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Why The City of Middletown Tax Levy MUST FAIL!

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: May 12 2024 at 7:19am

Topic: Why The City of Middletown Tax Levy MUST FAIL!
Posted By: acclaro
Subject: Why The City of Middletown Tax Levy MUST FAIL!
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 12:22pm


'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: Stanky
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 1:56pm
I'm hearing that the Tax Levy signs are showing up in yards WITHOUT permission.

Posted By: middie83
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 2:37pm
Acclaro: It is very disheartening the lies and vile words that spill from your mouth. For someone that appears to care for the City of Middletown as much as you do the only solution you come with is to vote no on a public safety levy that WILL better protect the residents, businesses and visitors of Middletown.
Any material that has been printed, such as mailings, the signs you see today, ect. were paid with by non city funds. The IAFF, FOP, IAM, AK Steel, Atrium, and other private donations have paid for these materials.
If this levy were to fail the people of this city would see even more drastic cuts to public safety. That is no lie, it is facts. If the city has misused funds from the past public safety levy I ask you to come forward with this proof. If you have hard evidence of said misuse I will be one of the first to stand beside you in dealing with these issues.
Stanky: If a yard sign was placed in a yard of someone that had not given the Levy Committee permission I ask that they contact me and it will be removed immediately. And they have my most sincere apologizes for the mistake.
If anyone has any questions on the upcoming Public Safety Levy, I am always available to answer any questions.

Chris Klug
Vice President
Middletown Firefighters Local 336

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 3:05pm
Mr. King, do an audit of the public safety funds and you will take note of the movement from safety into other areas. Many signs are placed illegally, within a few ft of the street. Public safety is oriented towards the multiple vehicles that the city utilizes to take individuals to the Atrium, which is about 90% of the man hours associated with the fire department, not fighting raging fires.

I take great offense to your comments.

The city took $50,000 to sneak this levy through, and I have heard one cannot get an absentee ballot, I am confirming this on Monday. It is interesting to note the union helped pay for the signs....surprising? Not in the least. 

There is virtually no housing market for sellers. The safety levy passes, and you won't be able to give your house away. The death nail cometh. Middletown and Hamilton at 1.75/ 2.0%, both are floundering and taxing businesses and residents out of the community. This isn't about public safety, its about job security and an opportunity for elevation in the pecking order called "seniority. Disappointingly, as 53% of population is in poverty, less than 6000 will even vote.

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: middie83
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 3:22pm
Acclaro: I believe the city talked about placing this levy on the ballot in multiple different public sessions so I'm not sure how they "snuck" this levy onto the ballot.
I have spoken with Councilman AJ Smith and if you send him an email he said he would more then willing to assist you in getting an absentee ballot for the levy.
Why would the Unions not help pay for the signs? This levy directly affects us and I would rather not see the city funds go to the levy. I would think you would be happy that no city funds were used.
You are correct that the majority of the calls the fire department makes are EMS details. That is why the city requires us to be both Firefighters and Paramedics. The tax payer is getting more bang for their buck.
I am sorry if anything I said upset you, I was just stating the facts and how I felt about your post. I'm not sure what I said that you took great offense to.

Posted By: greygoose
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 3:29pm

It appears that the Senior Citizens Levy has struck a nerve with you and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why you are so concerned about it. If this city is such a waste, the seniors levy shouldn’t make much of a difference. If the city is already gone, passage of the seniors levy shouldn’t matter to anyone. If the city has been already been sunk by its union mindset; a mindset of laziness and unwillingness to do the heavy lifting needed to be successful, why should this levy be any different? If AK Steel and the Atrium Medical Center left this town because they didn’t want to be a part of it, why would this legislation make a difference one way or the other? If Forbes is correct in its assessment that Middletown is in a death spin, wouldn’t this levy hasten the end and put us out of our misery? If those with a brain have already left this city, why are you still here and why do you care so much about defeating this levy?

Although I agree with you concerning the Public Safety levy, I look at the seniors’ situation a little differently. You keep stating that “they” made a poor business decision and that “they” need to live with the consequences. In reality, the “they” that made the poor decision was actually made up of very few people but the “they” that will feel the consequences of the failed levy are far reaching. In fact, the lost services could, conceivably, impact all of us as we age. I know that the Board of Directors has taken many steps to “tighten their belt” and I know that they have made significant progress since hiring Ann Munafo. Unfortunately, they still need help getting over the hump. Although I doubt that the levy will pass in our current economy, it will get my vote.


"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got"

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 5:44pm

"If anyone has any questions on the upcoming Public Safety Levy, I am always available to answer any questions".

I have a question.....

During the last safety levy, the voters were told that if the levy passed, it would maintain the current manpower level. However, we have all seen reductions in fire and police manpower, breaking the promise that was used to sell the levy the last time.


Can you, as a supporter of this levy, guarantee that if the levy passes this time, manpower will not be cut any further? Could you also outline what we, the taxpayers, are getting for our money as to services as opposed to other cities and at what point will the services be in serious trouble if more cuts are made and more promises are broken by city leaders? "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me for trusting you" type of scenario.

We use your ambulance service quite a lot for my wife. You all do an excellent job servicing the community. One of the bright spots here in town. Always had good responses. I want to support this but I don't want to be taken for a ride either. I am still in debate on this.

The Seniors Levy.....we must support this as we use their handicapped transportation for the wife's doctor's appts. Selfish reason....we apologize to all who are against it. I understand what acclaro is saying concerning the Seniors Levy. They "dug the financial hole". Over extended themselves. Now they want more bailouts for their financial oversight. I can fully understand those who would not want to support that issue. The ones who drew up the Senior Center plan did a poor job concerning how they were going to pay for everything.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 5:53pm
gg, if you can't comprehend the economics associated with higher taxes, bad schools, no support of infrastructure, waste on downtown boondoggle projects serving the interest of certain council members and city leaders, then you'll never comprehend the point on the impct on passing this levy, the senior citizen levy, and the next school levy. CS& H, AK, and the Atrium left Middletown because of the taxation, its a fact, no other reason. Simply put, people don't move in when taxes are so high, and so little value is provided in return.

