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It is time for More Action And Less Talk!!

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: Community Revitalization
Forum Description: Middletown Community Revitalization News
Printed Date: Jun 16 2024 at 7:20am

Topic: It is time for More Action And Less Talk!!
Posted By: Pacman
Subject: It is time for More Action And Less Talk!!
Date Posted: Jan 30 2012 at 10:04pm
How much longer do we continue with the bitchin' and moanin' with no appreciative action being taken. It is time for the city to stop languishing and move into the 21st century.

if you notice the I75 corridor is beginning to be developed once more, everywhere except Middletown.  We need developement other than non-profits or low grossing tax build-outs on the East end.  Middletown has stagnated and given itself a bad reputation in much of Butler County.  We hear little from City Council and the City Managers Office other than when they want to buy a building downtown or to give away the tax payers money.

We also hear little from City Management and Council that pertains to the City as a whole.  The City has broken Middletown into several different categories. 

They are as follows: 
     The upper income
     The low income and section 8 crowd
     The second ward
     The elderly
     The middle income citizens

City Council meetings consistantly deal with the low income and section 8, the elderly, the upper income residents.  Many times the middle income citizens are negleted.

The Council only allows 3 minutes for a citizen to make a comment before them and I grant you many times these comments are off base, but during the city managers report groups and charities are given an umlimited amount of time to speak.  The time allotted for these speeches would be better spent on issues dealing with the city as a whole rather than one charity or one group of people. 

Personally I think it is time for the citizens to at least pick one issue in the city and try to move council in a direction that is beneficial to the whole city.  One issue that I think is feasible is funds for road repair and maintenance. 

After watching the City council meetings for awhile one thing is evident.  Sooner or later there is going to be a fee attached to the water bill.  This fee of $3.00 was to be for street light maintenance. 

My suggestion is to make the fee $5.00 per water bill per month which would raise approximately $1.5M.  Then the City should take $.5M from the HUD/CDBG funds and apply that to the $1.5M giving you $2M.  The city should then be require to reinstate the infrastructure fund and they must replace 2008, 2009, or 2010 road expenses into that fund.  This should bring the $2M to about $3M.  I know many of you will complain about the $5.00 a month, but it is the most equitible way to establish a new infrastructure fund with the biggest bang for the dollar.  Also, the roads that would produce the biggest bang for the buck should be repaired first.

The Roads Will Not Repair Themselves.

I also know that Mr. Laubaugh's attempt at this was voted down by a city council that has NO foresight.   This is only one issue that needs to be addressed.  We can no longer continue to deal with each citizens group as individual groups and must look as the city as a whole.  We can not have two or three payroll taxes for each election cycle.  Personally I will not vote for any payroll tax increase until Middletown starts treating the City as a whole.  And just to make it clear, I no longer have to pay payroll takes because I am disabled and retired.  

I also will not vote for public safety levys until the city starts dealing with the unions more forcibly and the unions start relenting on their demands.  The fire department just let 5 positions go when they could have been saved a few had the fire department not biten off their nose to spite their face.  Now I realize there may be more to this than I know, but this is how I see the situation.  The city should walk into these union negotiations with more of a sense of power by bringing in their best offer and telling the unions to take it or leave it and have a list of those public safety officers that will be laid off in order to pay for the increase in pay and benefits.

Question for Public Safety Employess or Union Members...

Does your contract include a clause that if the matter goes to concliation, the concliator does not have to take into account the financial stability or well being of the city? 

This clause is in the postal workers union contract even though the post office is $8 Billion in the hole. 

The citizens of Middletown need come together to tackle some issues.  One being the recall of certain council members. If we continue to moan and groan and take no action nothing will change. And the prime real estate along I75 will be squandered rather than developed into tax paying businesses. 

That's enough for now.


Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jan 30 2012 at 10:34pm
I make the following rebuttal.

1) $2 Mm would not make a measurable dent in Middletown's raod and infrastructure fund. Almost 7 years ago, this problem with > than 600 lane miles, was in excess of $200 Mm, and that was before petro products rose to >$3.50/ gal. It is a drop in the bucket, would be wasted, and is a horribly insufficient solution. Middleton council chose two decades ago, to divert money from streets and infrastructure to pay employees and general waste in other areas. In doing so, it destroyed Middletown's brand. $2 Mm a year will not restore it, and would not be sufficient.

