Spider, I still know lil' about that area and want to know even less. When my son goes into the downtown area to a friends house, my wife then has to drive back to pick him up after dark. This is how the pick up goes.
1.) My son's friends father tells her to keep all the doors locked 2.) Do not to get out of the car
3.) Call on the cell phone when she gets there, 4.) the friends father then walks my son (who is 6'2" 200#) to the car with a 2ft wrench 5.) and tells him to get into the car and lock it. Now why in the hell would I want to know more about such a place as that?? Spider, you seems to be a glutton for punishment, constantly praising an area of the city which has seen it's best day and they will not return. Please tell me exactly what it is I'm supposed to go downtown for. There are no doctors, all of mine are at Atrium or out of town. There is no shopping, unless I want second hand goods, Going to City Hall itself is an experience in not getting good service, the post office is over crowded and lacks parking, so I go to Monroe (I get better service there). There are no restaurants downtown that haven't go out of business. Now they are building what would considered a high priced restuarant for that part of the city. Where it is stated the the steaks will be $25 a plate. So it will cost a family of four well over $100.00 to eat there. I don't see many rushing to eat there except for the good 'ole boys crowd. And that will not support a restuarant of this type for long. If it is the owner of the Red Onion that is running this restaurant, he should have taken his 15 or so invester and looked into the building next the Long Horn on Old Roosevelt Rd. The name should have been The Purple Onion, to go with Our Middletown Colors as opposed to the name that has been chosen. They would be right off I75, they would have 8 hotels to draw from including the new Hampton Inn that's coming and they would probably find more support from the people on the east end who do not want to go downtown (such as myself). Personally, I and my family have grown tired of the restaurant choices in Middletown and now go north to Dayton or south to West Chester. As far as Cincy State goes, I have talked to other college students in the area, some will go to MUM and some will go to Oxford and some will go to school in Cincinnati other than CS. And they all claimed that CS will be there last choice, hence I can understand the difficulty in enrolling students. Of course this is all my own opinion and I do not have much regard for downtown after driving through it several times and seeing the mess down there. It is my opinion that this city's future is on the east end and only the east end. Pacman 