If Middletown is comprised of 43% seniors, why is only a few buying into a membership? Ask anyone around them and the general response is they are bad neighbors. Less than 5% of senior citizens even pay a membership fee.

Houses on Rosedale have been on market 7-9 years, without an offer, $250,000 + range, by Akers, Williams, Siewney. No one can get out out of Middletown, unless you are dumping the house like China does steel in North America. 

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 6:57pm
How many members does Middletown Firefighters Local 336 have?
How many of those members will be voting "yes" for this tax?
Will you be voting "yes" for this tax?

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 8:11pm
Mr Saunders,

I believe most of the firefighters do not live in Middletown and therefore would not be able to vote in this levy.


You only have to be 50 not 65 to belong to the Senior Cener and the last I heard there were about 1400 members. 

I am also one who is having trouble getting an absentee ballot from Butler County.  I am also a Senior Citizen and disable and will not vote with this Levy.

Mr Klug,

I have the same question as Vet Viet...

What happened to the promise of "No Reduction is Fire and Police Manpower" in the last safety?  I would also like to know if the City is using the old state lottery scam - The State places all lottery proceeds in Education through the front door and takes the money out the back for other uses.

If I am able to obtain a ballot, my wife and I will be voting NO on the public safety levy as well.


Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 8:40pm
"I believe most of the firefighters do not live in Middletown and therefore would not be able to vote in this levy."
Exactly my point, Pacman.
While I believe that the firefighters do an outstanding job, since they are extremely busy with their duties during their time here in Middletown, I think that they may not fully grasp the negative effects that high taxes will have for our already dying city. 
It is easy for them to see the benefits that they themselves might reap from this so called public safety tax, and therefor to champion the cause, but if more of them actually lived here and could see what actually happens with our tax money they might have a different view on the issue.
Some of this money might even be used for "public safety" by paying for decorative lighting on S. Main st. so that Mrs. Mulligan won't walk into a thorn bush.  Is that why they would have us vote for this?

Posted By: middie83
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 9:46pm
The reduction in police and fire manpower:
This is more of a question for the city manager and/or council member. I am with all of you and was highly angered when members and staffing of the Middletown Fire Department were laid off and decreased. I am sure a lot of the blame will be put on the money the state took from municipalities.
I myself can not promise that the city leadership will not make additional cuts down the road. I can only assure you if this levy fails you will see more drastic cuts to service.

Will members vote yes for the levy:
I have spoke will all our members that live in the city and they have said they will vote YES.

What are you getting for your money and how will it affect you if it fails?
The Matrix study that the city paid for a few years back said that 16 personnel per day was the WORST case scenario. That is where we are at today and I'd say we are already pushing the envelope. Members of council said that if the levy passed they would accept the SAFER grant that MFD was awarded which would allow us to go back to a min. of 19 per day. It isn't much more but puts the department in a better situation then it is in today where we are waiting on help from Monroe, Franklin, Jems or other surrounding departments on a daily basis.

I also want to remind people this is a RENEWAL and will NOT increase taxes.

MFD currently is able to respond and arrive to the over 95% of emergency details in 4 minutes or less. If the levy would fail.....well I'm sure you can draw your own conclusion and I don't want to be accused of using scare tactics.

Thanks again for all the questions and I hope I was able to answer them fully for you all.

Chris Klug
Vice President
Middletown Firefighters Local 336

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 10:05pm
Middie83: "I have spoke will all our members that live in the city and they have said they will vote YES."
How many total members are there, and how many of that total live within the city limits?

Posted By: greygoose
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 10:06pm

Contrary to your belief, others on this board comprehend economics just fine; you don't have to be a consultant to understand everything. The point that I was trying to make is this: "If you believe that the city of Middletown is too far gone to turn things around, why do you care one way or the other concerning the levies?" Could it be that you care more than you want to admit?


"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got"

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 10:15pm
gg, I believe consistently that taxation stymies economic development. It has been proven in Middletown, AK, the Atrium, and CS& H left and if you drive down Brielel Blvd you will take note 80% of the businesses are leaving. That should tell you something. I'd like many of my friends to be able to leave Middletown, to escape, by selling their house. Taxation simply prevents that, by declining interest in business and residents moving in. Pretty simple concept, comparable to the adage a real estate tycoon would agree on 'Location, Location, Location.' Middletown does not have the location, and raising taxes just makes the locale that much more dismal. Its as simple as that gg, really not a difficult analysis.

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: greygoose
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 10:20pm
It may be simple, but you didn't come close to answering my question. In your opinion, is this city too far gone to recover? If so, why do you give a damn about the levies? Pretty simple questions.

"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got"

Posted By: middie83
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 10:31pm
Richard: I will check on the total numbers as I can't think off the top of my head. As well we have many retired members that live in the city that have pledged their support.

Chris Klug
Vice President
Middletown Firefighters Local 336

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 10:43pm
.Although Im undecided on how I will vote its gonna be hard to vote for anything or any one that aj smith supports. Any one that even stands next to this guy in public looses credibility and looks as foolish as he does in my opinion.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 10:50pm are getting to be rather Freudian. Your question is ridiculous. Its like asking those concerned that the U.S. will be at 70% GDP to cover debt service by 2020 and asking those whom do not wish to see that happen as so disinterested they should not fear nor concern themselves of the End. Your technique is to ask questions repeatedly, most nonsensical, and beg for a reply.

I would like those whom wish to sell their house be able to do so, and they won't with the levy passing. It really doesn't require one to exert that much internal psychoanalysis. You supported tearing down buildings, intend to reward waste and mismanagement, a union pecking order for advancement over fear of a plateau effect, and yet....ask me why I don't want higher taxes as the End is near? The world is mad enough without Freud interpretation of the id, ego, or super-ego entering into the debate. You state you are a landlord of extraordinary capabilities, and yet want higher taxes. Every investor I have ever known, holds taxes are a bad thing, not good. Go figure huh.

