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Housing - from last council meeting

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    Posted: May 18 2017 at 5:00am
Well, after reading everything on this forum in the last week or so - I am now caught up on everything that has changed in Middletown in the last 10 years.  Nothing.

I was however pretty appalled at the minutes and notes from the last 5/16/17 council meeting.  Especially the report on housing from Mr. Manager Adkins.

I'd like to comment....so I have quoted text from the minutes and attached my comments.  I don't know why I did this - but I couldn't sleep and decided to have some fun.  I hope that this spurs some insightful discussion and hopefully (but realistically I know better) action!  

Once the Council members returned to their seats, Mr. Adkins started his presentation. He stated there is a staggering amount of data available, as evidenced by the number of charts. As we move forward, he tried to come up with a comparison of where we were before to where we are now that makes sense. Census data was used to see where we were in 2000. We were pretty normal and compared about the same as the rest of Ohio and the US. We were in the ballpark in housing.  Along came the perfect storm over the past 15 years. We added new Section 8 vouchers, leaving us with the largest number of Section 8 vouchers in the State; AK experienced labor difficulties, leading to a lockout; the AK headquarters moved to West Chester. The Recession hit and wiped out jobs in every sector. Families moved their children out of the public school district and into private and charter schools. Eleven percent (11%) of our children do not attend the Middletown Public School System. The Heroin Epidemic struck.

Wow.  Ok.  There's a lot in that last paragraph - but let's be clear about a couple things.

1. AK Steel's continuing shrinkage has taken a toll on this community more than all other events combined.  This is what happens when a communnity's government rests on its laurels and sticks too long to the idea that one big employer is enough for a community.  Whoops.  Oh yeah, if you need further proof of this - pick any former GM town.  Yeah.

2. The recession didn't do as much damage to Middletown as the Middletown leaders did.  Continual reliance upon nearly bankrupt companies to fund this crazy town added to the destruction of dollars in the cesspool wasteland known as 'downtown' led to this.

3. Methinks the AK headquarters move had A LOT to do with the previous two points.  Think about it.

4. Middletown schools suck - yes - why?  Because the reality is that many of the kids come from low-income housing, section 8, etc.  I live in realville - and in realville - those kids don't have the same support system at home that, oh maybe east-end kids do.  It's just nature - but there's not enough kids on the east end to balance it out.  I really don't think that Middletown schools are all that bad - but seriously - what do you expect?

Everyone took a step back, but we took several steps backwards. Where are we now? Poverty is now up to 21%, which is significantly higher than both the County and the nation. The bright side is that we are now better educated than we were in 2000. Hopefully, Cincinnati State and MUM 7939 were part of that due to the fact that many people lost their jobs and went back to school. We lost many manufacturing jobs. We lost 4,580 people under the age of 54, and 3,159 working age adults. The average household income is $48,049; Butler Co. is $74,035; Ohio average is $66,409. 

Wow - yes - compared to 2000 - yep things are different.  West Chester was nothing in 2000.  Monroe was a shadow of its current self today.  All that great good wonderful cookie-cutter two-story 4/2 finsished basement and two car garage housing was built there.  

WHY?!??!?!  I'm glad you asked.  A lot of it has to do with geography and 'white flight' from Cincinnati.  Where did all the people come from that now inhabit West Chester/Liberty/Monroe?  Well, they sure weren't reproduced into the area.  Nope.  They got tired of life elsewhere and went somewhere where everything is NEW, BRIGHT, WELL-PURPOSED, LUSH, WEALTHY, UPSCALE, BOUTIQUE ad nausem.

And all that time - Middletown sat on its hands and fought companies and retailers who wanted to come here - in favor of 'revitalizing' downtown.  Yeah - what a VITAL part of our city that is.  And that right there is 50% of the problem......


Housing drives many other issues in the City. Poor quality or low value housing tends to lock in lower income and lower educated residents, limiting our work force development and income tax base. 78.4% of our housing is less than $150K. Vacancy went up to 14%; Butler Co. is 9.6%. Ownership is lower - 47.3% of our housing stock is rentals. 50% of our housing is 2 bedrooms or less. We are no longer competitive in the SW Ohio real estate market. Our residential property lost over $58,000,000 in value in over 4 years. We as a government and as residents artificially created a significant portion of our existing problem. We added significant subsidized housing; residents went into foreclosure; older smaller housing was converted to rentals; infrastructure, public safety forces and quality of life amenities were not maintained; and some landlords have not screened tenants for drug and criminal activity.

OK - low income does not equal low education in all cases.  Just Middletown.  There's no jobs here.  Nothing for entry-level folks.  Yeah, there's some - but not enough for the population.  Lemme ask this - how can someone who can't afford decent housing supposed to afford to commute every day to entry level jobs?  Sure - we have some retail - but even it has shrank in the last 10 years....

All residential property has lost value just due to economic causes.  Now - Middletown is a bit unique here.  A buncha housing was built all over the town during the late 90's and early 2000's - all of which turned out to be cookie cutter homes that started falling apart in 10 years and as a result lost value just sitting there - let alone the economic downturn.

