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$30,000 for Taking it to Street

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Jul 27 2024 at 6:13am

Topic: $30,000 for Taking it to Street
Posted By: Middletown29
Subject: $30,000 for Taking it to Street
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 3:10pm
Understand City has committed $30,000 to promote private music events hosted by Murphy's Landing.
Taxpayers dollars being spent to benefit one for profit business.
How is this justified?

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 3:21pm
It isn't
Simply the sos
U would think that they could get better bands
Why not go back to having shows in the parks with different types of music?

So why not $30,000 for Douglas Park?
OUR soccer park?/

For the nth time--spread it around, Mr.A
Same message to council members -- they keep approving this

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 3:34pm
Ok Mr. Adkins, enough is enough.

Given the fact that the city practice of taxpayer dollar usage is to buy downtown properties, try to sell to sell them and eventually give them away for a fraction of the purchase price, coupled with developmental loans to people like Robinette and Grau just to see them back out of the agreed upon contract for final development in exchange for a city money give-away.......and now, if this information by Middletown29 is accurate, the city is using taxpayer money to foot the bill for pay for private sector entertainment for their pals at Murphy's Landing? If Murphy's Landing wants to bolster their business by using entertainment as a draw, let them finance the idea, not the taxpayers. The public sector city needs to stop financing the private sector business operations.

That is quite enough focus and concentration on your downtown dream sir. There are many in this town who pay taxes that do not want their money going to the black hole known as your downtown area. It has been a huge waste of money so far, yielding an end result that is not even close to the money outlay. C'mon city leaders. Please stop the money spending on the downtown and start dispersing it elsewhere. Contrary to popular belief, the downtown is not the save all/end all to being the remedy for solving the city's problems. The money distribution in this city is not even close to being efficient nor directed in the right manner as to real priorities needed. Why is this happening Mr. Adkins?

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 4:18pm
Originally posted by Middletown29 Middletown29 wrote:

Understand City has committed $30,000 to promote private music events hosted by Murphy's Landing.
Taxpayers dollars being spent to benefit one for profit business.
How is this justified?
Did the city do this, or is it through the CVB with hotel bed tax funds?

The city does provide CVB a portion of these $.  The group then makes grants to support a variety of events.  

Linda Moorman used to head.  Not sure who's head now.

Pretty self-serving if she is still involved with the CVB and asked for the grant.  Especially now that they control that corner with ML and sole Canal Pub ownership.  

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 4:55pm
Not sure where money comes from. Even if it is CVB? can they spend tax dollars to promote an event that profits a single downtown business?
If funds are from CVB and Moorman is involved wouldn't that be some kind of conflict? How do you find out who is involved with CVB?

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 6:57pm
Originally posted by Middletown29 Middletown29 wrote:

Not sure where money comes from. Even if it is CVB? can they spend tax dollars to promote an event that profits a single downtown business?
If funds are from CVB and Moorman is involved wouldn't that be some kind of conflict? How do you find out who is involved with CVB?
It is technically a board and commission of the city, which means members are appointed by City Council.  You can pull a roster here.  Not sure how updated it is. Linda Moorman is listed as a member. " rel="nofollow - 

Because it a board of the city, meeting minutes are included as part of the Council Consent agenda.
The most recent meeting minutes are from the Dec 6 packet.  Meeting from October.  TTTS is included in minutes but not $ approval.  There was an update on the impact study which implies they received CBV funding in 2016 as well " rel="nofollow - 

I think its important to note two things:

1.) Council doesn't approve grants and funding
2.) Linda is single vote.  If the board felt there was a conflict, they as a whole could deny the funding request. 

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 7:41pm
Does it matter if City Council approves if they provide funds and appoint board?
Are they permitted to advertise for a for profit business activity?
Does anyone review CVB expenditures?

Posted By: middielover
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 7:48pm
If Moorman puts together events for downtown and generates business isn't that what the CVB is supposed to support?