Do your research, and you will note Middletown property over 25 years, has not even kept up with GDP. After 2008, valuation has declined to 25-38%, of its value 25 years ago. Inept behavior, and ignorance, should not be rewarded. Passing this levy will do so. The Beast must be starved. Its retribution time G man. Freud would call it the conflict between th id and super-ego; Maslow, on the other hand, would call it basic self preservation before aspiring to self actualization.

Take two placebos and call me in the morning. 

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Jul 21 2012 at 11:25pm
Originally posted by middie83 middie83 wrote:

Richard: I will check on the total numbers as I can't think off the top of my head. As well we have many retired members that live in the city that have pledged their support.
Have your retired members also "pledged their support" for the Senior Citizens' levy?

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 1:18am
acclaro...I'm with you !! But then again I want ALL levies to fail,I don't care what it's for.I too am sick to death and have been of the waste and the way spending is done in this town.Middletown is a federal welfare town,let the fed's bail'em out cause I don't care anymore either way it's still our money though.Every time I vote I vote for the other person and every time the same damn crooks are elected,so that is telling me no one wants to change apparently.I'll vote against this levy and any other levy they can dream up !!! Angry

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 2:37am
very strange questions and direction, Mr.Goose
so--let me throw one back at you:
do you see passage or failing of either up-coming levy as having great impact in turning around the direction of our city's future? Are these issues at the core of our situation?
We can't deal with local crime with the numbers that we have now.
Pass or fail--we are still in deep.
Acclaro is absolutely entitled to his own thinking
why go after him in a personal way?
deal with these core issues, my friend
We were promised no reduction in public safety forces throughout the duration of the 5-year public safety levy. We were promised 100% dedicated funding towards maintaining a level of manpower without shifting these dedicated funds elsewhere. This renewal is not for another five years--I believe that it is permanent--so--it IS a tax increase the way that I look at it.
Senior levy?
Small change--will help the seniors--a good thing
Citizens(and seniors) once again are being held hostage by poor planning and execution from those in charge of city govt. and past leaders of the Senior Center.
Just look at how Vet has changed his tune now that he is affected.
As I citizen, I am tired of being pimped out and made to feel negative and guilty any time that I question or fail to support bad and wasteful government and bureaocracy

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 4:51am

Spider: We were promised no reduction in public safety forces throughout the duration of the 5-year public safety levy. We were promised 100% dedicated funding towards maintaining a level of manpower without shifting these dedicated funds elsewhere. This renewal is not for another five years--I believe that it is permanent--so--it IS a tax increase the way that I look at it
People in this community are still angry about the last safty levy. They no longer feel safe in their homes. They are dissappointed with the education of their children and the preformance of the local schools. You hear the same statement all over town from different income levels “I would leave tomarrow if I could sell my house,”
Citizens have lost respect for our City Leadership and do not approve of the spending habits of City Hall. They do not feel that their concerns are being heard.

As I citizen, I am tired of being pimped out and made to feel negative and guilty any time that I question or fail to support bad and wasteful government and bureaocracy...
Over the last few years I no longer believe anything that I hear during City Council Meetings. What they say is not what they do. And then we have the really big question…Where has all the money gone? If we don’t hold them accountable for their actions..who will? If we don’t ask and research where the money went..who will?

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 9:57am
I think a simple metaphor or analogy for the treatment the city of Middletown has shown for decades to residents is going out to eat at a nice restaurant you think, and when getting there, having just horrible service. The water is never refreshed, no fresh bread is brought to the table, the food is cold, and service is non existence. After eating and tolerating such deplorable conditions, you grab the check, and its outrageous. Your face turns a bright color of red, your veins gush from the overflow of blood on your of forehead, and you demand to speak to the manager.

After waiting 15 minutes for him to come to the table, you unleash on how bad service was, how the food was cold, the steak was raw, under-cooked, and the service was unacceptable. You sit back, and expect apologies, a refund, and a complimentary meal on the house next time. Instead, the manager tells you here's the bill, at $35.00 a plate, and a reminder parking while dining, cost $10.00.

You sit there in complete bewilderment, shake your head, and walk to the cash register. That is what these levies are about, bad service, a bad meal, indifferent attitude, and a price pt revoltingly too high.

One would not tolerate such treatment in a restaurant, it should not be tolerated in a city that has tightened the screws and made it impossible to to attract a buyer for houses and businesses. When CS & H, AK, and other businesses state they moved out because of the need to remain competitive associated with recruitment and retention of employees, they mean on tax rate. Better to be in West Chester or Mason paying 0% for the employee, or Middletown or Hamilton paying 1.75-2%?

Ask the city manager for a doggie bag after your meal and see what response you get. To the rah rah cheer-leaders on the levy, they all work or worked, at the same restaurant you just had the bad meal.

Vivian, I have heard exactly the same, across the board. I was in Big Lots last weekend buying some rope to tie tree limbs up. As soon as I walked into the store, I heard a man stating openly to the cashier, how he grew up in Middletown, and hated to even drive into the city now---he moved to Monroe. He said it was like coming into Croatia, or a 3rd world country.

It may be a euphoric city for the docs that made a ton of money on AK's generous benefits, but for the vast majority, living in Middletown is equivalent to Dante's Inferno. The restaurant manager plans to continue to serve cold food, no refills on water, you have to beg for clean silverware, and pay at the end, an outrageous sum for a pathetic meal.

That's what Middletown has been for three decades.



'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 10:47am
There are communities close to Middletown that have a higher tax rate than the proposed increase.  Not that I am a supporter of this tax, but the other communities have no problem bringing in new residents. 
I personally would not mind the increase if I felt that I could trust City Hall to actually use it for its intended purpose and if we were getting a good ROI on the taxes we already pay.

Posted By: eastsider
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 11:28am

You continue to site home sales and not being able to sale a house as being your reason to not vote for this levy. If I remember correctly I've seen articles in different places one being the beloved journal ( about home sales being up! Have also noticed many homes selling here and there especially on the east end, maybe your house or your friends houses need updating and so on to appeal to buyers..    