What the heck was the 'older smaller housing' supposed to do?  Magically become the aforementioned 'great good wonderful' housing without investment?  Of course they became rentals - that's the cycle of real-estate!  New housing in the XXX'000's, wonderful schools, great neighborhood, close to shopping, mature neighborhood, centrally located, lots of shade trees, quaint housing, fixer-upper, handyman special, high-end rental, mid-level rental managed by a corporation, purchased by mid-level landlord who doesn't even paint, purchased by slum-lord who takes section 8, then Middletown west-end HUD housing.  

Plus - if the landlords screened every one of their renters - they wouldn't have any!  Let's be honest - criminal pasts are not easy to overcome - and you gotta start somewhere.  There's room for everyone - but those folks need a place to start and they need JOBS!  Section 8, food stamps, etc are not the solution!

The question becomes, “Are we willing to artificially un-create the damage?” One critical component to our path back to prosperity is quality housing. Danter was retained to help identify issues. Our problem is that we have astonishing housing for first-time home buyers, but we have nothing beyond that. People must move out of Middletown to find step-up housing. 70% of our housing is at the first-time level, with 15% at the next level. People move out. The idea is that we need to balance our housing stock. If we keep the same number of residential structures and we redistributed them to look like the rest of Butler Co., what would we have to do? Where do we start?

There's only one solution.  Everything west of University/Verity/etc....KABOOM!  But that's not realistic!  Get enough jobs so that people have some disposable income - and the housing will automatically upgrade as a result.  You know what government housing people find when they get jobs and work?  That they don't have to live in government housing.  We all live according to our means - and we've just got to increase the means for the City of Middletown.

Danter said we need a balanced housing stock. We need to build newer homes of higher value. This would add significant income to Middletown. We should be doing demolition to remove blight. We have been doing some demolition, and need to try to rebalance the housing stock. Most of our serious crimes are in rental properties. The top 10 landlords had 700 evictions. Tenants are being evicted several times. This is not good for housing, schools, etc. We need to get older, smaller stock with low value out of the City. Posters around the room give a tremendous amount of information and tell what is going on in each census tract. Fix it or destroy it by tract?

OK - If all this is true (which I don't doubt) then outlaw rentals entirely in Middletown.  Just make it where you have to own where you live.  That'll fix EVERYTHING!  If I weren't a Christian I'd call this what it really is.....something about bovine excrement....pure foolishness.  Just by making low rent housing disappear - this guy thinks that our crime troubles will be solved!?

Oh wait....I missed the first solution.  Let's just haul off and build a bunch of half-million dollar homes in Middletown - why that will fix all our woes!  Housing value means EVERYTHING.

There are a large number of tools successfully utilized in other areas of Ohio and the nation that we could use. This is the beginning of a discussion. 

Start naming the 'tools' - I'm waiting.  Many other towns like Middletown have the same issues - yes - and they all have the same problem.  No jobs.
Vacancy is high. There are programs that we need to be participating in. Vacant lots need attention. There are many tools that can be used for vacant lots. Maybe the neighborhoods should be deciding what to do with the vacant lots, within a framework.

Vacancy is high - because there are no jobs.  No job = can't afford housing.  Screw the programs - get some jobs for everyone and Middletown will be positioning itself to be the next big thing in SW Ohio.

Code enforcement – 100% of all structures could be compliant within 5 years.

Laughable - even 'wonderful historic amazing downtown' isn't code compliant - and we've spent more money than any city around trying to get it that way.

Mr. Adkins wanted to make sure the Council understood the data, and wanted to know if staff could develop a long term housing strategy consistent with the data and recommendations. He would like to develop this, although it will be long and hard to do, but these are the problems that need to be developed. We may need to destroy several blocks,  rather than leave holes through the community. He hopes that people will understand why we have to do what we will do. Mr. Adkins wants to give this presentation out in the community over the next 3-6 months and concurrently develop a new City Housing Policy for the next 10 years to address these issues in a responsible manner. He wants to work with the community. There may be smarter way to do things, and the community and the City should now be able to have a better relationship. He asked if the Council was on board with him moving forward.

Yeah - people will understand it when the council declares eminent domain on entire city blocks and wipes them out with a tandem row of bulldozers.  Don't worry says Manager Adkins - they'll get it.  All we have to do is create 'policy' in secret - vote on it unanimously without public comment or discussion and all the insiders in this town get what they want while the working man gets shafted in the process - and, oh yeah, moves to Franklin or anywhere but here.  

I really think that council thinks that we who choose to live here have nowhere else we could go/live if it weren't for their amazing job of managing our city.

Mr. Bohannon said our City is too landlord heavy. We need to clean the pool up. He said he would like to see all landlords be involved in the landlord process. 

That might just be the dumbest statement I've ever seen in official government print.  Let's get all landlords involved in the landlord process.  Will you be allowed to be a loandlord if you don't subscribe to the 'process'?  In what world is it proper for anyone to tell someone else what they must/must not do with their own property?  Is the city going to require a test for all landlords - and if you don't pass it they get to seize all your homes and demolish them becuase you might be renting to someone who did drugs in their past?  If your home has grass over 8" tall will the management levy a takeover of your property?  If a water line breaks - will the city-owned utility come and demolish your house?  Where is this going?