Yet, and even worse solution would be adopt a tax increase that also would be wasted. The city causes the problem, they will have to fix it. Of course, the fix is in higher taxes which will fail.

2) Council speaks but does not listen. It is hopeless. There are many factors which have caused the lackluster development around 75 east. The most significant? The abhorrent reputation the city and council have in the southeastern corridor.

Dreaming big is beneficial, but only when matched with solutions that are economically feasible, and which have the support of council and city leadership. Both have chosen a different path---one leading to crumbling concrete than smooth asphalt. The cost at this juncture, is cost prohibitive to make the investment you reference, and the city would simply divert $2 mm into their downtown project, perhaps buying more buildings for Cincinnati State to moth-ball.

I did enjoy the levity of ROI associated with Mr. Mulligan's point on charitable contributions. Yet, the hurdle rate on Cincinnati State and the downtown buildings is about 100 years.

There would never be sufficient signatures to recall a candidate, and the past election demonstrated such. When 3 out 4 voters show they are happy and content, then 75% are indeed---happy and content.   

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jan 30 2012 at 11:36pm
You need to reread the post above as it states $3M.  How much of the road way is being repaired now? Constantly saying NO is what get's everyone NOWHERE.  The $5 fee on the water bill ($3.50 according City manager), is going to come whether you like it or not.  It is a matter of what it is used that is important.

All of this concerning the roads would be placed in a city ordinance.  This include the $5 fee attached to the water bill, the fact that the infrastructure funds must be reinstituted, and that equivalant funds from a previous year must be placed in the infrastructure fund each year.  The last I heard it would cost about $125M - $150M and this value changes and the price of petroleum goes up and down.

It is easy to say No all the time.  This get's you NOWHERE and results in no measurable improvement in the city.  As far as recalling councilmen, once again, saying "NO It can't be done" is a waste of time.  I never thought SB5 would be recalled but it was.

It is inaction by Citizens, City Council and City Management that continues to bring this City down.  While I agree that $3M a year is a long way from $150M, it is a start. 


Posted By: Jack Black
Date Posted: Jan 30 2012 at 11:59pm
It needs to be re-emphasized that Mr. Adkins policies/programs have wasted millions of our hard-earned tax dollars (HUD) that could/should have been more wisely spent improving our antiquated infrastructure.  AngryAngry
And, it's about time that some people are finally realizing this as it wasn't too long ago that a few MUSA contributors were singing his praises.  Confused Confused

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 5:40am

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 5:53am

Pacman, my friend, I agree with much of what you write, BUT (there’s always a “but”, isn’t there?) BUT I disagree with some of your conclusions.

The problem is, no matter how you slice it, City Hall has proven that they can’t be trusted.  No matter what they say any fee will be used for, they have proven that is not what it will be used for.  We know that they will hold the real discussion (effectively, if not legally) out of public earshot, and then hold a “dog and pony show” discussion during a televised council meeting, and then do a double or triple-shuffle of money between funds, before using the money for whatever they damn well please—most likely some pet project demanded by their cronies or favored by the local elite.

If they really wanted to fix the streets, they could’ve started years ago, or could start tomorrow, by dedicating every dime of CDBG money on roads and streets.  They could, but they haven’t and they won’t, because they manage to get the “important” streets (the streets in their neighborhoods) repaired by hook or crook, and they don’t care about the rest of us!!!  We’re just here to pay the bills.

Here’s the bottom line:  When Chris Cole, the CEO of Intelligrated, a manufacturer of conveyor belts, sorting systems and other material handling robotics, was asked why they chose Mason for their new expansion, here is how he responded:

Cole said the company was running out of space at the current facility, which was what prompted the expansion. He said Mason was chosen because of its proximity to urban and rural settings and because city leaders had been easy to work with.

Now Middletown is "proximate to urban and rural settings", even more so than Mason!!!  But when was the last time you heard someone say that Middletown’s City Hall was “easy to work with”???  LOL LOL LOL   Ask Lenny Robinson.  Ask Team Fast-Trax.  Ask Nick Kidd.  Ask anyone who is NOT artsy, educational, or a friend of MMF!!!  That leaves out 99.99999999999999999999% of the world. 