Now- with that being said, I do realize as compared to years in the past home prices have dropped, I grew up and live in the city, makes me sick as well, but what makes you think if police and firefighters are laid off people are going to continue to buy houses or for that matter be attracted to the city?? You and most here, I hope, would know how crime is and as you say, the ambulance service is overused by whomever and whether you want to believe it or not, your firefighters combat a large amount of fires, just not as many as years ago. Moral of the story is... you have to have sufficient services in these areas to attract people as well as the things you state this city needs. The services have already been dramatically cut and if this levy fails, cuts will be catastrophic as stated by council and others.

As you state, I too am at times frustrated with council not holding up to their promises but I would agree with Vivian Moon in the fact that if you're not happy about how things are being ran, change them. Show proof that monies are being spent out of the public safety fund for the MMF crew. You make the point you're tired of being negative, well, you don’t show you're tired of it. You continue to get on here and promote negative lip service and combat things because you’re not happy with certain people on council. Well, I hope you don't vote no and this levy fails and you need one of these services you voted to cut! Remember the boy who cried wolf??

Other communities do have taxes and taxes that compare to or are higher than ours. Yes, there are advantages to living in a township and having your taxes structured in different ways but these townships have taxes for the same services this levy is for. Look up how much Liberty and West Chester Twp's pay for their safety services. Site the article the journal ran not too long ago about how you get the most bang for your buck with the citys current level of service and the cost for it! Research how many firefighter/paramedics and police officers you have in the city and how many calls for service they make a year compared to these other towns and twp’s.

Vote yes for Issue 2 for your public safety!


Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 11:28am

Before you start voting for all these permanent tax levy I would advise you to consider the other major problems that are facing the city and the clock of this bomb is ticking...

September 24, 2007
138 Million EPA Sewer Project

John Beagle

If the Ohio EPA gets it way, sewer rates may climb from $200 per year to $1100 per year. That's just not affordable says Dave Duritsch, Middletown City Engineer and Environmental Director.

Way back in 2000, the Ohio EPA was requiring improvements in sewer systems throughout the state. With aggressive goals, the city proposed a $20 million project that would be financed over 20 years. The Ohio EPA rejected the plan

Then in 2004, the city revised and updated the plan. This new sewer plan would cost $60 Million and be financed over 15 years. This plan too, was rejected by the Ohio EPA.

Now, David J. Duritsch Jr., PE, CPM City Engineering & # - Director, is submitting a plan at the end of September 2007. This new plan is for $138 Million over 20 years.

Watch video and find out how the city plans on dealing with this $138 Million capital project.

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 12:07pm
As you state, I too am at times frustrated with council not holding up to their promises but I would agree with Vivian Moon in the fact that if you're not happy about how things are being ran, change them. Show proof that monies are being spent out of the public safety fund for the MMF crew.

I have never said MMF was involved in spending public safety money...NEVER!
If we want Fire, Police, Water and Sewers then we had better tell City Council and the City Manager to
focus on what we really NEED. They need to use city funds wisely.
We need LEADERSHIP if we are going to save this city!

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 1:01pm
Eastsider, I know factually how deplorable Middletown's sales are, and how they have plummeted. I can state with the upmost fact and data, daVinci alone, has lost between 25-38% in value in the last 4 years. The issue isn't remotely about public safety, its about payroll and keeping an advancement order in place, than a plateau.

If crime is such a problem today, with home invasions and other problems well articulated as sj as stated here and openly at council meetings, how is the continuation of 1.75% going to matter. It is admitted, > 90% of fire employees daily tasks, is taking the 50% of Middletown that is age 65 and older, to the hospital. That can easily be outsourced. This is a terribly inefficiently run city. I state again, if raising taxes brings prosperity, why is AK Steel, CS, & H, the Atrium gone? Because they saw no value in paying city taxes for getting a bad meal daily. Look at Brielel...businesses are bolting, because of the taxation.



'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: eastsider
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 3:11pm
Vivian- sorry, didn't mean to "put those words in your mouth"! That statement was more meant to Acclaro in continuing to point out spending trends and where the public safety funds are being spent other than on the services. I agree with you that we need a change in leadership but there's only one way to make that happen, get out, present facts and misuse of monies(if there's such a thing?) and get people to vote against the leaders some call poor! I don't agree that saying no to this levy gets this point across, if anything I would say it hurts you and I, the citizen more than anything!

Acclaro- don't forget the large amount of money the state took from the city and the hurt it has caused on the budget. I'm not going to argue with you about money being moved or misused but I've yet to see proof of public safety funds being misused. Don't you think the fire/police unions would have attacked this to save jobs/positions eliminated Jan 1? Has spending outside of public safety been changed/altered to maintain the necessary services, Id say no, but the need for this levy to continue may/may not exist if not for the state reductions in funding. I would definetly agree priorities are skewed but everyone has a different set of priorities and that is where I think we as citizens are lacking, not making it known what we believe should be most important.

I would like to see more streets paved and so on to the tune of what you're stating Acclaro but I find public safety more important! Some streets are being paved, are they the streets you would like to see paved, sounds like not. But once again, priorities and public safety and the funding of ie..the levy, should be a priority!

And.. I hate to say it, but life is not equal in all parts and fair. Just because one lives on Davinci and their home values have decreased and at this point they haven't used police or fire service doesn't mean the less fortunate people shouldn't be provided that service! As I stated above, I wouldn't feel sorry for you If you needed one of these services and did't receive them in a timely manner because you voted no ON A RENEWAL..

Some, business has came in, has it been enough, no! We all know that, but Im pretty sure there's a new business on Reinartz and expansion/new business on Made Industrial.. these things take time! Do we have a city managaer willing to put time into this? Ask Wasau Paper, Id say no, but once again, does this mean I want to reduce public safety because of this, no!!

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 4:57pm
es: Your Quote:

"I would like to see more streets paved and so on to the tune of what you're stating Acclaro but I find public safety more important! Some streets are being paved, are they the streets you would like to see paved, sounds like not. But once again, priorities and public safety and the funding of ie..the levy, should be a priority!"