Mayor Mulligan said we didn’t get here overnight, and it won’t go away overnight. We need to look for some low hanging fruit, prioritize areas to get it accomplished, and pinpoint key areas. 

Congrats Mr. Mayor.  Brilliant insight - but not the least bit helpful.  Keep looking for the low-hanging fruit.  In a way - that's always been the problem in Middletown.  The real problems NEVER get tackled.

Listen folks - I'm no Rhodes scholar.  But this I know - there's no jobs in Middletown.  Until you fix that problem - you can forget any attempt at 'fixing' the housing crisis in this city.
"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises
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Nice overview. You have just summarized what we have been talking about for years on this forum. The topics you have mentioned from Section 8 to jobs to poor schools to downtown only focus have been well rehearsed on this site.

You will find you will be working against the wind as to the city leaders changing or doing the right thing to improve the city. We do not elect people who have any common sense nor do they want to change the mantra of the MMF who are controlling the direction of the city. They are in-effective in their decision making. You can't get a reaction that is satisfactory nor will indicate they really want to address and solve a problem. I am not convinced they know how to identify problems and solve them. They certainly don't know how to prioritize city issues as to importance. Expect business as usual with the same old failed results, no matter what the topic is. This is what happens when the voters keep sticking the same cookie-cutter thinking people behind the council desk. They must be there to massage their egos because they certainly aren't there to accomplish anything pertinent.   
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Joshua Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 18 2017 at 1:40pm
Can we at least agree it's better that the city government is identifying the problems and possible solutions as opposed to doing nothing?

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buddhalite View Drop Down
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Not from my perspective, Brother.

Identifying the problem is easy and painless - and that's all they'll ever do about it too.  That's the track record!
"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Joshua Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 18 2017 at 1:52pm
I guess we'll have to wait and see on that.
From my perspective, things are getting better in Middletown.
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buddhalite View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote buddhalite Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 18 2017 at 1:55pm
Hey now!  There's a great positive perspective!

I've been gone for the last 10 years living in other states - so I only know my perspective having been gone and come back.  I don't see it - but I'm willing to learn....

What specifically have you seen that makes you believe things are getting better in our fair city?  I'd like the different perspective.
"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises
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Joshua -

Since March 2009, Mr. Adkins has been in total charge of the city's housing programs and neighborhood efforts (not to mention millions in HUD funding).  Are we to assume that you are satisfied with the performance during this time?  Just think of the positive outcomes that could and should have taken place over the last eight years if a real world citywide comprehensive housing market analysis and action plan was in place!  The days of big bucks from HUD are over thereby making these many unmet tasks even harder to accomplish!

Nelson Self
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The development downtown, which posters on this board love to rant about is an improvement.  There are more and more reasons to go downtown these days.  
The construction on MHS and the new MMS is a much needed improvement to our school system.  While Vale is neat and historical building it's definitely time for it to be retired.  
The mall development is an improvement to that area as well.
These are all things that I have noticed and give me a positive outlook on the city.
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To be honest, in 2009 I was busy with raising two small kids and trying to manage a household than I was in paying attention to the happenings in Middletown.  Now that my kids are a little older I have more time and interest in following the happenings around town.  My opinions is based on the last two or three years that I have been paying attention.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Joshua Joshua wrote:

Can we at least agree it's better that the city government is identifying the problems and possible solutions as opposed to doing nothing?

Doing things wrong for decades is no better than doing nothing at all IMO.

"Identifying problems and possible solutions" you say?

Everyone in this city, except the priority blind city leaders the last three decades, has identified the poor streets and deteriorating sewers and infrastructure as a serious problem, yet, even today, the city commits millions of dollars and countless hours dwelling on the importance of their priority one downtown, which 90% of the town is not interested in. You tell me which is more important in the grand scheme of things, the roads, which benefit all or the downtown, which benefit a few. Most people living here, again, with the exception of the mis-focused city leaders, have identified poor paying jobs or, worse yet, no decent employment opportunities at all as a major problem within the city since the collapse of Armco/AK as a major entity here and the paper mills shutting down, yet, for decades, there has been no effort to find a solution to the replacement of these higher paying jobs lost over the decades. City leaders have sat on their hands and watched it happen and no alarm button ever went off.

City leaders, past and present, can't identify and then prioritize the real needs of the city and the wishes of it's people. The decades old agenda has failed to recognize the fact that the basics of this city should have come first and the little pet projects like the downtown are wayyyyy down the list as to importance. Instead, effort and money is placed on the "icing projects" before the cake is even baked.

The city foundation needs to be poured and hardened before the actual structure is built. They have prioritized in reverse order and the basic needs of the city have suffered. The water system is antiquated, the sewers are collapsing and the roads have grass growing where pavement should be and potholes that are ruining car suspensions at times. Careless disregard for the basics.