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 8:05pm
Originally posted by Middletown29 Middletown29 wrote:

Does it matter if City Council approves if they provide funds and appoint board?
Are they permitted to advertise for a for profit business activity?
Does anyone review CVB expenditures?
I would assume if funds are approved by the board, a vote is taken and that vote is recorded in the minutes which become part of the Council's Consent agenda.  So yes, in essence the expenditures are reviewed in that manner.  I don't know what the process would be to remove a board member, outside of not renewing a term when a term is expired.  

But, Linda Moorman could have come before the CBV as a non-board /non-voting member, requested the funds for TTTS and had them approved.

One could argue because of the DORA, TTTS could benefit all downtown restaurants/bars within the boundaries of the district.  

Still, is there a formal, organized group for the Taking it to the Streets as there is for other events that meets regularly to plan out a schedule?  Does the group have a treasurer? Are funds being co-mingled with Murphy's Landing.  I think that's a fair question.  

I think it's easy to argue that the Moorman business entities are a direct beneficiary of the TTTS initiative.    

Personally speaking, anytime i was remotely close to a TTTS concert, it looked like a dud.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 8:16pm
Originally posted by middielover middielover wrote:

If Moorman puts together events for downtown and generates business isn't that what the CVB is supposed to support?
I don't know that anyone is questioning that. Linda has worked hard to promote the downtown area and has led the effort for the Santa Parade pretty much since its inception.  I am sure that the Santa Parade receives or has received funding from the CVB.

I think what's being questioned is the direct benefit the Moorman's business interests are receiving and if the other businesses in the area felt the impact. 

- What's the total budget for the initiative
- What % does the CBV grant make up of the total budget?
- What % is coming from other sources---being other grants and business donations including the two perceived to be getting the direct benefit (ML and CP) that are controlled by the Moormans.  

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Feb 15 2017 at 9:14pm
I know that both Moormans worked very hard on this project last year, and have worked very hard for the former downtown area. I attended a few of these events and also found the crowd lacking on most evenings. Murphys, Canal House and at the Square seem to be the financial beneficiaries. The wine shop should also get a kick this year. Nothing else is ever open. The coffee shop and other daytime businesses seem to suffer from traffic being blocked off by early afternoon. Maybe once a weekend or every other weekend?

My main ?s might be:
1. How many CVB members are investors in Murphys and Canal House or any other approximate businesses
2. What other similar grants did CVB make to other areas
3. How was CVB $$ allocated?
4. Shouldnt proportionate CVB funds be allocated to the areas GENERATING the funds

WE ALL WANT THE ENTIRE CITY TO PROSPER, AND WITH THE INCREDIBLE SUM INVESTED IN THE FORMER DOWNTOWN AREA, by generations of admin and councils/commissions,boards, committees. Still--the area bias is disturbing IF you compete elsewhere within the city.

This whole situation the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day re-lived imo

Posted By: Douglas Adkins
Date Posted: Feb 16 2017 at 1:52pm
The city has not committed any funds to Taking it To the Streets and has no request to do so. I haven't even granted the permit yet to close the streets for the concert series next summer.

I'm still holding on to the 2016 funds allocated to the CVB to make sure they are following proper protocol in their spending and use of the hotel/motel tax revenue from the city.

I've not seen any minutes yet stating that the CVB approved such an expenditure, but if it was at a recent meeting and the minutes have not gotten to us yet, it's possible. I haven't seen it.

Posted By: fwolz
Date Posted: Feb 20 2017 at 1:57pm

I understand that there are some concerns regarding the Middletown Visitor's Bureau.  As the President of the Board of Trustees for the MVB, I wanted to provide some information regarding the organization and our mission in hopes of clearing up some of the concerns.

The members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by City Council, after applying.  I was appointed last January and was elected as President by the other members of the Board, this January.  As most of you probably know, there are various Boards and Commissions for Middletown also composed of members appointed by Council in the same manner.  

The mission of the MVB is to promote Middletown by attracting visitors to experience, explore and appreciate the community and to stimulate the economy, highlight the community’s potential and encourage families and businesses to locate here. Our tagline is "From heads in beds to feet in the street-promoting people, pride, and progress".