THAT is the problem.  Five bucks more on our water bill (which is coming anyway, but NOT for the streets) every month to be squandered by City Hall is NOT the answer!!!  They'll likely use it for more phoney gas lights.  (We need them in the Highlands, you know.  "Period!")

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 7:20am
Pac....plain and support from me on raising my water bill for any reason. The dam water/sewer bill is already calculated on one of the highest rates in the county. No increase in the water bill for street lights remaining on either. They can turn the 3 street lights on my block off any time they wish. I have yard lights that supply enough lighting around the house. Not gonna see a recall, although that would bring a major smile to my face. Too many ignorant, non-caring, non- involved people living here that can't get their lazy carcasses up off the couch to register to vote, get to the polling places, attend a community meeting, nor go in mass to council chambers to complain about the town's situation. Too many people getting freebie handouts from the city. Not going to complain nor bite the hand that feeds them. People in this town pull the blanket up over their heads and hide......and that plays right into the MMF/city leader's lap. They love apathy. It allows them to get things done without resistance.

The frikkin' city leaders won't get their revenue to run the city from any other source other than to bleed the working middle class dry. We on this site, are a small band of people who are frustrated that the majority of the people don't seem to care about anything that goes on, no matter how ridiculous the situation, resulting in no major number support for our causes. No one to date, has figured how to get the masses mad enough to want to "lynch" the city leaders and all who support them, throwing them out on their behinds, starting over with new people who will do the right things.   

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 9:41am
Pac, you referenced $2 Mm and that the city put back the $ 1Mm or so which I assume your reference was what JL was advocating, making a total of $3 Mm. As that portion was soundly defeated, that leaves $2 Mm. The city won't revisit the vote again. but, lets say there is $3 Mm. About 7 years ago, the estimate at a 2.25% tax, would be it would take about 30 years to repair the roads, and that was at a 2.25% tax. That was when petro and ancillary products used from petro in asphalt was the cost of what it is today.

Mr. Presta has provided the response I was attempting to make. The city doesn't care about the roads. There is nothing more to state. If you want your road fixed, you petition your neighbors, get 60% vote, yes, and then the city will charge you for the work. That's it. Nothing in between.

I would like to confirm with someone with the knowledge that $5.00 is coming. If this is for services already collected, and it is a double collection, I would be appreciative to get that confirmation. Double payment for a fee charged twice is a problem----for the city, it cannot come forward. Anyone who can shed light on that would be appreciated.

In Middletown, you live as if you are in California. High taxes, no benefits, no solutions, just taxes, taxes, taxes, rape, pillage, and burn, and nothing to show for it, but lower property values. This is an academic exercize, it will never come to fruition. The city would take every dime of a $3.50 fee. a $5.00 fee, and spend it around the areas that benefit Manin Street, not the city residents.

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 12:36pm

I’m tired of hearing that all the problems of
Middletown have been caused by the “The Poor People”. The HUD/ CDBG Funds were designated for many years to be used in the 1st and 2nd Wards to help solve the problems of crime and poverty in these areas however very few of these HUD dollars ever found there way to these needy neighborhoods. Look at what happened with the NSP Funds. Then several years ago Mr. Adkins used the 54% rule and declared all of Middletown “Slumville USA” so the City could use the CDBG Funds (poor peoples money) any place in Middletown. So last year we had a group of volunteers come from out west to work on houses in the 2nd Ward while the City used CDBG Fund in the Highlands District. Shame on City Hall
The City just loves to take those important government people on bus tours down Crawford Street to get the government funding however when the check is written not a dollar is spent in the same neighborhood to solve any problems.  
If you really what to have an impact on these neighborhoods I would strongly advise CDBG funds go back to being designated to the 1st and 2nd Wards and this time exclude Downtown and Main Street from using these funds.
I’m AGAINST CDBG FUNDS, (poor people’s money), being used to pave the streets of all of
Middletown...because we all know which streets will get paved first.

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 7:49pm
DRUG money, all of it! When will we start thinking for ourselfs? I thought herion was bad but this CDBG funding makes herion look like skim milk. Oh and by the way we do have a real herion problem in this city, according to the local police!