Another analogy:

The Griswold Christmas Vacation overcooked turkey scene. Stick a fork into the city and watch it fizzle. Trying to make it look good on the outside touting the downtown culture nonsense but there is no substance below as to basics.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Let's all be fair to Joshua, here - it might be construed that we are kinda disagreeing with him/shoving our opinions down his throat - which isn't really the purpose of our forum.

FWIW - I agree that there has been (albeit a small amount) of east end development in the last few years - It has been disappointing to me as all it did was recycle old space - yet we still have old vacant eyesores out there.

The school buildings are great - but what did it do for our schools other than put lipstick on a pig?  Sure - nice to look at - but the same results every year.

Joshua - I'm kinda like you - my kids are older - I'm paying more attention - but the one part I'm not sure about is downtown and the 'more and more reasons' to go downtown.  Maybe I'm missing things - maybe I'm not in the loop.  If there's a good reason to go - count me in, but other than the late night bar scene, I really don't see much.  Feel free to PM to me - I'd like to go to some of these things, but either I'm ignorant of their existence or the advertsing of the events is pretty poor.  Either way - inquiring minds want to know.
"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises
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VietVet View Drop Down
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"The mall development is an improvement to that area as well"

If you are referring to the old Towne Mall, that is all done with private money and development plans. The city did not screw up the development. It actually is yielding some positives although it took some time by the mall owner to accomplish. The city gets no credit for the mall development as they had no part in it.

The mall is a perfect example of the difference between how the public government sector attempts to develop property and how the private sector develops property. The Towne Mall has made more progress in the last three years than the downtown area has made in the last ten+ years and the businesses are much more significant in the mall location as to impact and attraction than the fru fru small business/on again/off again development in the downtown. Add to that the mall businesses offer more of what a typical resident of this city would want than the specialty/cultural/artsy/high priced/limited selection stores downtown.

"The construction on MHS and the new MMS is a much needed improvement to our school system"

Not necessarily IMO.

New buildings aren't going to improve the poor end result/final product this school system is putting out. The new elementary schools told all of us that new schools don't deliver any better results than the old school buildings. We have seen that for several years now in the test scores. New buildings are just a nicer place for the teachers and admin to go to work in. More modern buildings with the latest technology, yet, they still yield the same results. Something should seem wrong to all of us knowing that fact.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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I'm not sure if I was assigning credit for development to anybody.  All I have done here is talk about the positive developments that I have noticed around town.  
That includes downtown, the mall area, and I'll even throw out Fig Leaf because it is a classy place that my family and I like to visit.  There is no mistaking the fact that things are changing for the better.  There are more reasons for me (not all obviously) to go downtown as opposed to leaving Middletown for shopping and entertainment.  That sort of shopping and entertainment isn't for everybody but there is no denying it's a reason for Middletonians and other folks to come downtown instead of going elsewhere.  On the other hand the shopping and dining development near the mall isn't everyone's style but it's still a positive.  I believe it a positive that there is a wide range of shopping and dining options but I could be wrong as I am not a developer.

Ultimately I believe I joined this forum for completely different reasons than most which is pretty clear.  I certainly don't have the history here that many of the posters do so my outlook is a little different.  I joined this board because I was excited about what I was seeing in my city and I wanted to learn more. 
You said this regarding the schools, "New buildings are just a nicer place for the teachers and admin to go to work in".  Aren't the new buildings also a nicer place for students to learn in?  Are you aware that the classrooms without air conditioning in Vale (which are many) reach the mid 90's for a good portion of the day?  I know many of you were barefoot in the snow uphill both ways but that does make a difference in a child's ability to focus at school.  It also has an affect on the teacher (they are human too).  The learning environment does matter.
Now I will sit back and wait for the heat you all are going to bring me!  To be honest, I'm not sure why I keep checking this board out.  I guess I'm a glutton for punishment!

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Housing - from last council meeting

Two imperatives deserve immediate attention:  1)  significantly expand outreach to residents, mortgage bankers, REALTORS, home builders, land developers, title companies, appraisers, etc., to enhance an understanding of the stagnant state of the city's housing market and neighborhoods (particularly older ones); 2)  the acute need for cost-effective, productive and appropriate city housing policies, plans and programs to be developed and adopted.

Sad to say, the past is the past.  Enactment of a fresh, market-driven high-priority housing initiative is imperative.  As was the case nearly 10 years ago, senior One Donham Plaza staff should reach out to the private sector and residents (especially former target areas) to establish; a meaningful Middletown Housing Partnership.  Continuance of a "government knows best" philosophy must become a thing of the past.
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"Aren't the new buildings also a nicer place for students to learn in?"

Yes, but they are not learning as indicated by the data from the proficiency testing. Right or wrong, those scores are what the public sees and uses to gage the performance of the school district. They have historically been abysmal with no improvement in sight.


"Are you aware that the classrooms without air conditioning in Vale (which are many) reach the mid 90's for a good portion of the day? I know many of you were barefoot in the snow uphill both ways but that does make a difference in a child's ability to focus at school. It also has an affect on the teacher (they are human too). The learning environment does matter."

