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Your City-Subsidized "Downtown" Deals

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Manager
Forum Description: Discuss the city manager administration including all city departments.
Printed Date: Jul 27 2024 at 6:00am

Topic: Your City-Subsidized "Downtown" Deals
Posted By: Analytical
Subject: Your City-Subsidized "Downtown" Deals
Date Posted: Mar 03 2018 at 2:50pm
Mr. Adkins -

Nearly all of your generously city-subsidized "downtown" deals continue to show no reconstruction activity after a growing number of years.  They also show hundreds of thousands of dollars in delinquent county property tax payments.

What do you or the five city council members have to say about these gambits to Middletown taxpayers?  It would be interesting for Forbes Magazine to do a follow-up story on these amateurish city "downtown" deals?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 03 2018 at 5:06pm
Adkins will not answer you Analytical. He has stopped responding to our forum here. He no doubt felt he wasn't winning over any converts so he stopped wasting his time here. Same goes for any city official we have seen entering the MUSA domain. They all have the same message. They all will not listen to people who disagree with them. They all are incapable of participating in dialogue with opposing differences of opinion. They all insist we see it their way and want all to be "friends of the city"and subservient to their cause.

They are incapable of dialogue with most city residents. It is sad the voters have placed council people in place who are so weak as to take direction from the city manager as opposed to questioning the rationale of his decision making and having any ability at all to take charge of the city's directional decisions.

We are doomed to endure poor leadership. The city is doomed to mediocrity and stagnation at best. We could do a lot better by electing competent, non-bending, strong willed people who ask questions as to the validity of the city manager's decision-making but we seem to have the exact opposite of those traits in place. Sad to see.

We need people on council who will counterbalance the city manager's plans for the city. Some resistance would be appreciated at times council people. Hell, just asking a question or two at times would be an immense step forward on your part. Grow a spine and stop rubber stamping everything the man wants to do for crying out loud. Try it. You just might feel you have earned your position as a council member at times. Or....just sit there like an inanimate object going through the motions to collect your little paychecks. Your choice. Your reputation. Your self respect to deal with.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

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