It is this sentiment about unwilling to make cuts in salary, and proper structuring of personnel, that has led to the streets neglected since 1986, and infrastructure falling apart. It started in 1986, the same excuse, rationale, "we just need a few years to get us over the hump" and here we are 26 years later, with salaries and employees protected, while the streets and sewers have been neglected to the point its a disgrace to drive in Middletown....SHAME.

This is not about public safety, its about protecting head-count and promotional avenues. PERIOD.  


'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: Neil Barille
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 6:20pm
Eastsider, the misuse of Public Safety funds referenced above refers to the fact that the city took the .25% increase last time and rather than dedicating it solely for PS just ran it through the general fund and used as a piggy bank for running the city.  Plus some police and fire were laid off anyway.  Don't think of this farce as a PS levy, think of it simply as a 5 year old tax increase that is now being made permanent.  That is all it is. 
As for all these sheep who think having a few more cops around will solve thisw crime issue in town -- wake up.  If you're worried about break-ins, do you think there will be an officer on foot patrol in your neighborhood deterring all these break ins?  What exactly will a few extra cops do --- investigate the crime after the fact, right?
As acclaro said, this is nothing more than saving city head count.

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jul 22 2012 at 7:10pm
Acclaro & Neil
Watch the last Planning Meeting where they were discussing putting a 10 bed Veteran Boarding House at 501 Crawford Street. We are talking about a part of the city that Mr Adkins has turned his back on and refuses to spend a dime to even try to clean it up. An area of the highest crime, highest blight and highest poverty and the city simply egnors this area. The business owners and  home owners are trapped.
This is where they wanted to place Veterans with PTS problems..where prescription drugs are sold like candy on the street corners.
We don't need more police...What we need is City Hall to give a damn about other areas other than Downtown and Main Street.

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Jul 23 2012 at 12:30am
The following is quoted from the July 15 Hamilton Journal-News:

“We have to reduce taxes,” [Butler County Commissioner Don] Dixon said. “Taxes burden not only businesses, but the average person. People should not have to choose between paying their electric bill or to buy clothes for their children because they are overtaxed. Taxpayers are tired and they don’t want to pay anymore.”

Doing more with less and sharing resources regionally between governments is a must and will be the norm in the future, said both Sheriff Richard Jones and Dixon.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jul 23 2012 at 6:17am
Originally posted by Richard Saunders Richard Saunders wrote:

The following is quoted from the July 15 Hamilton Journal-News:
<blockquote style="margin-right: 0px;" dir="ltr">

“We have to reduce taxes,” [Butler County Commissioner Don] Dixon said. “Taxes burden not only businesses, but the average person. People should not have to choose between paying their electric bill or to buy clothes for their children because they are overtaxed. Taxpayers are tired and they don’t want to pay anymore.”

Doing more with less and sharing resources regionally between governments is a must and will be the norm in the future, said both Sheriff Richard Jones and Dixon.

This all sounds good....what Dixon has to say here. Occasionally, we hear where a politician, at any level, attempts to "get in touch" with the voter and show the voter that they are "on your side" in understanding your day to day trials and tribulations. None of them mean what they say. They can't possibly identify with you because none live in your weight class in life and have no clue what the middle class working stiffs go through on budgets, struggles with costs of living nor life's daily problems......nor do they care.......EXCEPT at voting time when they ask for your support, even though most of us have nothing in common with the level of people who grow politicians. I take what all politicians say with a grain of salt and trust them about as far as I can throw them. I'm sure there are many in this camp. The type of personality needed to blend in with the political arena nowadays, must be underhanded, close to criminal element material and have the backroom connections to conduct business away from the public eye. Unfortunately, these types of people are the only game in town come voting time. I'm beginning to think it may be better not to vote at all????

As a side note, drove through the Oaks (with permission of course), as I do everyday, on the way to work. Saw maybe 4 Safety Levy signs in front yards. There is one on my block. If "signs in front yards" are any indication of support for the Safety Levy, it certainly doesn't appear to be overwhelming in nature. If it does pass, it will be because the small number of core supporters outnumbered the "discontent crowd" who, once again, didn't bother to register to vote, or who stayed at home, too lazy to go punch at few buttons at the polling places. Amazing how a small contingent of this community always gets their way because the rest of us, who outnumber them 10:1, won't make the effort. None of this nonsense would be happening if the lazy ass-- would go vote against the ruling class of this town.

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Jul 23 2012 at 11:11am

It has been interesting to observe this discussion on the public service levy and the levy for the Senior Center. It was pretty academic until Mr. Klug got personal and referred to Acclaro as telling lies, in effect calling him a liar. Well, Mr.  Klug, Acclaro is guilty at times of overstatement, on a couple of occasions had his facts wrong and on a couple of other occasions he was just wrong but most of the time he is well informed and adds a great deal of information to any of these discussions. However, I have never known of him to intentionally lie or misrepresent anything.

    There is a lot of misrepresentation on these issues and some downright lying but it is from the city. Before I address them let me be plain as to my great support for our police, fire and EMS departments. They are all very professional and serve our city as good as any departments in the country. All those who know me understand my strong feelings in this regard. The same goes for the Senior Center. I’m convinced that Ms. Munafo could turn the center around except for the fact that the city is forcing her to take the political approach in favor of their special interests rather than in the interests of seniors and the center. Why doesn’t the city just come forth and rectify the damage they did in the sale and building of the new center and support Ms. Munafo the right way?

     I received one of the mailers requesting a vote for Issue 2 on August the  7th. It was filled with misrepresentations (lies) Mr. Klug.

Misrepresentation:  “Currently, the 2.9 M pays for 27 firefighters and police officers collectively.”  Mr. Klug, that comes to $107,407.40 per employee. That isn’t true is it?