In reference to the "barefoot in the snow uphill" comment:

What is important in reference to that comment is that kids weren't coddled back then. They were expected to function in a hot classroom all day, everyday at school. Expectations were more stringent then. Today, kinder/gentler people in this world want to hold the young ones hand and spoil them rotten to the point where each generation since those times have become more soft and whiny and expect their behinds to be powdered for them. Today's authority figures, be it judges, cops, teachers or bosses, aren't doing any of the kids any favors doing kinder/gentler methods. We all know life after school is a hard road at times and when the kid is groomed to be spoiled, they don't know how to handle adversity, still expecting mommy and daddy to hold their hand to work through the problems. Old school thinking? You bet. Does old school methods still work.....you bet.....if we stop using new day methods to groom the next generation. There is nothing wrong with instilling a little discipline in a kid's life.

I know all about learning in the Vail non-air-conditioned environment. Went through three years of high school in that building. All schools in the 60's had no air-conditioning.......and now the rest of the story......the teaching of school subjects still went on as fans blew around hot air and windows to classrooms were full open. Tests were still given and students still passed sweating or not. Many students still went on the college, the military or to a trade school. The schools put out a good product back then. The school performance was light years better than what you have now and the kid's never had the bar lowered for them like the school people want to do now.

No heat Joshua, just facts.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote whistlersmom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 19 2017 at 9:16am

I hope you joined this forum (board?) to be able to express a point of view (yours) which may be different or opposing or supporting, etc. In other words for a healthy exchange of ideas and opinions from a cross section of all of Middletown’s demographic. I think those who have preceded you on this forum and who continue to contribute have been at times discouraged when the city continues down a declining path. But they have not abandoned this forum or this city...they live here too...and want to see a prosperous city for ALL.

So, do not give up! We need everyone’s input, more conversation, more show of concern. We may even come to some agreement on how to make it out of the “swamp”.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing" Edmond Burke
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote buddhalite Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 19 2017 at 2:24pm
We need to get the citizens of this town to be  roiling mad at our leadership before anything can happen.

How do we do this?  Anyone?  I'd give everything for 200 Joshua's, 200 VietVet, 200 Whistlers and 200 of everyone else out here to show up at a council meeting and make a stand against these policies that are ruining our very special, wonderful city.

Anyone got thoughts on how this happens?  Evidently this board doesn't have the reach alone to make it happen - so we need to draft others....
"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote whistlersmom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2017 at 5:23pm
Buddha suggested, under a different topic, that we should stop bickering.

Thanks buddha!!! You are precisely right. Let’s get organized! We need to find a focus in order to get city hall to refocus and recognize that ALL of Middletown’s demographics have to be included in our recovery. Again … we need more participation. We need to get everyone’s attention.

First we must determine how to get the general population of Middletown to see that we continue to be shafted by the powers that be.

The HUD debacle where we lost all control and all fiscal benefits to Butler and Warren Counties due to mismanagement is one very glaring mistake which, understandably, has been swept under the rug and is unmentionable at city hall. Can’t seem to get any public reaction here lately, so put this on stand by?

The Journal News, Thursday, 5/25/17, in a front page article said Monroe and Trenton are gaining a little in population. Monroe attributed their growth (+1,031) to available lots for new home construction and existing housing inventory that is in high demand. (The empty lots in Middletown due to demolition are NOT available for construction.) Monroe also cited the value residents see in their great school system. (Middletown has new school construction but is near to last in academics.) Trenton attributed growth (+893) to good school system, good business base and the availability of AFFORDABLE housing and land. Mr Adkins seems bent on tearing down all the affordable housing in Middletown (which encourages renting rather than owning) so now we do not even compare favorably with Monroe or Trenton in this economic growth indicator. Mayor Mulligan’s remarks put an adept spin on our miniscule growth (+119 which might be contributed to the annexation east of I-75) by making his usual rosy comments which bear very little basis in truth. He said “I think we have a lot to offer first-time home buyers and for people starting out.” Whoa!! Does our mayor really believe that Mr Adkins’ upscale housing plan will be AFFORDABLE to first-time home buyers????

How can we find a way to inform EVERYONE that the “housing plan” that Mr Adkins is espousing actually advocates tearing down MORE of the AFFORDABLE smaller homes in Middletown just because they do not fit “his vision” of future Middletown demographics (who would reside in upscale mansions). Those smaller homes are the homes of the current MAJORITY demographic in Middletown …. and that is middle to lower middle class which continues downward toward poverty level with the help of city hall. How can we inform this seemingly “silent majority” that their house, regardless of its condition, may be the next one to be bulldozed?

Where and how can we publish the following possible scenarios which will expose how Middletown’s majority middle class is being preyed upon? Their awakening is sorely needed. This could do it.