Our funding comes from a portion of the Bed Tax collected by hotels in Middletown, as required by the Ohio Lodging Tax.  

In support of this mission, part of our actions include reviewing and approving requests for grants that meet our mission.  Typically our grants are put towards advertising for events, however, grants are not limited to those expenses specifically.

The grant in question was awarded to the Middletown Music Club to book musical acts for a concert series in Downtown Middletown.  The funds provided for this event were just a portion of the funds we provided to around a dozen other grant requests last year.

As with any Public Board or Commission, action on conflicts of interest are absolutely not permitted.  Any Board Member with a conflict of interest would be responsible for identifying the conflict and abstaining from any votes affected by the conflict.  Including the grant in question, I am not aware of ANY conflict which may have been ignored or unidentified during my time on the Board.

I hope that a little background on the Visitor's Bureau has answered some of the questions posed on this forum.  If there is anything else I'll try my best to provide further answers.

Finally, I'd also like to mention that the application for Boards and Commissions is on the City's website.  It states that applications are accepted September through October and Council reviews them during November and December, however, we've been hoping for additional members and I can look into whether that may be possible if anyone has any interest.

Frank Wolz
President - Middletown Visitor's Bureau Board of Trustees

Posted By: DenPickles
Date Posted: Feb 22 2017 at 2:35pm
Seems pretty silly to me to give tax payers money to benefit a business that will then take more customers money.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Mar 08 2017 at 3:41pm
The City Manager gave an update on the CVB at last night's meeting.  

The current board of trustees submitted resignations and per a motion agenda item, a new board of trustees along with dedicated city staff, will refocus this organization with the goal of wider promotion of Middletown with a consistent brand.  

Very pleased to see Adkins acknowledge failures on the city's part, while taking the necessary steps to move the organization in a more productive manner.

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Mar 09 2017 at 6:53am
swohio75 -

I noted with interest your recent post regarding the unanimous resignations of the CVB board of trustees at their last meeting.  Besides Frank Wolz, who else was approved to serve on this body late last year?  That information is no longer available on the city's website.

Please note Mr. Wolz's recent MUSA post just after the CVB allegation first came to light.  Also, will Sam Ashworth now be amongst those to fill these vacancies?  Thanks again for being so much "in the know."

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 09 2017 at 8:24am
Originally posted by Middletown29 Middletown29 wrote:

Understand City has committed $30,000 to promote private music events hosted by Murphy's Landing.
Taxpayers dollars being spent to benefit one for profit business.
How is this justified?

Years ago, before they filled in Sunset Pool, the city claimed they did not have the approximate $30,000 funds to keep the pool operation afloat each year and they could not find a private source to keep it running.

Now, we read where they are prepared to lend a similar amount for music entertainment to benefit some downtown businesses.

Now that we know this, one could conclude that the pool was doomed at the time because the pool just happened to be out of the realm of interest, IE......the downtown.

One could also conclude that there is now a distinct possibility that the money will come for the music event BECAUSE THE EFFORT WILL BENEFIT THEIR DOWNTOWN. Would the city release money to benefit any other part of the city? Evidence points to a doubtful answer.

If this is factual, we can also see yet another effort to use taxpayer money for their downtown dreams and another example of them refusing to ask the taxpayer if they want their money spent on this downtown dream. They have no right to take everyone's money and spend it on the few who support the downtown, especially since they are bound and determined to ignore the other 90% of this city as to money allocation. I don't care how much embellished fluff the Journal puts on all the glitter stories coming out of downtown, the effort is only for the appeasement of a small percentage of this community and the downtown is not this grandiose venture they pretend it to be. They are simply not in tune with reality down there. I would imagine most of us could care less about what they want and don't want our money spent in this fashion.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Mar 09 2017 at 9:47am
Originally posted by Analytical Analytical wrote:

swohio75 -

I noted with interest your recent post regarding the unanimous resignations of the CVB board of trustees at their last meeting.  Besides Frank Wolz, who else was approved to serve on this body late last year?  That information is no longer available on the city's website.