Misrepresentation:  “This levy will keep your community much safer!”  The levy is paying this money now until December 31st. Why aren’t we as safe now with the same money as we will be in the future if the levy passes?  You and I both know that the safety of our community is based on the priorities of the city and of the police department. Some have suggested on this blog the efficacy of a zero tolerance policy. That is not likely to happen in Middletown because of greed and the lack of vision and foresight for the city.  I’ve heard it said that we need the crime because of the revenue it produces. How shallow that kind of thinking is. Others have said its because of Section 8 renters and people in the lower income level that bring the increase of crime. Not necessarily. There are thousands of “poor folks” who are honest, God fearing people who have never committed any crimes. It will take new priorities and different police methods to make our community safer.

Misrepresentation:  “Vote for Issue 2 will NOT  increase taxes”.  The last tax was for five (5) years. This tax is proposed as a PERMANENT TAX. Please don’t insult our intelligence. Of course this is a tax increase. If I paid you a thousand dollars for five years and then said I’d pay you a  thousand dollars forever would you be getting an increase? Of course you would.

Mr. Klug, these misrepresentations (lies) are made by our city council and administration. When political officials make misrepresentations or lie that is corruption. Our city government has been corrupt for many years. Its time to change that. We can pay our public safety employees adequately without all of the corruption. I shall address that further in another blog and I shall be very interested in your response to what I’m going to be recommending. I know that you and I are on the same side of this issue but disagree on the tactics to get where we want and need to be. Thank you.            Paul Nagy


Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Jul 23 2012 at 12:03pm

Regarding the public safety levy, Neil Barille who understands the workings of the city probably better than most on this forum makes some very poignant observations that should not be ignored.

“Eastsider, the misuse of Public Safety funds referenced above refers to the fact that the city took the .25% increase last time and rather than dedicating it solely for PS just ran it through the general fund and used as a piggy bank for running the city.  Plus some police and fire were laid off anyway.  Don't think of this farce as a PS levy, think of it simply as a 5 year old tax increase that is now being made permanent.  That is all it is. 

As for all these sheep who think having a few more cops around will solve this  crime issue in town -- wake up.  If you're worried about break-ins, do you think there will be an officer on foot patrol in your neighborhood deterring all these break ins?  What exactly will a few extra cops do --- investigate the crime after the fact, right?

As acclaro said, this is nothing more than saving city head count. “       Neil Barille

Add to that the serious question posed by Spiderjohn who also understand the workings of the city in depth and we are given an interesting dilemma.

“very strange questions and direction, Mr.Goose


so--let me throw one back at you:

do you see passage or failing of either up-coming levy as having great impact in turning around the direction of our city's future? Are these issues at the core of our situation?”        Spiderjohn

In my mind these statements pose the question, How do we make this levy election impact the direction of our city’s future?

Well, I’d like to ask Mr. Klug and all other city union members to consider a couple of possible scenarios. It is being said that in the next ten years 60 % of all municipalities in the United States will be going into bankruptcy. I thought the discussion on municipal bankruptcy was quite expedient and wish it would go on a bit more. Also, I read the other day that Scranton, Pennsylvania had to start paying their public employees minimum wage. Now those are scary thoughts.

I’m interested in making sure that in the future our city has adequate public safety personnel. When I have brought up the subject in the past both city officials and fire and police employees chose not to think about the future but make certain that they could get what they could right now. It seems to me that in our current national predicament that is very short-sighted. Mr. Klug and Mr. Harvey its time for you to serve your members better by working for their future as well as their present. In one city a union official was quoted as saying, “We’ll get what we can now and let the union officials in the future worry about the problem.” Tell  their wives and children that and see  the reaction you get.

How about using this levy to make a great impact and change the direction of the city and protect your interests for years down the road? Why not all of us vote against this levy and defeat it. Then, let us immediately turn around and negotiate a new levy with a time limit and other conditions, such as; taking public safety funds out of the General Fund permanently and having a permanent public safety account that can’t be used for any other purpose or account.

Divide the Account into as many different departments as necessary – the Police Department, the Fire Department and the Emergency Services Department. Get it in writing that those funds are to be transparent at all times.  There may be other points to be negotiated but these give you the idea.

If the departments will vote with the 27% of citizens that voted for me in the last election and then the remainder of citizens doing the same, this should provide a mandate to change the direction of the city and guarantee our public servants what they need to do the job. We should do the same with  the seniors, infrastructure and economic development.  Have you got the vision and the courage to make meaningful change?      Paul Nagy

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 23 2012 at 1:39pm
  Democracy is great.    

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jul 23 2012 at 7:22pm
Correct me if I am wrong, But they claim that this 2.9M - .25% permanent tax increase will fund approx. 27 firefighters/police officers. 

5 yrs ago they instituted a .25% tax increase on temporary basis and yet after 4 yrs they had to lay off a number of firefighters.  It was claimed originally that there would be no reduction in manpower.  Now if the temporary tax increase only last 4 yrs before lay offs started, what makes anyone think that this permanent tax increase will last more than 3 or 4 yrs.   With Police/fire averaging 2-3% a yr in raises and the rest of us getting 0-1% a yr how long will it take before this tax is raised again.  If the first go around only lasted it 4 yrs,  I would venture a guess that after a few yrs it would be due to be increased again.

With public safety unions controling the bulk of the general fund, this is a vicious circle that will eventually drive Middletown into bankruptcy.  Maybe it is better to go into back bankruptcy now and re-negotiate public safety contracts and see if we can get out of the HUD secion 8 contract and hire and elect more forward thinking leaders.  The current leaders seem to be stuck in a rut and are treading water rather than steering the ship.

Am I correct or above assumption?


Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 23 2012 at 8:12pm
Pacman, as usual, you bring forward an excellent pt, and one I am total agreement. I do think this 1.75% is temporary. It will embolden the city, and they will raise it to 2.0 shortly. Hamilton is 2.0%, so the city will think since they have many whom live in Middletown and work in Hamilton, Monroe, and Trenton, there won't be voter discontent if it is raised. In my mind (sorry for redundancy), this is why the orchestration of city council came about shortly after the previous election.