Mr Adkins, in his recent Housing Workshop, talked about using the Land Bank to take any property (possibly yours) which the city deems ABANDONED. What if your house is targeted for no other reason than they need to reach a demo quota, or they just don’t like you. Suppose you are away for a day or so, say for some personal emergency. The city inspectors, who have your property targeted, note a sudden lack of activity, no water usage, maybe no garbage pick-up. The city can then gleefully declare your property abandoned simply because THEY SAY it is unoccupied even though utilities and upkeep are maintained. The Land Bank can then clear the title for immediate demolition of YOUR home IF there is no mortgage or lien. The city has to act fast … and they will! When you return, you are homeless and all your possessions are gone!!!

I am aware of one instance that a city building inspector was sent to a specific residence to write it up on their nuisance ordinance. The inspector was unable to find anything non-compliant, and in front of the owner and a witness, proceeded to write up nonexistent violations. So it seems that the building inspections department will, under orders, write-up SOMETHING on every inspection trip. SO, IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOUR PROPERTY IS PERFECT OR NOT!!!!   It’s whatever the city wants it to be!!! If the city wants to take your property they will and THEY HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH LYING TO GET IT!!! City officials who lie on official documents (under penalty of perjury) should be sent to prison instead of continuing to receive a city paycheck!

Obviously the city will not care what happens to you.   Your small two or three bedroom, one bath home, that took you a lifetime of work to pay for (or have downsized to retire in), is gone just because it fits the description of what Mr Adkins wants to be rid of. What do you do now? Think about it!

Here’s ONE, of many other possible scenarios, of how the city can seize your home. You are retired and on a fixed income. You become ill and unable to physically or financially maintain your lawn to the city code. The city notifies you that you have, say 5 days to be in compliance with CITY NUISANCE ORDINANCE blah, blah, blah or they will:

1.) Have THEIR contractor mow your one inch too tall grass and fine you 2.5 times the contractors outrageously high fee.
2.) Without informing you, your fine is added to your property taxes.
3.) When, in a year or so, the compounded added assessments plus interest, etc. placed on your property taxes eventually put you in default … then the county puts your house up to auction for delinquent taxes.

But of course this scenario might take too long for the city to achieve a desired speedy seizure of your property.

And finally, the city, Adkins told us recently, has not been reimbursed for the demolition of the 400 or so properties which have already been torn down. Why, you ask? Could it be because, according to the grant, the city must take possession of your property before they can raze it? Only then can the property go to the Land Bank after which the city can be reimbursed. The city was never in possession of these properties, therefore they violated the owner’s Fourth Amendment (search and seizure) rights. The Butler County Auditor’s property records show that many of about 400 razed properties are still in the owners’ names, still accumulating taxes and fines assessed by the city (for DEMOLITION COST and perhaps for mowing by city contractors at 2.5 times their fee). These properties are approaching eventual foreclosure and auction for delinquent taxes plus fines levied by the city.

All of this is counter to our city’s recovery. This is DEMOLITION not revitalization. After razing about 400 properties Atkins wanted to build five better homes. Where are those new homes Adkins? Atkins speaks of replacing homes, but that has not and will not ever happen. So his plan is only about more destruction in our city. While other well managed cities in the country grow, expand and increase their tax base, our tax base shrinks and individual property taxes therefore increase..   Adkins wants to continue demolition and raise taxes again on the remaining overtaxed properties. This, along with his continually rising water rates, and his proposed more restrictive leases, will cause the loss of more residents, speeding up our downward spiral to the destruction of our city! How can council continue to IGNORE THE FACTS? Stop this insanity before it’s too late!

Quoted from the Journal News: “Housing drives many other issues in the city, according to Adkins.” That’s garbage! Better housing FOLLOWS not precedes good jobs, good schools, low taxes, low crime, and good amenities. If Middletown had all these attractions more working class people would want to locate here. With more owner occupied property and more pride in our community the housing problem would solve itself. Trying to solve Middletown’s problems through housing is insanely “cart before the horse.”.

PS. Quote from Journal News: “rental property in Middletown contributed to some of the city’s most serious crimes and accounted for at least 40 percent of eviction cases in 2016, according to City Manager Doug Adkins.” First, not the properties, but occupants of the properties contribute to serious crimes. And if rentals account for 40 percent of evictions what accounts for the other 60 percent of evictions? Are people being evicted from homes they own?

PPS. Most important … How can we reach the people who most need the information this forum provides? As a suggestion … what if each of our friends who have read this blog and who appreciate the messages would print out several copies to distribute wherever and whenever the subjects are brought up? Need feed back on this.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing" Edmond Burke
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote buddhalite Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2017 at 11:28pm
This is the million dollar question, my dear.......HOW?  I'm in but I'm only one person - well, the wife makes two...but we're gonna need MANY more.
"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2017 at 7:32pm
"PPS. Most important … How can we reach the people who most need the information this forum provides? As a suggestion … what if each of our friends who have read this blog and who appreciate the messages would print out several copies to distribute wherever and whenever the subjects are brought up? Need feed back on this""


Mass mail bumper sticker with "Got a computer? Type Middletown USA"

A mass mailed flyer to all Middletown residents explaining the existence and purpose of this site

A billboard

An ad taken out in the Journal telling the people this site exists

An ad on WLW radio

Is there a way to send some advertising via a Smart phone? Don't have one and am not tech savvy on them.

