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Vitori/Gracies State Tax Lien

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Jul 27 2024 at 1:06am

Topic: Vitori/Gracies State Tax Lien
Posted By: middielover
Subject: Vitori/Gracies State Tax Lien
Date Posted: Apr 16 2019 at 7:28am
Ami Vitori owner of Gracies in downtown middletown and a member of Middletown City Council was hit with another tax lien.

This lien was filed by the state of Ohio for over $6,000 in delinquent taxes.

These taxes go in part to fund our schools and local government services.

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: Apr 16 2019 at 9:24am
Find another hobby, middielover.

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: middielover
Date Posted: Apr 16 2019 at 4:34pm
Suzanne or Ami
You should get a life and start by paying your taxes.
As a local elected official Ms Vitori should be held accountable just as any ordinary citizen would.
Her Gracies business now has liens of over $80,000.

Borrowed over $70,000 from Moving Middleotwn Forward.

Posted By: middielover
Date Posted: May 09 2019 at 8:25pm
Wonder if Gracies is current on their City Taxes?

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: May 12 2019 at 7:50pm
Wonder if middielover has a hobby? Probably not.

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: buddhalite
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 9:45am
Don't know - but we know what yours is.

"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 10:49am
And we know what your's was at your past job. LOL Hope to see a big turnout at the wine and chocolate event for the ladies!!! Praying for good weather.

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: buddhalite
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 3:36pm
Frankly, Middiemom - you don't know what you think you know.  That last post was slander - and I'm going to treat it that way.  See you soon. Pinch

"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 4:41pm
You'll see me soon? Is that a threat, Buddha Buddha Buddha? Are you threatening me or are you  coming to the Wine event, Bob? That last post was a threat-and I'm going to treat it that way.  I never made a false accusation against you. Another poster did. Frankly,  Buddha, I think it's cowardice, but typical, you never had a word for him but threaten the lone female voice on this thread. Threatening a woman?!?!?!?!?!?! Big "Man". Please run for council.... please. Thumbs Up

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: buddhalite
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 4:59pm
You're spreading lies about me - and that just can't be tolerated in a public forum.  I have never - for the record - attacked Ms. Vitori over this.  IN FACT - I defended her to begin with and even gave her an out that she failed to take. 

As an elected official the people of Middletown are OWED an explanation - and then they can do with that what they wish.  Questions have been raised, and those questions are legitimate, and she hasn't answered - nor have you, whoever you are.  

I don't hide behind anonymous user names and slur legitimate people in the community.  You do - must suck to be you.

You know what - I'd run - I would.  But your ignorant, sexist, and uninformed posts show why I can't.  20 years ago I did something morally wrong, was called on it, got right with GOD - and that's all that matters.  You can sit on top your pious little soap box all you wish - but you're wrong - and GOD will get the glory in all this in some way - some fashion.  But because of yellow-bellied ignoramuses such as yourself - I can't put my family through running for office (even though 3 election attorneys have said it's all perfectly legal to run) but you'll try your best to destroy my family in the process.  And that says way more about your character than it does mine.

And FWIW - if I did run - I'd win by a landslide.  Just so you know...


"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 6:53pm
Bob, you're so righteous. Wacko You just threaten women on websites and tell them to not get their "panties in a wad". You are a sexist pig who cannot deal with a strong willed woman so you threaten them. What "lie" did I spread? Not one. Someone else called you out and you did not say anything to HIM. Please don't use me as an excuse for you not not running and winning "by a landslide". 

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: buddhalite
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 8:06pm
Interesting. You think I didnt have words with HIM? Just because you didnt see or.hear something doesn't mean it didnt occur. Your life is in your statement. If you only knew facts.....but sadly you don't. Keep it up, your statements will be your own undoing.

"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: May 13 2019 at 8:22pm
Still waiting to hear what lie I spread about you.

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: May 14 2019 at 9:01am
Getting interesting around here again!

Go for it, Bob--make it even more interesting!

Hey mom----how about free internet for the entire city??
We can afford it!

Drinking wine and eating chocolate---should be a good time
Not much else you can do down there

Why do what you do, mom?

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: May 14 2019 at 9:38am
It will be a good time, Spider, thanks!! Great weather projected. Hope all of your female members at BRCC will attend!

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: May 14 2019 at 11:34am
Hopefully bcc ladies participate, then return(with others!) to brcc for the best dinner in Middletown.
Downtown will be crazy

While covering two shubjects—how was ms.v allowed to vote on the internet project?
Seems like a conflict since her businesses are benefiting.
Maybe not the first time for her to vote on similar issues?

And why was this issue considered an “emergency”?

Posted By: MattR
Date Posted: May 14 2019 at 2:10pm
The contract was approved without the council knowing the details of the contract.
As I was told at a city training class, 'ethical conflicts exist only in your mind'.

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