Please note Mr. Wolz's recent MUSA post just after the CVB allegation first came to light.  Also, will Sam Ashworth now be amongst those to fill these vacancies?  Thanks again for being so much "in the know."
I am not connected to the CVB or the city so I don't know who was appointed when.

I list of resignation was read at the meeting and a list of new appointees as well

Sam was not included.  Linda Moorman resigned.  

If you want a full list - I suggest you watch the meeting yourself.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Mar 09 2017 at 9:49am
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

Originally posted by Middletown29 Middletown29 wrote:

Understand City has committed $30,000 to promote private music events hosted by Murphy's Landing.
Taxpayers dollars being spent to benefit one for profit business.
How is this justified?

Years ago, before they filled in Sunset Pool, the city claimed they did not have the approximate $30,000 funds to keep the pool operation afloat each year and they could not find a private source to keep it running.

Now, we read where they are prepared to lend a similar amount for music entertainment to benefit some downtown businesses.

Now that we know this, one could conclude that the pool was doomed at the time because the pool just happened to be out of the realm of interest, IE......the downtown.

One could also conclude that there is now a distinct possibility that the money will come for the music event BECAUSE THE EFFORT WILL BENEFIT THEIR DOWNTOWN. Would the city release money to benefit any other part of the city? Evidence points to a doubtful answer.

If this is factual, we can also see yet another effort to use taxpayer money for their downtown dreams and another example of them refusing to ask the taxpayer if they want their money spent on this downtown dream. They have no right to take everyone's money and spend it on the few who support the downtown, especially since they are bound and determined to ignore the other 90% of this city as to money allocation. I don't care how much embellished fluff the Journal puts on all the glitter stories coming out of downtown, the effort is only for the appeasement of a small percentage of this community and the downtown is not this grandiose venture they pretend it to be. They are simply not in tune with reality down there. I would imagine most of us could care less about what they want and don't want our money spent in this fashion.

Calm down Vet. Read Doug's statement above.  I also suggest you watch his comments on the CVB during the March 7 Council meeting.  The meeting is available on You Tube.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 09 2017 at 10:18am

"Calm down Vet. Read Doug's statement above. I also suggest you watch his comments on the CVB during the March 7 Council meeting. The meeting is available on You Tube"

Oh, I'm ok. My intent on the post was to write in a manner of speculation on my part, more "what if it happens", not as mere fact.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: whistlersmom
Date Posted: Mar 09 2017 at 11:14am
Our maze of bureaucracy in Middletown is increasingly under Adkins' control. Could the reason behind the sudden, complete change of CVB members be due to some disagreement with Doug's wishes? Will the new members be more compliant because he hand picked them? Doug uses the several boards under his control or influence to front HIS objections or HIS ideas.   For instance, none of the boards actually have any authority to make decisions for against any issues before the council, only council should be doing that! But didn,t Adkins say in the council meeting that the Historical Society would have to approve of the O'Reilly business before it would be considered? And/but is that location even part of a historical district?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing" Edmond Burke

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 09 2017 at 4:36pm
actually watched the Council meeting

Mr.A is definitely in charge of things--Councilmembers voiced little to nothing. There is a city agenda moving forward, still evolving at this time.

nice presentation by mmf/cbi--they listened and seemed to respond inclusively in good faith.

CVB part was interesting, with much left unsaid(probably for the best). New members and direction should be a significant improvement, with thanks for serving sincerely given to those resigning.

O'Reilly---wow--what happened to our "One Stop Shop" form simplifying the activities for new business?? Seemed to be mixed messages and confusion as to the process. jmo--all the fuss about our "gateway appearance"?---I stand by my comments under that heading, adding that we don't present our holy ground in the former downtown attractively from north, south, east or west. But we need to start(again!) somewhere sometime.

As much as I critique Mr.Picard, his comments were spot on. Business friendly?? Depends on the chosen ones I guess. Historical Society needs seriously neutered imo. In this instance I see no history involved.

we all need to be watching everything that is going on, then knowledgeably and constructively voicing our thoughts.....