Calling Channel 5, 9 and 12 and advising them this site exists, that they should read the forum, realize there are problems in this city and that a city government/resident standoff exists in this city as to the direction the government wants to go as opposed to the direction the people want it to go. Might be newsworthy to at least one of the stations I would think.

Perhaps some negative news for the city outside it's borders will open their eyes......but, knowing them, they will probably ignore the bad press and label it, as they do everyone who disagrees with them, as "disgruntled".

The problem is, this city has been run so poorly for so long and has acquired such a bad reputation as an undesirable/ghetto mecca/you don't want to live there city of Butler County, it is now taken for granted that the city isn't worth the time to investigate why it is so bad. Sadly, this city has been written off by the surrounded cities as to a viable player in the region and one to be respected because it has been run into the ground by past and current city leaders. The boys and girls at city hall just don't get it do they.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Chief Muterspaw View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Chief Muterspaw Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 28 2017 at 11:06am
As I read this, I just have to shake my head a bit. Ask the majority of cops and firemen who are actually in these homes daily and not just talking about it online what they think....

They'll tell you the same thing the Manager is saying. It needs demolished or changed. A lot of these houses are vacant, full of roaches and bedbugs,, holes in the floor, no water or electricity, full of nuisance and people not from Middletown, but from all over bought to us through government programs. The majority of your tax dollars in public safety are going to these areas.

There are probably over 100 policemen and firemen who will disagree with you and your stance on this. And they are the ones in these houses every day dealing with the issues. If we continue to just rehab houses that sell for $15-$20,000 we will continue to have landlords from other states who were never here and rent to anyone regardless of the situation. Right now we have landlords from literally many other states have never been in Middletown or seen the house other than online who are running to people from anywhere for hardly nothing and not taking care of these homes. For example everyone wants the Parway Inn on Verity to close and we are doing everything we can to make that happen but the owners are in New Jersey and could care less about the problems it is causing here. That seems to be the norm around here.

Instead of thinking there is some widespread conspiracy going on or still living in the past from the sins of our prior leaders why don't we just move forward and try to get along and clean or city up a bit?   Like I told those upstairs recently we are all paying for these bad decisions from leaders in the past. Housing is a huge issue for Public Safety and public works. There needs to be change whether people like it or not.

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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 28 2017 at 12:58pm
Correct, chief
Clean it up--quickly and efficiently
We can't change the past though we HAVE to shape the future properly
You may not like what they say, however NO ONE posting on musa was much involved in the decision-making that put us here.

Admin needs to show some love and restore pride in our core blue collar neighborhoods and retail centers.
You and I know what rampant theft and destruction has done to the business community outside of the Broad Streef holy ground.
Overwhelming 24/7--no off-days from it.

Keep doing your jobs
We all appreciate and respect the efforts
Many of us have lived and worked here for our entire lives
Admin and Journal News can say/print whatever smoke they choose--
We know how it really is because we are in the middle of it every day.

Quality millennial need to step forward to be involved
A complete change in elected officials and appointments
Balanced and representative

If we haven't learned from the past---
Some live , learn and adjust
Others just live
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Analytical Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 28 2017 at 4:51pm
Chief Muterspaw -

I have always maintained that Home Ownership promotion, targeted owner-occupied housing rehabilitation and an enhanced partnership with the private sector housing industry are three principal tools to help stem the tide of property disinvestment/neglect and an increasing percentage of renter-occupied housing units in Middletown.

It wasn't that long ago that nearly 300 potential first-time purchasers enrolled in Home Buyer Education classes sponsored by the former Community Development Division.  Concurrently, nearly 60 first-time home buyers were provided supplementary financing for down payment/closing cost assistance and moderate repairs (in a number of instances), also by the Community Development Division.

Today, the city has turned over its' home buyer education role.  It has also farmed out the down payment/closing cost assistance program.  Both of these key activities are now administered by a nearby area non-profit organization.

The jury is out insofar as the current priorities to undertake aggressive residential property demolition.  The same holds true for the high priority emphasis on aggressive housing code enforcement.  Is there a need for a more diversified plan of attack and the opportunity to apply for/procure additional matching funds to supplement CDBG and HOME resources?

Over the course of my career, I, too, have been in dilapidated residential properties on many, many occasions.  I understand what you say about roaches, bedbugs, other inhabitable conditions, squatters, etc.  The paramount issue is, do current city policies make sufficient headway in eradicating these conditions and serve to improve overall housing market dynamics?

Yes, significant tax dollars are spent annually for residential property demolition plus housing code enforcement staff.  Prior to my arrival with the city in early 2007, housing code enforcement responsibilities were handled by the Police Department.  At that time housing code enforcement activities were transferred to the Community Development Division who picked up a good chunk of the administrative costs out of CDBG funds.

I am puzzled by your comment following:  "If we continue to just rehab houses that sell for $15-$20,000 we will continue to have landlords from other states who were never here and rent to anyone regardless of the situation." I am unaware of any city rental rehab program dating back to 2000.  I hope that you meant to say that there's great potential in the city for first-time buyers to purchase the abundant number of very low cost homes.

