'll ever own,
Is just a badge and a gun and he's known
As the Lawman.

Lyrics from an old TV show I watched as a kid back in the 50's-60's on the Saturday morning western show line-up.

Here's to you AJ!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 4:11pm

AJ Call of meeting tonight didnt want to face the musicThumbs%20Down

Posted By: midres
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 4:18pm
The snow came at a very opportune time for AJ, didn't it???!!???

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 5:12pm
From the MJ:

Councilman’s forum canceled due to weather

By Jessica Heffner, Staff Writer 1:29 PM Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MIDDLETOWN — The first of a new monthly forum created by Councilman A.J. Smith has been canceled due to weather.

The councilman said he canceled the District Dialogue event, scheduled to be held today, Jan. 11 at 6 p.m., due to the snow. Wink

This forum was to be the first of a monthly series Smith created to foster dialogue between the city and its residents.

The next District Dialogue forum will be held Feb. 8 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Robert “Sonny” Hill, Jr. Community Center, 800 Lafayette Ave. Middletown.

Amazingly, the city schools were open today.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 6:30pm
A few council meeting meetings ago, A.J. asked for extra security from the PD because he was afraid someone was out to get him.  This guy is full of it to think that he expects special treatment.  This was right after his previous run in with the law.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 6:36pm

I am always sad when I see a post made on MUSA that has the serious potential to bring people together and demand a change in our city and force a change in our leadership go off topic, or turn to arguing between posters.


I look at this situation with Smith and Robinette as a chance to ask those other elected officials and city staff to hold people accountable for their actions. I have gone back and forth on whether to ask for people to be fired or ask for a person to resign. I do believe that there are some PUBLIC apologies that need to be made.


People can come on here and talk about leaving someone alone and it is a personal issue all they want (but at the end of the dayJ) these people represent us, the citizens of Middletown.


I say at the very least we are owed a PUBLIC apology. I also expect and hope to see people at the next meeting asking for it.   

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: gemneye70
Date Posted: Jan 13 2011 at 10:58am
Studies have been done which show that wen people are put into positions of power, or where they are perceived to have power, they tend to start seeing themselves as being above the law.  My guess is this is what we are seeing here...espeically since he is so young and probably very immature.  Very unfortunate for all of us, but especially for some young man or women who may be looking to run later...they will be judged by his stupid actions.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 13 2011 at 11:52am -

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 13 2011 at 3:33pm -

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Jan 13 2011 at 5:27pm
Originally posted by 409 409 wrote:

Amazingly, the city schools were open today.

True, Middletown City Schools were open that day while all other area districts closed, but the school district did cancel all evening activities that evening, as did many other organizations for that evening.

Was not wanting to face the music a factor for cancelling the event? Entirely possible. However, the poor weather was enough for most other events in Middletown to be cancelled that evening (along with the Level 1 Snow Emergency status in effect for Butler County at the time), including MCSD events.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 6:50am
Today's Journal....

"Councilman apologizes for incident that led to police call"

Not good enough this time. You did this the last time with the fight incident. Screw up once, shame on you. Screw up twice, shame on us for not asking you to vacate the council seat. There should not be a third time.

"Re-emphasizing the incident was a misunderstanding, Smith said he never meant for his actions to negatively impact the city." But it did AJ, and it's not the first time you have been involved in a disturbance that has not helped this city in your capacity as a councilperson. Oh, this isn't a "misunderstanding". It was a choice you made as to conduct in public and you chose wrong grasshopper. You are smart enough to have been aware of what you were doing. Being obnoxious to people in public was a choice you made while you were drinking. If you can't handle the booze, and you act inappropriately, you pay the piper. You left the parking lot with an open container and out of control. It was your choice. Pay the piper.

“I would like to apologize to the community for any negativity that this has brought out and any negative reflection on the city and myself,” Smith said. “It is something we will get past, and I will continue to work for the city of Middletown.” It is too late. We shouldn't have to "get past it again". A cheap statement made by politicians to lessen the impact of your actions. It's bullpucky AJ. You have had your chances to straighten up. You failed to do so. We will ask for your resignation in the near future. The city needs someone to occupy that seat who will conduct city business with the proper behavior. Like Laura Williams, you have become a loose cannon on the ship's deck and that is dangerous in rough seas. Your actions have destroyed your credibility in the eyes of the citizens and with that, you can't function in your capacity as a councilperson any longer.