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Mar 10 2017 at 10:35am
Oh, Spider
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Downtown Middletown Inc. was established so Middletown could become a member of the Ohio Main Street Program which is part of  the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
That now means that the Middletown Historical Society has power over every property in the downtown area from the river to the tracks.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Mar 10 2017 at 10:47am
Originally posted by Vivian Moon Vivian Moon wrote:

Oh, Spider
That now means that the Middletown Historical Society has power over every property in the downtown area from the river to the tracks.

The MIddletown Historic Commission is a Board of the City of Middletown and not an arm of the Middletown Historical Society.  

The Middletown Historic Commission consists of eight members, all residents of the City, and every attempt shall be made to include the following areas of expertise: a registered architect; a professional landscape architect, historian, archaeologist, or city planner; a person whose education and experience qualify him or her in building construction; a member of the Middletown Historical Society; an attorney; two residents of the City, one of which shall be an owner-resident in a designated historic area or site; and a member of the Planning Commission. The Historic Preservation Administrator, appointed by the City Manager from the Department of Planning, in addition to other duties, shall serve as Secretary to the Council. Additional Qualifications. All members shall have, to the greatest extent practical, interest and proficiency in historic preservation and restoration.

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Mar 10 2017 at 11:14am
Thank you for the correction..yes it should be the Middletown Historic Commission. 
Can't wait to see their demands for the upgrades on the Hope House.
Power is a wonderful thing when you can use other peoples money...

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Mar 10 2017 at 12:49pm
swohio75 -

As per your recent post, I checked City of Middletown internet website links for the CVB Board of Trustees plus their meeting minutes.  Please be advised that city staff has deleted both links.

As per another post of yours, I twice reviewed the last City Council meeting on youtube to ascertain members of the CVB Board of Trustees as supposedly mentioned by Mr. A.  Sorry to say, he DID NOT provide a list of the Trustees as you suggested.

Over the past few weeks you have been caustic in your comments to some MUSA participants.  In these cases, it is you who needs to get your facts right before misinforming anyone.  A little civility wouldn't hurt.

When it comes to Vivian Moon, nobody has done more than her in the pursuit of open, honest city governance.  Since you are so much "IN THE KNOW," it's not surprising to see you correct her most recent post.  For someone who has little to no connection to city government, you certainly are well versed on most everything.  You would make a great Public Information Officer for the city.

I await one of your usual derogatory responses.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Mar 10 2017 at 1:02pm
I am most happy to correct inaccurate information. And will continue to do so.  

You will find a list of the new CVB board here: 

I stand corrected .Mr. Adkins didn't read the list of resignations or new appointments.  Council member Picard did.  You can see it around the 43 minute mark. Larry made the motion to accept resignations, which he heard. 

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 10 2017 at 1:32pm
Appreciate the correction from society to commission.
Interesting as always
Nice night at finkleman

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: Mar 13 2017 at 2:33pm
Originally posted by Analytical Analytical wrote:

swohio75 -

As per your recent post, I checked City of Middletown internet website links for the CVB Board of Trustees plus their meeting minutes.  Please be advised that city staff has deleted both links.

As per another post of yours, I twice reviewed the last City Council meeting on youtube to ascertain members of the CVB Board of Trustees as supposedly mentioned by Mr. A.  Sorry to say, he DID NOT provide a list of the Trustees as you suggested.

Over the past few weeks you have been caustic in your comments to some MUSA participants.  In these cases, it is you who needs to get your facts right before misinforming anyone.  A little civility wouldn't hurt.

When it comes to Vivian Moon, nobody has done more than her in the pursuit of open, honest city governance.  Since you are so much "IN THE KNOW," it's not surprising to see you correct her most recent post.  For someone who has little to no connection to city government, you certainly are well versed on most everything.  You would make a great Public Information Officer for the city.

I await one of your usual derogatory responses.

One other comment.  Minutes are made available in with the City Council Workbooks as part of the consent agenda. You can look at each meeting's agenda, determine if CVB minutes are included in the workbook and download as you see fit. 

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