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 8:55pm
Jack Black,
I was and still remain somewhat a fan of Mr Adkins for his plan handling the section 8 matter.  18 months ago it was stated that within one year section 8 would be well under control within the city and much of it gone from the city.  In the last 18 months the only movement we have seen is moving the section 8 office from downtown to Elliott Dr on the East end. 

Does anyone know how many vouchers h ave actually left the city?


Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jan 31 2012 at 9:09pm
Mike, My Friend,

How have you been???  Come on by some time so we can catch up. 

I agree with what you say about City Council moving funds around, but what I propose would be placed in a city ordinance.  The 500K from the CDBG funds or whatever amount is chosen will be written into the ordinance and not be changed unless the Government pulls the program.  The 1.5M + or - derived from the water bill must be placed into the same account as the CDBG funds and finally, by taking a set $ amount from a previous year it will have to be deposited into the infrastructer fund which will be created by this ordinance.  It will be stipulated that these funds must be used soles for infrastructure such as roads etc.

At some point we must stop saying NO and move forward even if it is in small baby steps.  Middletown will almost always lose out to Monroe, Mason, and West Chester due to the condition of the city.  The city is neglected almost all of the areas which could be transformed into productive business. 

I have to agree with you Mike, Middletown is hard to deal with.  Last January when I had my Heart Attack and nearly died I ended up in the hospital past the tax filing deadlines.  The IRS hit me with a $4000 fine, the State of Ohio hit me with a $1000 fine, Middletown also fined my business and me.  Once I explained the situation to the IRS the fine was waived.  The State of Ohio waived the fine, but NOT MIDDELTOWN.


Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Feb 02 2012 at 6:13am
Originally posted by Pacman Pacman wrote:

Mike, My Friend,

How have you been???  Come on by some time so we can catch up. 


I have been meaning to do exactly that!!!  However, I’ve been preoccupied with some other matters, and it seems that by the time I think about leaving my steel-reinforced concrete underground bunker, it has been far too late to visit.

I will do so, though.  I promise!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Feb 05 2012 at 6:18am

Middletown still has 1662 Section 8 vouchers however due to the recent changes and problems with the Inspection Group only about 1562 are active. There has been NO reduction in the number of vouchers. I have been told that Nelson & Assoc is still having problems with the flow of paperwork. I still believe that the final numbers in March will show that the cost of Nelson & Assoc contract will be higher than what we were paying CONSOC.

Posted By: Jack Black
Date Posted: Feb 05 2012 at 10:13am
It seems that those who consistently sing praises of Mr. Adkins need to thoroughly re-examine what has really happened over the past three years with the Section 8 bureaucracy in Middletown.
Thanks to Vivian again for reminding us about the fiasco involving the Inspection Group.  We can recall Mr. Adkins telling us how great that they were and that this was one reason to get rid of CONSOC.  He also waxed eloquently about the great benefits of purchasing expensive software to create a near paperless administration of the 1662 vouchers.
Then, we can recall being told how wonderful Nelson & Associates would be instead of CONSOC.  Despite all of the bluster and platitudes, the facts speak otherwise.  I also call attention to the City Manager's role in this scheme.
Next we were told how much money could be saved with the departure of CONSOC.  If anyone outside of the 4th floor of City Hall were to scrutinize Section 8 financial records, I hear that they'd find that more of the Administrative funds were being siphoned off for City staff.
This is yet another wasteful and ineffective example of not correcting serious problems.  Of course, all of this is from Mr. Adkins who brought us: the HUD 54% citywide lower-income rule, the $20 million 50-year housing revitalization plan, super wasteful expenditures of NSP funds, $200,000+ single-family home projects, the 2,400 house housing code enforcement blitzkrieg, etc., etc.
By the way, Middletown still has 1,662 Section 8 vouchers despite promises of reductions, etc., etc.  And, it was Martie Kohler who used to brag about how the Section 8 program was increasing the quality and values of residential properties in Wards 2 and 1.  Is it possible that Mr. Adkins could take some of his wonderful dreams for the future to Mason where he lives?

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Feb 05 2012 at 10:31am
That's what galls me -- that many of those who seek to drain this town of its meager resources don't even live here...including many of the police and fire.  People like Adkins can try his ideas, but he does it knowing there's no accontability and, in the end, he can go home at night to a plce where he really cares about.

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