If you do survive this, you have two strikes on you. You know as well as we do, you probably won't survive strike three. Think about your actions in the role of a public official before you do things like this. You are high visability.(and have turned out to be high liability) Anything you do in your private life and as a public figure is amplified and scrutinized.

Posted By: Talking Heads
Date Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 7:19am
Smooth apology in the Journal article from Mr. Smith regarding not paying for his $2.50 Heineken. Nice picture, though.  No apology or admission from Mr. Smith for his disrespectful and disgusting comment toward the waitress or for speeding off with the beer.  Now he's talking about threats - asking for police protection again?  And, how does this Councilman contribute to our community financially to help pay for that police protection or his council position fee? Does he pay income tax from a hired position or property tax like most of us? If so, we should know. 

No apology or admission from Mr. R in the second article, boasting his achievements, for his appalling behavior toward the woman at the restaurant. - Again, smoke and mirrors to avoid the ugly issue.

All political - protecting and enabling the government machine.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 8:13am
oooo boy that apology from the new town drunk council person is such a crock of mailto:sh@t - sh@t  its real hard for me to call this guy a MAN for his actions  show  different.. he will drive and drink again, he will cont. to show abuse  toward women,  he could have crashed and killed someone's kid, mother, father, sister, brother when he left out of there acting like a crazed drunken fool !!! AJ you so need to be thrown out!! and you so need to seek professional help DR Phil for you mental problems.. 

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 8:21am
To apologize is to admit guilt. Guilty people lose public jobs.

I'm not calling for AJ to lose his job, but it would not surprise me if council voted him 'off the island.'

Too bad because I've always thought well of AJ. I had seen him at Applebys an earlier time. He remembered me and called my by name. He was involved with this website and we like to think MUSA and the posters had an impact on his and others elections. We might be on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but personally, I like the guy.

I would like to see AJ get on here, but unfortunately it would be in his best interest. It would be best for him to keep quiet and ride out the storm. After all there have been politicians who did much worse and stayed within the public sector.

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 9:35am -

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 10:10am
You are right john to apologize is to admit guilt. For AJ, everytime you screw up and then say you are sorry, does not smooth things over. You were elected to represent people, not see yourself on TV, or be featured in the newspaper whether its good or bad. You need to resign immediately before you are called out in public and really malke an ass of yourself. Many people from this community frequent Applebee's on a regulas basis and know the waiters and waitresses personally. For you to make the statement you did to those folks is an insult to the people you represent. Do us all a fovor and resign and JUST GO AWAY!!

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 3:43pm
some might say this would be some good advice... -

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 15 2011 at 10:17pm
Smartman he wont go away as we all wish he would.he will go back out in public and be a ass once again.
I think its a crock of crap when he says someone is texting him.Its not hard to find out who the number belongs to.He has to make up a story so he can have his follower's fill sorry for him.I hope like hell the girl at Applebee's file charges against him and the out going Mr.Robinette.Smile

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 19 2011 at 1:53pm
Originally posted by Smartman Smartman wrote:

Randy,,IMO I bet it was Steve Hightower! AJ is his mouthpiece. Regardless AJ needs to go.  He is a disgrace to the city and we do not need a city leader acting like this. Better yet, when is the next council meeting? I will go and personally ask for his resignation!
Nice showing Smartman i was real worried when you got up to speak....oh waitLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL

"think before you judge"

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Feb 07 2011 at 6:44am
It has worked out well for AJ. We, and the community saw it printed in the Journal and we all talked about his little indiscretion with the altercation with his sister and the infamous "fight" and court appearance that ensued. We saw the infamous "beer" episode at Applebees printed in the Journal and we and the community talked about it while Robinette sailed off into the sunset. AJ gave a belated apology in a council meeting. He "laid low" for awhile and now........he is slipping back into the good graces of the community and the people of this town. A good move on AJ's part. He stayed back and let the newer events happening in the city overshadow his negative actions until they have all been forgotten about. A standard method for an officeholder in letting future event distractions help the public forget past actions by city officials. Perhaps we should "revisit" some of the things that have happened in the recent past, that have been left unresolved, and "remind" the "offenders" that we haven't forgotten.

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