As business growth has declined, certainly the Atrium has not produced the type and number of jobs forecast, and the loss of AK Steel executives, they will have to have another tax. Middletown's house values won't rise for years, there are simply too many, raising surplus capacity, to stabilize within 10 years. In 25 years, I have had an appraisal done every 5 years. At best, the market in Middletown has not kept up with inflation. Therefore, this levy will only serve to assure them they can keep coming back to the well repeatedly, with only positive consequence. And, there will be the school levy next, the Senior Citizen hit in November, and all these combined, drives down market interest in BOTH residential and commercial property and development. That is the vicious cycle you refer, all predicated upon a higher tax rate.   

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: arwendt
Date Posted: Jul 24 2012 at 11:22am
Originally posted by Bocephus Bocephus wrote:

.Although Im undecided on how I will vote its gonna be hard to vote for anything or any one that aj smith supports. Any one that even stands next to this guy in public looses credibility and looks as foolish as he does in my opinion.

I'll second that.

“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.” Benjamin Franklin - More at my - Words of Freedom website.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jul 25 2012 at 6:18pm
Just watched a segment on the Channel 5 news about the Cincy firefighters being awarded millions for training, recruiting, hiring and other fire department needs. This grant came through the Homeland Security Department.

Now, if the Cincinnati fire folks can get money for their operations this way, what is preventing Middletown fire from applying for operations money in the same manner? Police too. No need for a safety levy if that were to happen, right?

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Jul 25 2012 at 9:30pm
As I've driven around town lately, I've noticed that a large number of the "pro safety tax" signs are illegally placed.  Of course I have no idea who placed all of these signs, but one would think that the pro-levy committee, being a quasi-official organization should have instructed those placing the signs on the allowable parameters for placement.
Also, during past campaigns the City Manager has been quick to have Public Works employees scour the city to remove and confiscate any illegally placed signs, at least those of non-MMF-endorsed candidates.  I wonder why the same is not the case with these signs. 

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jul 28 2012 at 9:54pm

Public safety levy supporters make final plea for voters


By -

Staff writer


Middletown voters will decide in just over a week if city leaders will need to make more tough public safety cuts later this year.

On Aug. 7, voters will be asked in a special election to approve a 0.25 percent income tax levy that will raise money to help pay for police and fire department operations.

In order to balance the 2012 budget, the city made $3.7 million in cuts, with the lion’s share being cut from public safety. Those cuts resulted in eliminating 16 police and fire positions, and that resulted in five firefighters losing their jobs. The rest were just vacant openings.

The income tax public safety levy, if approved, would replace the current levy that expires on Dec. 31. However, there will be one difference —the proposed tax levy replacement would be a permanent levy.

The levy provides a $2.9 million supplement to the collective $21 million police and fire budgets.

A taxpayer who earns $50,000 annually will continue to pay $125 a year, or just under $10.50 a month.

If the levy passes, the chiefs of both the police and fire departments say there will be no reduction in services. However, if it fails, jobs will be cut.

“Our budget is cut so thin now, we’ve trimmed everything out of it that we could trim,” said police Chief David VanArsdale. “We have no place to go but for personnel, and that’s going to mean bodies.”

Most of the city has been canvassed since the campaign officially kicked off last month. Potential special election voters have also been called and hundreds of pro-levy signs have been placed around the city.

“I think with people having the knowledge that there will be no reduction in services — that we’ll at least maintain the services — that people will be supportive of the levy,” said Harvey Poff, levy campaign chairman.

“We’ve gone door-to-door, we’ve put up the signs and talked with folks individually. We’re not asking for anything other than a continuance of what we have.”

The need to replace the expiring levy was always planned, but City Council had debated if the levy should have a sunset or be permanent. The city had a number of focus group discussions, said Fire Chief Steve Botts, and results from those discussions indicated the community would support the levy.

“I’m hopeful (the levy passes) because … it will protect our current resources and continue to deliver needed services to the community,” he said.

“I don’t want to see our resources reduced,” said Botts, who added that the fire department’s response times have already increased because of the recent personnel reduction and the loss of a fire truck. He said if more cuts are made, he would be “very concerned.”

The fire chief said if the levy does pass, the city can then accept a $1 million federal Staffing for Adequate Fire and EMS Response grant that will pay for six firefighters — essentially reinstating those laid positions plus add one more — over two years. If the levy fails, cuts in the fire department will happen, he said.

VanArsdale said if the police department looses any more officers, “it’s going to mean a change in the way we do business, what calls we respond t0 and what calls we follow up on.”

Poff said the hope is a Plan B or C — asking voters again in November or making cuts — won’t be needed.

“We trust that the person who goes to the poll, that they analyze what these issues are, what the ramifications are and the what the benefits are, and that it’s not going to cost any more money than what they pay now,” Poff said.

If the levy fails in August and City Council decides to ask voters to reconsider it in November, the levy will be on the same ballot as the five-year, 1-mill levy request for the Middletown Area Senior Citizens, which would pay down its mortgage for the senior center.

Can you spot the lies???  Or the statments that make you go hmmmm???

If the levy passes, the chiefs of both the police and fire departments say there will be no reduction in services.

This is the same promise we received in the last levy that lasted five yrs. The problem came in 4th yr when we had to elimate 16 positions and lay off 5 personell. With the fire and police personell getting on average 3% raises plus retirement plus excellent health care benefits, does anyone thinnk we'll make through 4 yrs again? 3 - 3yrs raises alone will bring us to a more than 10% increase in pay with these personell. I would expect in the 3rd yr or sooner we will run into same problem of the levy not covering the number of personel we have. This will result once again in another request for a 0.25% tax increase.

Stop and think before you vote.

The income tax public safety levy, if approved, would replace the current levy that expires on Dec. 31. However, there will be one difference —the proposed tax levy replacement would be a permanent levy.

No Levy for Public Safety can ever be a permanent levy.  At the rate that Police and Fire receive raises & benefits it is mathematically impossible for this levy to be permanenty set at 0.25%.

The fire chief said if the levy does pass, the city can then accept a $1 million federal Staffing for Adequate Fire and EMS Response grant that will pay for six firefighters — essentially reinstating those laid positions plus add one more —over two years.