I don't believe that the future is hopeless and that Middletown is on a continuous downward spiral.  Yes, fresh market-driven thinking is the order of the day.  There are many civic-minded housing professionals like Walter Leap and Paul Renwick who have real world expertise that should be considered in the development of the city's policies, plans and programs.

You have a challenging position and I have never read one derogatory comment about the Middletown Police Department.  I do not believe that there is some widespread conspiracy going on.  But, I do take issue with past wasteful spending practices and questionable program policies.

Thank you for your comments.

Nelson Self
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote whistlersmom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 28 2017 at 5:37pm
Chief: Thank you for your comment!

Yes, we need to change!!! But we need and want change that sets us on a new course which improves our condition. We still have to work to correct mistakes and avoid repeating them again and again. And we will need more than a little bit of cleaning up.

Yes, we can agree that many rental properties with absent and uncaring landlords (slum lords) are a MAJOR problem. And their tenants were brought here through government programs. SECTION 8! Speaking of government programs, did city hall think they could use government program funding to solve all of our budget woes??? Boy, that worked well!!! In the RECENT past, management of the HUD program was taken away due to GROSS MIS-management under Mr Adkins. I wonder how much it cost the city to keep city management from being held accountable for that???

AND our city management PAST AND PRESENT encouraged those government programs, CAUSING the influx of undesirable people such as drug addicts, who are also thieves that prey on the rest of us. I have heard that Hamilton encouraged their addicts and indigents to go to Middletown where they could easily hide. I have personally fallen prey to thieving drug addicts. How many good people have left this city due to these circumstances? I have given up trying to call the police to report repeated break-ins because their phone is answered with a recording.

Yes, there are homes (mostly rentals) that should be demolished under our nuisance ordinance. There is concern that much of the housing previously demolished and soon to be targeted to demolish, does not fit the nuisance description, but were (or will be) torn down for other reasons which we have recently pointed out. Adkins has described his target housing for demo as smaller, older homes, under $150,000. That describes about 90% of Middletowns’ homes. Homes in Middletown have much lower value due to the location. A similar home in Mason, Lebanon etc., might be worth 50 to 75% more. Adkins has failed to mention AT ALL the NUISANCE properties that Chief Muterspaw has described. I am unaware of any $15-20,000 housing that has been rehabbed. To my knowledge the city has provided little or no aid (or loans) to law abiding low income property owners in need of assistance for rehab of their homes even though those programs do exist.

The REALLY SERIOUS problem properties have NOT been targeted for demo!!! Adkins is blaming our LOCAL landlords, placing restrictions on them, requiring that they do background checks (how legal is that?) and trying to make them responsible for their inability to attract decent people as tenants. This will only cause more vacancies. (Will Adkins declare these vacancies abandoned and ripe for demo?) Why not put all this misplaced effort on ACTUALLY tearing down the Parkway Inn instead of continuing to complain about it for years?? Surely there is legal recourse for such problems.

This is not a declaration of conspiracy but a statement of the facts. There will be no improvement until there is real change and it must start with changes in city hall.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing" Edmond Burke
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Analytical Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 28 2017 at 8:38pm
Whistler's Mom -

From mid 2007 through mid 2008, the Community Development Division formed a partnership with People Working Cooperatively (PWC) of Cincinnati that resulted in over $500,000 in funding for a lower-income owner-occupied housing rehab program.  The city provided $150,000 of HUD funds, PWC provided another $200,000 in labor, materials and capital, plus the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati provided the $150,000 balance via a Affordable Housing Program grant.  Approximately 100 home owners were assisted in remedying housing code violations, emergency repairs, etc. averaging $5,000.

Today, the city provides provides $50,000 in HUD funds and PWC allocates $50,000 annually.  The average amount of assistance now averages $1,000 per home owner.

When I was employed $500,000 plus was allocated for the low- to moderate-income home owner housing rehab program.  Additionally, another $150,000 was allocated for first-time home buyers purchasing homes that required rehab for loan commitment/closing purposes.  A couple of years back $500,000+ in the owner-occupied housing rehabilitation loan program revolving fund was diverted by city staff for even more residential property demolition.  The number now is reportedly 400 dwellings!!

Community Development Division staff established a relationship with the Greater Middletown Board of REALTORS then.  Paul Renwick, Board President and Walter Leap, Member Broker, both served as members of the former Community Development Advisory Committee that was UNFORTUNATELY disbanded by higher ranking city staff.

I am kept abreast by Vivian Moon and a couple of other concerned former target area home owners regarding demolitions in their respective neighborhoods.  They have raised valid questions regarding why some homes were bulldozed and others in worse condition were not.

It is time for Middletown to once again have a balanced offering of housing programs.  Much, much more emphasis needs to be directed to owner-occupied rehab and overall home ownership promotion that encourages both neighborhood residents and housing industry representatives to be meaningfully involved.  Without a partnership of some kind, the prevailing "city knows best" mentality will prevail.
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