Can anyone see what makes you go hmmm with this assumption???  Who the hell is going to pay for these Firefighters after the first two yrs.  If the grant funds will last that long.  This makes it all the more probable that there will be an increase in this levy in the 2nd or 3rd yr if we are lucky.


Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: Jul 29 2012 at 12:18am
I wonder what is in it for the IAM.  I don't buy they are doing what is best for the City.  I do know that someone from the IAM is going around and putting signs in the strip of grass next to the street, which I thought was illegal.  They are doing this without the permission of their members, I thought this was illegal too. 

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jul 29 2012 at 7:53am
OK--citizens and/or public safety personel tell me the pros and cons of this thinking:

Why not out-source EMS service?
Most area communities do just that, and it is the most expensive part of the public safety money machine.

Police take care of crime
Fire takes care of fires

Posted By: eastsider
Date Posted: Aug 01 2012 at 3:01pm
In doing some looking around, I can't name one area department that outsources ems other than Franklin if you call that outsourcing. And with that, they're trying to combine fire/ems because it's a more cost effective use of personnel as most firemen are certified in both so why pay 2 people instead of one. Also, municipalities bill for ems and although it's not enough to pay for the "provider", it does supplement.

Posted By: eastsider
Date Posted: Aug 01 2012 at 8:43pm
And actually to add to this.. Do some research on Sycamore Twp Hamilton county.. They accepted RFP's to contract out ems, fire or both together and found out it wasn't cheaper! Since have came to an agreement with firefighters and called back employees

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 07 2012 at 5:29am

The promises made to promote passage of the public safety tax five years ago have not been kept.  We are told this is because the State of Ohio reduced payments to cities and ruined their budgets.

Here’s a fair question:

Does this mean if the state reduces some payment again, this administration will balance the budget by reducing public safety forces as they did this time???

Isn’t it likely this administration will use any other similar excuse (sales taxes went down;  EPA says we have to fix the sewers;  the bike path got washed out and must be repaired;  expenses on mothballed Cinci State building were higher than expected;  our self-insured medical expenses were higher than anticipated;  Pendelton needs a bail-out;  the fake gas light electric bill went up;  someone successfully sued the city for gross negligence;  a pothole in front of the mayor’s house must be repaired;  one of our water towers collapsed due to lack of maintenance;  council decides we need more water features;  etc, etc, ad nausem) to divert funds from this NEVERENDING tax in the same way???

They did it once...why should we believe they won't do it again???  (Especially if the voters prove that we won't hold it against them!!!)

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Aug 07 2012 at 5:52am
Good point.  And who doesn't think that the State will be reducing payments to municipalities again in the near future?

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 07 2012 at 6:15am

Right you are, Mr. Saunders!!!

And this administration has made it perfectly clear that they don’t have ANYWHERE to go except to public safety to re-balance the budget while saving their precious arts and historic districts.

They will cut our police and fire forces in a heartbeat (no pun intended).

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 07 2012 at 6:24am

Don’t believe me???

They have the 0.25% right now!!!  How did they balance the 2012 budget???


What more proof do you need???

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 07 2012 at 6:30am

Yet they were licking their chops to pay more every month for electricity for decorative lamps for South Main. 

They subsidize arts right and left.

They buy buildings for all of their friends.

They give thousands to MMF.

Hundreds of thousands for “enhanced gateways”.

A million for bike paths.

A hundred grand for a couple more brick pillars for the “Welcome to Middletown” sign.

But they had to CUT PUBLIC SAFETY!!!

And you think that they won’t do it again????

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Aug 07 2012 at 10:39pm
It is a fore gone conclusion that if this levy passes, they will have to cut firefighters or increase the levy in the 2nd or 3rd yrs if they are gven the grant of approxiametly $1M.  Once the $1M is spent who is going to pick up the bill?


Posted By: crazycatcher
Date Posted: Aug 07 2012 at 11:20pm
Question for Mr. Presta.
Mr. Presta since you seem to have your finger on the pulse of the city in your above comment you state, "They subsidize arts right and left." I am curious to learn who is they? And what arts have they subsidized from the right to the left?

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 08 2012 at 12:20am
Question for Crazycatcher:
Have you followed city government at all during the last fourteen years???

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Aug 08 2012 at 12:45am
Originally posted by Pacman Pacman wrote:

It is a fore gone conclusion that if this levy passes, they will have to cut firefighters or increase the levy in the 2nd or 3rd yrs if they are gven the grant of approxiametly $1M.  Once the $1M is spent who is going to pick up the bill?

Pacman is correct.
The firefighters had six jobs cut this year, the last year of the present five-year 0.25% public safety payroll tax.  In return for their assistance in passing this permanent levy, the firefighters will get those six jobs back for only two years, then the city will cut those six positions (and likely more).
This is assuming that the State of Ohio does NOT cut funds to municipalities any further during those two years.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 08 2012 at 6:24am
2600 voters from a city of 48,000 people. Very frustrating to see. Wondering how many of the 2600 represented the friends of city hall? AJ and the gang must be giddy with delight as old AJ works toward his days after council and his longing to work side by side with his union buddies with the job he hopes to get in return for his union support.

Now, we can sit back and see what transpires in two years when the grant money runs out and they start the layoffs again. Will the average Middletonian even notice? Will they care?

Apparently, it didn't matter to people in this town when they lied to us on the first levy and laid people off despite the promise of no layoffs. The levy supporters must admire the art of lying and deceit.

The wrath is not directed toward the police, medics and firefighters as much as it is on the city leaders and council and their deceit and lies with regard to telling the truth from day one about the money intentions for this levy.

As long as the majority of people lay on the couch, watching reality TV, and don't bother to vote against the wishes of the people who would ruin this town, the bad guys will get their way. If you keep giving them money, they will continue to run the same game on the people. Sad to see. How in the hell do you combat apathy? How bad does it have to get before the apathetic people take notice?

Posted By: crazycatcher
Date Posted: Aug 08 2012 at 7:22am
more than you can possibly imagine Mr. Presta. So our city government has given various arts organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars? Perhaps I just need my mind refreshed other than the Pendelton Art Center what arts organizations have benefited from the city?

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